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Everything posted by Exterminator

  1. Yes, yes I have. I clicked reset to default, cleared cache, and refreshed, the issue still remains. BUMP: Nvm, i fixed it.
  2. Hello guys so I installed a fresh copy of IPB, and right after I installed IPB, I installed an app afterwords. The App successfully got uploaded and now I can't seem to find "Other Apps" in my tab menu via ACP. Take a look at this picture:
  3. Hello there. I just made two for you, completely customize-able. Version One Version Two
  4. omg. This is flippin epic! MAN. Awesome job, sweet. +1
  5. da herro! da welcome to webfalke. da have fun!
  6. hey guys i will make you a free logo for ur company/site if you request it. you can check my works at other topics if you wish to.
  7. here you go mate: PM me if you want a final copy.
  8. Will someone help me make a logo for my community site? I'm not a graphic user but the name is Major Sports Talk. Any takers? sorry I posted in the wrong section I thought this was the graphics section. my bad! here you go mate: PM me if you want a final copy.
  9. Version 2.3.0


    This application will manage VIP Members on your forum. You can promote users to a specific group and provide a number of days he will be as a VIP Member. After that time, he will return to his original group automatically. You can add/remove days, make the user a Permanent VIP Member and demote members easily. At every action (when member becomes a VIP Member, when he is demoted and when his time in VIP Account is changed) user will receive an automatic message. You can also configure a number of days remaining to finish the plan VIP member and he will receive an automatic warning. [b]New features:[/b][list] [*]Added the ability to use VIP group on secondary groups [*]Fix the bug that wasn't demoting users to their original group when uninstall VIP Members application [/list] [b]Note:[/b] A public list of VIP Members was added in version 2.1.0. If you don't want to show that list, go to your [b]Admin CP -> System tab -> Manage Applications & Modules ->[/b] on the line of VIP Members click on the pencil to edit the application -> click on [b]Tab Permission[/b] tab and mark [b]YES[/b] on [b]Hide for all current and future groups?[/b]. Also doesn't choose any group in [b]Allowed Groups[/b] in this APP Settings.
  10. Version 2.2.0


    This hook will show similar topic titles on post screen, after user types the new topic title. [b]Settings:[/b][list] [*]Allowed groups to use the hook [*]Forums where the hook will work [*]Number of topics to appear on similar topics list [*]Minimum length per word [*]Group color on user links [*]Search type: all forums or current forum [*]Sort results by 4 options (start date, last post date, posts, views) and sort direction (Asc & Desc) [/list]
  11. Version 2.0.0


    This hook will shows users that are using [i]Secondary Groups[/i] in Members search results.
  12. Version 1.1.1


    This hook will allow admins to view all IP addresses used by a member in his profile and ban those IPs on the same screen, from the forum side. This hook will only works for those who can access Admin CP and aren't restricted in MEMBER TOOLS (Can use the IP address tools?). Links to IP Addresses list will appear on:[list] [*]profile page [*]personal card [*]online list [/list]
  13. Version 3.1.1


    This hook will show forums moderators in board index and subforums.
  14. Version 1.0.0


    This hook will create a new block in sidebar (board index) to show the TOP 5 reviewed files in IP.Downloads.
  15. Version 2.0.0


    This simple application will allow your members to make upload of images to your host. Useful if you have a board that needs to post images, screenshots, etc.
  16. Version 2.0.0


    This hook will show a counter with total users registered today in your board statistics. When you click on the counter link, you will see an ajax popup listing all those users. [b]Settings:[/b][list] [*]Add VALIDATING MEMBERS to the counter? [*]Add INCOMPLETE MEMBERS (Facebook, Twitter) to the counter? [*]Add BANNED MEMBERS to the counter? [*]Allowed groups that will can see the total members registered today link [/list] [b]Compatibility:[/b][list] [*]IP.Board 3.2.X [/list]
  17. Version 1.0.0


    This hook will close topics immediately when they are created. You can select forums which it's active in hook settings.
  18. Version 1.0.0


    This hook will change behaviour of user links in board index online list in two ways:[list] [*]Will remove the last activity time [*]Will open the profile card when mouse over the user link. [/list]
  19. Here ya go mate: Wait till it gets approved.
  20. Version 1.1.0


    [b]Description:[/b] Replace your dull one logo setup with a random logo, showing as many logos as you want randomly.
  21. I'm sorry but I don't have this. BUT If you want to do something like attaching .RAR files to your download this is how its done: ACP => Forum => Post Attachments => Attachment Types When you are there click on once you've clicked on that. Then on Attachment File Extension put rar For Attachment Mime-Type put: application/rar Then Allow this attachment in posts? click Yes. Then hit the button. Hope I helped.
  22. I just realized my upload in the skin section for IPB has the most downloads in WebFlake :P - http://webflake.net/files/file/684-58-skin-pack/

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Exterminator


      Give me link?

    3. Yuu


      http://webflake.net/files/ - Bottom left, where it says "Top Authors".

    4. Evarni


      Locking this.

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