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Everything posted by Exterminator

  1. So this guy called Bens Tech Tips, i saw his site's/profile's logo and it looked to mainstream and ... um.. dull.( NO OFFENCE!!) Anyways, I thought I'd make him a few high-quality and high rez logos. (3)
  2. welcome to wf. and don't underestimate phun/para
  3. Thanks for the Guide, Davlin. Really appreciate it.
  4. Hey guys so I went to this site called validator " Markup Validation Service" And i typed in http://webflake.sx to check if there are any errors to the script? But anyways here is the verified link:http://validator.w3.org/check?uri=www.webflake.net&charset=%28detect+automatically%29&doctype=Inline&group=0 ( scroll down to see errors ) What do you guys thinks about my gaming desktop?
  5. Version 3.3.X


    Gravity Red Enjoy
  6. Version 3.3.X


    [b]Description:[/b] The Gravity design is a modern "web 2.0" layout utilising a collapsible sidebar to contain all navigation. The design also includes descriptions-on-hover to reduce clutter on smaller resolutions. [b]Compatible with:[/b] The latest versions of IP Board 3.x, Gallery, Blog, Downloads, Chat, IP.Content and Nexus [b]Additional info:[/b] The skin comes with a psd file for the logo and is compatible with all major, modern browsers including Internet Explorer 8/9, Firefox, Safari, Chrome and Opera. After purchasing this skin, you will be able to download it immediately from your Client Area on the forums.
  7. Here ya go mate wait for it to be approved
  8. Version 1.0.3


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