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Everything posted by Exterminator

  1. First of all non is spelled wrong. It's " none* " and downloaded template? lmfao show me where. I dare you. Awaiting your reply. P.S: dont make some shi*ty excuse ^^
  2. anyone want to request me to make them cool 3d looking text effect?

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Phun


      I think evarni actually wanted a 3D miranda kerr, not text.

    3. Exterminator


      AHH Ok will be done by tmr,.

    4. Evarni


      You are a hero among heroes.

  3. yeap let me send you the .psd but please don't share
  4. Awesome dude. I've posted on FB page already.
  5. the glitchy text is the whole point EDIT: Purple's background is done Sorry Ddnhf i did not get time, but ill make you later on. Enjoy Purple ^^
  6. Version 1.0.0


    This hook will restore the Terms & Rules before the register screen appears, just like in IP.Board 3.0.X and 3.1.X. [b]NOTE:[/b] It is designed to be used in default IP.Board installation. DON'T DOWNLOAD it if you use packages of IP.Nexus!
  7. i'LL BE done my tmr, too sleep now :3 Edit: I also made you this one like 2 weeks ago, if you din't get a chance - check it out: very simple
  8. sup guys, so this one took me about 4 hours to make but it was worth it and yeah here is the result and also give me a rating out of 5.
  9. Hey guys so as you can see I had some free time and I thought I'd make some thing for Phun in particular. It took me about two~three hours to make and about three~four hours to render ( the 3D element ) And yeah guys, give me a rating out of ten? So yeah here is the master pieces Glassy effect added* http://i.imgur.com/ehaJIJH.png Glassy effect not added* http://i.imgur.com/iPhzydI.png *reason I'm giving links instead of showing it visibly, is because it re-sizes the picture and I don't like it. Programs used:Photoshop CS6 Extended
  10. If you got the hook file. Open it in notepad and search for : "Google Site Search" (WITHOUT QUOTES) and once you find it rename it to what ever you want. So example could be: "Google Search" If that does not work then i'm pretty sure someone here has any other solution.
  11. So i've been working on this logo that i made for my friend as he requested me and i made one. can you guys give me a rating out of 10. Btw his name is Avesta
  12. Hey guys, I would like to know how to remove "index.php?" at my address bar like WebFlake. So like from: "http://webflake.sx/index.php?donate/" TO: "http://webflake.sx/donate/" I just want my site to look clean and all. Any answers would be great. Cheers
  13. yeah i do have them The corsair H100i
  14. I had the same problem. Go to ACP > Look and Feel > Template Tools > and Recache your skin.
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