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Everything posted by Isabel

  1. Hi, would anyone tell me where and how I can translate the names of the reactions (Like, Sad, Confused, HaHa, Thanks)? I can not find...
    Unfortunately, on 4.2.5 I can not set the number of viewable users (fixed to 8) ... Thanks a lot too
    Works perfectly even on 4.2.5
  2. You do not have to apologize for your language (my fault I do not know English). I would like to understand how to insert the icons that you describe above ... what is "breadcrums"?
  3. @mr-pimpen Forgive me but also translate from English into my language, I can not understand the procedure you describe ... and whether it works for 4.2 or just 4.1
    Thank you so much for sharing the latest update of this great application!
  4. Isabel

    Feedback Complaint !

    @Comendator Do not be angry! The web is full of envious people who maybe, only criticize you for failing to find the resource you've found (and maybe bring it to other forums) Or something simpler could have happened: who did it incorrectly typed the red button instead of the green one, a moment before closing the page, convinced you thanked ... It's not worth getting angry for these people: I am sure that Admins also see your commitment apart from unfair criticism
    From author's responses to the Support Topic, it looks good also in IPS 4.2 https://invisioncommunity.com/forums/topic/415734-nb40-pinned-posts/?do=findComment&comment=2704141
  5. Maybe this can help you https://ckeditor.com/builder
  6. Merited promotion ... Congratulations @Setup !
  7. I think this can be useful to you Bye
  8. @dmx1 I think for your problem, the plugin author has solved it with a new update a few days ago ... https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7310-group-legend/
  9. @killshandra @Cookie Monster Considering the total silence of the user for a week, I'm quite right about you
  10. ??? I'm sorry but I really do not understand your request: I put you 3 pictures in the above message and the first one is the logo without background... that I then only highlighted in the other 2, putting the background
  11. I do not understand your request: do you want another logo with which writing? The same letter from the previous time "Angelzone"? Do not the others go any better? Or is it for another forum? Explain better ... Based on the little I've been able to understand, I did this ... I hope I can be fine Logo with transparent background (you do not see the text because the word is white) The same logo put on a black background to see the result Test with the background you published If you like, just resize the first logo to the size you want and place it in the position you want P.S. You have to decide: I can not do anything new every week ... You are already on the third request in no time
  12. I apologize but my english is not good: I do not understand what you are asking ...
  13. To resize your background as the first one, it's not easy because the proportions are completely different (like comparing almost a 16: 9 TV with a 4: 3 TV) I did what I could to get something acceptable ... And since in the center of your background is all empty, I've provided you two different versions by also putting the central and non-lateral logo You choose what you want (even the size of the logo has been changed in the two versions) No, I do not speak Romanian
  14. Now just overlay it in the position you want
  15. @Laur@Glont Do you have the background to use for the logo? I hope so
  16. I thought he wanted to include it in the Banner that she had indicated in the first Post of Opening ... In that case it would be easy
  17. @killshandra I apologize but my English is very bad ... I do everything with a translator I'm sorry
  18. I do not understand ... Do you mean that? but with "Angelzone"?
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