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Everything posted by Isabel

  1. @Cookie Monster The same thing happens when you mentions someone using @ in the Forum In practice, when someone in the chat mentions you by clicking on the nick, the background of the entire message where you are mentioned is colored (based on the color of the theme) He displays the colored soliloid who has been mentioned (the others see it normal) @Nikola Try this: it worked for me
  2. If I did not understand bad, maybe this may be useful to you
  3. @Laur@Glont So you can try both ways: with the writing and without
  4. @Laur@Glont Did you also want the blue word above? I did not put it in your request, you did not mention it ...
  5. @Cookie Monster Thanks, you're so kind @Laur@Glont I tried to do something similar to the original. If you like to use it as well (I've also attached the only transparent logo so that you can edit it if it's not okay)
  6. I apologize: this is the demonstration that I am not a graphic artist ... I thought this was a particular font, not the text to write I'm sorry
  7. I'm not a graphics expert but if you can be fine, that's what I've been able to do just by cleaning the script and adding it to the background for the logo I attach the png writing with a transparent background if you want it in another position or if you prefer to make it smaller or bigger
  8. @Comendator Thank you so much for sharing this turorial. I have a question (my code knowledge is equal to zero): after performing this procedure, is it mandatory to use a rectangular avatar or who can still insert, for example, a square avatar?
  9. Apologies and greetings Hi everyone, apologize for late submission and for my bad English. My name is Isabel and I'm new to the IPS world but I'm really fascinated Thank you all for your work
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