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Everything posted by Isabel

  1. @#N3CK Sorry for the delay in the reply but, thank you, it works. Now the help request can be closed
  2. Welcome... I think so many will appreciate ... Thanks for sharing
  3. Thanks for your kind help, I'll let you know if I can do it
  4. I'll try to get it done to a friend, hoping it will succeed (I'm really a disaster in these technical things) Excuse my inexperience: does this mean that I can do that procedure for each group, changing only the group ID? Keeping the rest of the code unchanged? And if I do it for all the groups I get all the Secondaries to match the Primary, right?
  5. Yes, true but in this way I have to do it for every single user. I was looking for the chance to do it for everyone at once
  6. Hi, I hope I can explain myself correctly ... (my english is bad, sorry) In practice I have some applications that work according to the Primary Group and the Secondary and sometimes do not work properly because they consider only the secondary group of a user. Since I do not use any Secondary Groups, is there a way to disable all members from what is called the Secondary Group from the system? I would like to have only Primary Groups. Or alternatively, make sure that everyone's Secondary Group exactly matches the Primary Group of each user How to do?
  7. @#N3CK Thanks, as soon as possible I'll try
  8. Sorry but I did not understand: when I'm in Forumrow what should I change?
  9. Hi guys, can I ask you a courtesy? If I click on the link with the date of submission of a discussion in the Homepage, I will open the last comment inserted, right? But the same thing happens if I click on the title of the last comment ... Is there the possibility through the settings of the Forum, which for example by clicking on the title (1), I open the first post of that discussion, while clicking on the date (2), open me regularly as now, the last post of the discussion? I looked all over the panel but my ignorance in the matter is the host and I have not found anything I do not remember if you can do it through the panel settings or maybe I saw a plugin that would allow this. Do you have any idea how to get this result?
  10. If I'm not mistaken, in ACP> Comunity> Forum you should be able to organize both the categories and the sub-categories, regardless of the theme used EDIT Oops, sorry ... I did not see the Moderator's intervention
  11. @titcrunch Nice, I like this. I've just tried on 4.3.3 and unfortunately the result is a tag with the initial part truncated (both on the personal theme and Default) Would you be so kind as to update the code so that tags can be displayed whole even in IPS 4.3.3? Without changes on a personal theme With changes on a personal theme With changes on Default Theme
  12. #elChatboxContent .ipsDataItem_new { background: #000 !important; } I use this and it works for me ... Try it
    Thanks for sharing but compatibility is only 4.0 and 4.1 I just tried it on 4.3 believing it was an update of what I had but it works very badly
    It also works perfectly on 4.3.2 (With necessary changes)
    Thank you so much for sharing this plugin EDIT: For @ivofacundoktk in the message above Maybe I do not translate English well and maybe I do not understand perfectly but ... I seem to read that you're testing it for 3 or 4 days or am I wrong? If so, I wonder how you're testing it, since the plugin was added to Webflake only 13 hours ago ...?
  13. If I understand correctly, maybe this can be useful It is not the most updated version but it still works for me
  14. Maybe this can be useful (it works for me)
    After entering the message to be sent automatically and saved the settings, the message is displayed double, divided by a comma, in this way (it stores both translations) Does anyone know how to solve the problem? Or at least prevent the dual editor for the language to appear, so that only one text of the message can be displayed?
  15. @hardxeno Welcome! I love Italy ... Which parts of Italy are you from?
  16. It is a pleasure to see that more people are working to help all those who, like me, need assistance and advice ... Congratulations to @killshandra and @Lucidious
  17. It is always a pleasure to see that the team is enriched with new valid elements ... @WhatWentDown @Shu Congratulations!
  18. Amazing! Thanks @Cookie Monster Here you can close
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