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Everything posted by Exterminator

  1. yes... that is so true. Someone could understannd me also, can't wait till COdy sees this.
  2. yes yes!! Finally someone understands my feelings
  3. Well the funny thing is, my brithday on march 4 and it was maths exam on that day
  4. Go to /public_html/admin/ then in admin folder look for .htaccess and .htpasswd and delete them. But make sure to back them up before you deleting them. Once they are deleted. Try again and see if the message that says " TO LOG IN " is removed.
  5. Hey guys. So i was wondering how can I make it so, like members post right? And when they post Staff has to approve it before they can be public. And i want this with a group setting and specific forums. Thanks to whom who he gives me this. Regards,
  6. Here, read this: )If you still can't seem to fix your issue, PM me and I'll be glad to help.
  7. cya later justin, we will miss you
  8. I'm in year 11. Got one site, it's pretty good till now. I just need that small spark to it and I'm famous.
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