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Everything posted by Birdman

  1. That is possible, ACP - Members - profiles - profile settings - Member history Note: This does apply to all members and more.
  2. ACP- Customization - Languages - France - then the globe - and then search for {# [1:min][?:min]} {# [1:hr][?:hr]} {# [1:dy][?:dy]} {# [1:yr][?:yr]} and adjust this, I think this is your problem.
  3. And if you set the language to English? If it does work, then the error is in your French translation.
  4. Go to ACP - Members - Members - Vince - Countent count - Recount
  5. Does anyone have this last version to share it? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7622-50-off-villain-4x-ipsfocuscom/
  6. ACP -> Language -> lang -> edit (pencil) -> location
  7. Who can share the following: Auto welcome 2.5.6 https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7449-auto-welcome/
  8. You can only download 3 files / 24 hours, Look here https://webflake.sx/donate/
  9. Thanks for Bim chat free 4.0.4 Someone who wants to share the following: (BIM) Chatbox+ 1.5.4 https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/9342-bim-chatbox/
  10. Who can share the following "Member Map 3.6.4" https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/3070-member-map/
    Snowstorm, I had the same problem, but now it works perfectly. Go to your ACP, Support, Something isn't working correctly.
  11. Version 4.4.10


    Dit is een Nederlandstalig taalbestand voor IPS Community Suite 4 en bevat de vertaling voor de volgende onderdelen: Systeem Conversies Forum Kalender Galerij Pages Blogs Downloads Clubs Aanmeldings Logboek 2.1.2 Leden Kaart Geavanceerde Tags & Prefixes 3.2.0 Automatisch welkom 2.5.6 Bim Chatbox 4.0.7 Zowel de front-end als back-end werd volledig vertaald voor deze onderdelen. Installatie instructies Log in op het AdminCP controlepaneel Ga naar 'Customization' --> 'Languages' Klik op 'Create New' en selecteer de tab 'Upload' Selecteer het gedownloade bestand en klik op 'Save' Upgrade instructies Log in op het AdminCP controlepaneel Ga naar 'Aanpassingen' --> 'Talen' Klik rechts van 'Nederlands' op het pijltje dat naar beneden wijst om het vervolgmenu te openen Klik op 'Upload nieuwe versie' Selecteer het gedownloade bestand en klik op 'Opslaan' This is the Dutch translation file for IPS Community Suite 4 and contains translations for: System Converters Forum Calendar Gallery Pages Blogs Downloads Clubs Login logs 2.1.2 Member Map Advanced Tags & Prefixes 3.2.0 Auto Welcome 2.5.6 Bim Chatbox 4.0.7 Front-end and back-end are fully translated. Installation instructions Log into the ACP Go to 'Customization' --> 'Languages' Click on 'Create New' and select the tab 'Upload' Select the downloaded file and click on 'Save' Release opmerkingen Het taalbestand bevat geen formeel taalgebruik, dit betekend dat de Jij/je vorm is toegepast. Er is geen vertaling van Commerce.
  12. I do it this way, ACP- Customization- Themes- Edit HTML and css- templates- Core- Front- globel- ipsfocus_branding and replace this line, <li class = 'ipsfocusCopyright'> <a href="https://www.ipsfocus.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> IPS Theme </a> by <a href = "https: // www.ipsfocus.com "target =" _ blank "rel =" noopener "> IPSFocus </a> </li> With <li class = 'ipsfocusCopyright'> <a href="https://www.ipsfocus.com" target="_blank" rel="noopener"> </a> <a href = "https: //www.ipsfocus .com "target =" _ blank "rel =" noopener "> </a> </li>
  13. And if you removed the Villian theme and then reinstalled it again?
  14. You have the wrong version of chat box, uses the new version.
  15. As soon as he is approved by a moderator, it becomes visible to everyone.
  16. Thank you man, that works.
  17. Version 4.4.2


    Chameleon by ipsfocus Chameleon Dark is an adaptive skin which uses semi-transparent "frosted glass" content boxes, allowing your background image to partially show through. This allows you to easily customize the genre of the theme by changing only the background image. The header collapses on-scroll, and stays at the top of the screen for easy access. Themes features Theme Settings Easily enable, disable or modify theme features such as background images, logos, social media links, guest messages and colors. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required. Sticky, shrinking header The header shrinks in size and sticks to the top of the page for easy access to user controls and the board index. Frosted Glass content boxes Your background image is displayed beneath your content boxes which have a frosted glass effect (available in all modern browsers except IE and Edge). Background picker If enabled, your members can choose their own background image from a predefined selection and their choice is saved via cookies. Guest message A customizable message can be shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum. Two designs, "billboard" and "alert" (shown) are available. Social links Over 20 social links can be enabled/disabled and customized to your own URL, allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (facebook, twitter, etc). If your site doesn't exist, it's easy to add custom icons to the list! HTML logo with slogan Easily add/edit your text logo and slogan from within the theme settings. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead. Mega Footer A mega footer with configurable column numbers and content can be enabled and customized all within the theme settings. High quality on every screen! By using scalable fonts and css effects to create the theme, it'll look great on any screen - even ones with high resolutions! Want to see more? Check out the screenshots and live demo on IPSFocus! What's New in Version 4.4.2 Released March 21 Upgraded for IPS 4.4.2 Reverted numerous template files in an attempt to make future updates easier The dropdown menu when viewing a Club has been neatened on mobiles Fixed the grid layout in the Topic Thumbnail add-on The “Manage album” dropdown menu can now wrap if necessary, preventing the layout from breaking in certain languages Fixed the Enhanced User Profile add-on on mobiles The alignment of the Network Status table has been fixed Re-coded the “highlighted replies” feature to use css variables. This makes customising the highlighted posts much easier.
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