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Everything posted by Exterminator

  1. Guys if are interested, here are the actual in-game names of the signatures. The 1st one is: league of legends renekton The 2nd one is: warring kingdoms jarvan The 3rd one is: pantheon league of legends
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_9yfMOrMmlM
  3. Thanks Evarni :)And I think you know why I put that kind of pic on your logo
  4. Recently I've been bad at WebFlake ( sometimes not following rules and making staff mad and getting warning points etc. etc..) so I thought I'd make it up to them and make some logos? If that's what you wana call it Well, let's start off by the Almighty Phun. -------------------- ALTERNATE: -------------------- (I think he's into business?...his profile pic..) DOWNLOADABLES: Hope you like 'em. Request if you need any.
  5. Excuse me. I did not know you gonna be offended?
  6. When you say "Never regret it" you mean like you deffo want me to be Donator and it is deffo worth it?
  7. Hey guys. I acutally might Donate. But is it worth it? Like I want know what is your experience etc... I relaly don'y want to regret this. Hope to see some nice komments.
  8. welcome to wf. I live ur avatar
  9. My name is Exterminator, I'm the almighty Terminator. I will bash you with my rhymes, Evarni. You are struggling, what happening? I guess you are not worth rappin me, cuz I'm the P.I.M.P
  10. Roses are Red Violets are Blue Hey who's there?!BOO HOO!
  11. I even added [m.edia]link[/m.edia] and did no work. Resolved.
  12. Have a 58 IPB 3.3.X skin pack. Dunno where to post it.

    1. Exterminator


      I asked Paradizze, but he is busy, so I'll ask him later when when he's free.

    2. Exterminator


      btw here's a preview: iEVELTf.png

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