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Everything posted by Birdman

  1. Version 4.3.6+


    Titan for IPS.Suite 4.3 Titan is the ultimate gaming theme, based upon a large wallpaper image which is blurred behind textured navigation and category bars. Easily upload your own image via the theme settings to completely change the colour scheme, or let your members choose from a predefined selection! Theme features Theme Settings Easily enable, disable or modify theme features such as background images, logos, social media links, guest messages and colors. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required. Unique navigation design Titan features a unique navigation design, utilising an animated effect on-hover. Blurred headers The navigation bar and category headers inherit a blurred version of your background image. Compatible with all modern browsers, except IE. Social links Social links can be enabled/disabled and customized to your own URL, allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (facebook, twitter, etc) Background picker Your members can choose their own background image (or color) from a predefined selection and their choice is saved via cookies. This feature can be configured and disabled if necessary within the theme settings. Global message Display a message across the top of your site with important announcements. Once your members have seen the message, they can press the Dismiss button to remove it (until you configure a new one). Guest message A customizable message can be shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum. Two designs, "billboard" and "alert" (shown) are available. HTML logo with slogan Easily add/edit your text logo and slogan from within the theme settings. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead. Mega Footer A mega footer with configurable column numbers and content can be enabled and customized all within the theme settings. Demo // Detailed list of features What's New in Version 4.3.6+ Released September 18 Compatible with IPS.Suite 4.3.6 Fixed zebra striping in some tables, particularly in 3rd party addons Fixed pagination colours when used outside of the ipsButtonBar class Minor bugs reported in the ipsfocus Bug forum have also been patched
  2. Version 4.3.6


    Dit is een Nederlandstalig taalbestand voor IPS Community Suite 4 en bevat de vertaling voor de volgende onderdelen: Systeem Conversies Forum Kalender Galerij Pages Blogs Downloads Clubs Aanmeldings Logboek 2.1.2 Leden Kaart 3.5.1 Geavanceerde Tags & Prefixes 3.1.10 Automatisch welkom 2.5.4 Bim Chatbox 3.1.1 Zowel de front-end als back-end werd volledig vertaald voor deze onderdelen. Installatie instructies Log in op het AdminCP controlepaneel Ga naar 'Customization' --> 'Languages' Klik op 'Create New' en selecteer de tab 'Upload' Selecteer het gedownloade bestand en klik op 'Save' Upgrade instructies Log in op het AdminCP controlepaneel Ga naar 'Aanpassingen' --> 'Talen' Klik rechts van 'Nederlands' op het pijltje dat naar beneden wijst om het vervolgmenu te openen Klik op 'Upload nieuwe versie' Selecteer het gedownloade bestand en klik op 'Opslaan' This is the Dutch translation file for IPS Community Suite 4 and contains translations for: System Converters Forum Calendar Gallery Pages Blogs Downloads Clubs Login logs 2.1.2 Member Map 3.5.1 Advanced Tags & Prefixes 3.1.10 Auto Welcome 2.5.4 Bim Chatbox 3.1.1 Front-end and back-end are fully translated. Installation instructions Log into the ACP Go to 'Customization' --> 'Languages' Click on 'Create New' and select the tab 'Upload' Select the downloaded file and click on 'Save' Release opmerkingen Het taalbestand bevat geen formeel taalgebruik, dit betekend dat de Jij/je vorm is toegepast. Er is geen vertaling van Commerce.
    Work perfectly, there are 3 files in this zip. One for IPS 4.1.x, one for IPS 4.2.x and one for IPS 4.3.x
  3. Someone who has Auto Welcome 2.5.4 for IPS 4.3 https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7449-auto-welcome/?changelog=0
  4. Someone who has Login Logs 2.1.2 for IPS 4.3? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8184-login-logs/
  5. When I look at the templates I see the code for snow.
  6. Special holiday effects By toggling a switch in your theme settings, you can enable special effects to celebrate events throughout the year including Christmas, New Years, Halloween and Valentines. The same also applies to the following themes, e.g. villian, uniform, Elegant, Titan, Carbon etc, etc. But where can I find that switch?
  7. @Bim the author of the chatbox plugin knows about it, and he says ' It's a known bug and will be fixed in the next 3.1.1 version. ' The solution for now is to go back to chatbox version 3.0.2
  8. Do you really use chatbox version 3.1.1? This was a known problem in version 3.1.0 and would be solved in version 3.1.1
  9. You can e.g. 'member map' and 'awards' replace to the more map. Go to your ACP-system-menu manager-and drag the 2 folders to more. After that, do not forget to press the 'publish this menu' button
  10. Do you have a backup before the update, to put it back?
  11. When I look at your site, I get the following message, [[Template core/front/global/globalTemplate is throwing an error. This theme may be out of date. Run the support tool in the AdminCP to restore the default theme.]] It looks like your theme is out of date. Can you still come into your ACP and restore the default theme?
  12. Version 3.5.3


    IPS 4.3 ONLY Member Map is an application that allows your users to put their (Exact or approx) location onto an interactive map. Member Map has a permission model so you can limit which groups can add to the map. As an administrator you have the ability to create custom groups where your community (when allowed) can place other markers in the map, for example if they would like to post the location of an upcoming meet, exhibits, shops, etc. For developers If you are a developer and you store location data in your app that you'd like to show on the map, you can now do so creating a membermap/Mapmarkers extension. Instruction on how to use it is included in the auto-generated file. Released May 21 3.5.1 Bug fixes. 3.5.0 This is a compatibility update for IPS 4.3. This app no longer works on IPS 4.2.
  13. Go to your ACP - Customization - Themes - Edit HTML and CSS - CSS - bimchatbox - chatbox.css and find the code #chatboxWrap { height: 300px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: hidden; resize: vertical; } Replace with #chatboxWrap { height: 300px; overflow-y: scroll; overflow-x: auto; resize: vertical; overflow: hidden; }
  14. That button already exists, look at the bottom right of your site.
  15. Have you tried this? Go to Direct admin, select PHP version, PHP settings, and then to post_max_size, adjust value
  16. Have you already searched for menutab__name of the application_icon? Remove the translation here.
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