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Everything posted by Birdman

  1. Version 4.4.2


    Villain 4.x by ipsfocus.com Villain is a dark, semi-transparent dark skin which includes a simple background picker allowing your members to choose their own image from a preset array of high quality background images. Perfect for any community, and especially great for gaming forums or site who want to offer customization options to their members! Compatible with the latest versions of IP.Suite 4.x, Gallery, Blog, Downloads, Chat, IP.Content and Nexus. Theme Features Theme Settings Easily enable, disable or modify theme features such as background images, logos, social media links, guest messages and colors. This makes modifications and upgrades very simple since little code changes are required. Background picker Your members can choose their own background image from a predefined selection and their choice is saved via cookies. This feature can be disabled within the theme settings. Guest message A customizable message can be shown to guests, prompting them to either register or login to your forum. Two designs, "billboard" and "alert" (shown) are available. Social links Social links can be enabled/disabled and customized to your own URL, allowing you to easily link to your social network pages (facebook, twitter, etc) HTML logo with slogan Easily add/edit your text logo and slogan from within the theme settings. If required, the text can be replaced by an image instead. Fixed header The header on Villain stays attached to the top of your browser for easy navigation. The header can be made static if necessary by disabling the setting in your ACP. Demo and detailed list of features available on ipsfocus. What's New in Version 4.4.2 Released March 21 Upgraded for IPS 4.4.2 Reverted numerous template files in an attempt to make future updates easier The dropdown menu when viewing a Club has been neatened on mobiles Fixed the grid layout in the Topic Thumbnail add-on The “Manage album” dropdown menu can now wrap if necessary, preventing the layout from breaking in certain languages Fixed the Enhanced User Profile add-on on mobiles The alignment of the Network Status table has been fixed Re-coded the “highlighted replies” feature to use css variables. This makes customising the highlighted posts much easier.
  2. And can you tell me which Setting?
  3. And how did you do that?
  4. That is not version 2.0.8, but 2.0.7 The latest version 2.0.8 is Updated for IPS 4.4 and is Released February 20
  5. Someone who has Enhanced User Info Panel 2.0.8 https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8551-enhanced-user-info-panel/
  6. Version 1.0.9


    This plugin allows users to easily create topics about movies and actors and fill them with content automatically. Requires a free TMDb API key which can be obtained here. Features Users can add movies, series, anime and actors to topics. After attaching the content, which can be done easily using a search with auto complete, the thread will show various information about the chosen content above the post. The topic will show the movie poster, cast, trailer, tagline, link to IMDb, rating and much more. Discussed movies and actors can be shown in adjustable widgets which allow random, recently posted, most discussed and much more... Posting content can be restricted to certain forums. Movie boards can show movie content with the posters above the topic list. Access rights to edit and post content. How to Install Go to ACP > applications and upload the downloaded tar file. After installation a free TMDb API key has to be added in the settings. The API key can be obtained here. Demo noexcept.de video Compatible with other ThreadStarter plugins Other plugins This product uses the TMDb API but is not endorsed or certified by TMDb. What's New in Version 1.0.9 Released February 17 Added Portuguese and Russian language Fixed an issue with selecting subforums
  7. Version 1.0.9


    This plugin allows users to easily create topics about steam games and fill them with content automatically. Features Users can add steam games to topics. After attaching a game, which can be done easily using a search with auto complete, the thread will show various information about it above the post. The topic will display logo, screenshots, description text and various other information about the game. Discussed steam games can be shown in adjustable widgets which allow random, recently posted, most discussed and much more... Posting games can be restricted to certain forums. Game forums can show steam content with the game logo above the topic list. Access rights to edit and post games. Only works for games on steam. For all other games check out ThreadStarter: Games How to Install Go to ACP > applications and upload the downloaded tar file After installation the plugin will pull a full list of steam games in the background which will be updated once per day. This games can be attached to topics as shown in the screenshots. Demo noexcept.de video Compatible with other ThreadStarter plugins Other plugins This plugin is in not affiliated with or endorsed by Steam or Valve Software. What's New in Version 1.0.9 Released February 17 Added Polish, Portuguese and Russian language Release date of games now shown for all languages Fixed an issue with selecting subforums
  8. Version 4


    Show a legend of your groups in Who's Online and Recently Browsing active users list, sorted in the order you specify and linked to the search system. Handy so that people know what those group prefixes and suffixes mean. FYI: Be sure you are running the latest version on the newer versions (4.3.x) of Invision Community. Also, if you end up with errors in the logs that seem to implicate GNI make sure you have EXIF installed - that's the root cause of the problem and the plugin is just getting caught in the crossfire. What's New in Version 4 Released February 2 4.4 Compatibility
  9. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin will allow filter language strings by app or plugin
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This plugin will set a number of content items that users must have to start a private message. User will still be able to reply to existing/new private messages. Settings: Display number of items required on the error message Number of content items required Apply restrictions to (choose groups)
  11. Version 1.0.0


    Animation of the notification icon The plugin adds animation to the new notification and after hovering over the icon. What's New in Version 1.0.0 Released February 28 No changelog available for this version.
  12. Version 1.2.0


    This is a simple plugin that alters the amount of text/image shown in quote boxes. The changes are purely visual, no permanent change will be done to the stored post. It is also backward compatible with older posts. And everything will be restored if the plugin is disabled/uninstalled. What's New in Version 1.2.0 Released February 25 IPS 4.4 compatibility update.
  13. Version 3.1.2


    Application Forms opens up a world of possibility for you and your community by designing, curating, and managing custom application forms. Application forms can be designed from scratch with an infinite number of custom field types in over 20 different types, enabling you to fill any need you might have. Let your community submit their application for your position, proposal, project, or idea! Do you want to harness the power of your community for brainstorming ideas? Do you want to run contests where everyone must follow the same guidelines? Are you looking for way to interview new clanmates or members? Do you require a background check on new staff members? If you need a way to ultimately manage user input in a methodical and orderly manner, then Application Forms is the best way to do it. Instead of wasting your time with forum posts where users may or may not follow your posting guidelines, require and draft a custom proposal form where users must follow your specifications. Buy Application Forms to build amazing submission forms! FEATURES Application Forms features deep integration with native IPS functionality, giving you the design macro to let IPS power your custom field types: Address Checkbox Code Color Date Editor Email Address Member Number Password Poll Radio Rating Select Box Telephone Number Text Text Area Upload URL Other features include: Unlimited number of Forms Unlimited number of fields in each Form View all submissions with ability to edit and PM member Auto-link to new Forum Topic with ability to create poll for voting Send a PM After form submission Only allow members to apply once Member benefits such as promoting membergroups and secondary membergroups This application also includes support for the Rules App Version < 3.2.0 are for IPS 4.3.x Version 3.2.0 is for IPS 4.4.0
  14. Version 3.1.3


    This is very simple chat system with the basic features: Ajax chat, auto update. Display as IPS widgets, so you can place it in sidebar or top page. Sound notification. User can toggle on/off. Admins/Moderators can block users. Users can ignore some chatters they don't want to see. Load more messages when scrolling end (or top). Announcement (on Top or Tab). Supports emoticons, URL, Image URL (gif, png, jpg) *NEW* Supports GUGGY to turn any text message into funny GIF and Sticker by using /guggy command (Eg: /guggy I love you) *NEW* Supports GIPHY to finds GIFs and Stickers by using /giphy command (Eg: /giphy happy new year) *NEW* Supports Youtube, playing video in iframe and popup @mention by clicking on usernames. Flood control. Bad word filters. Time format. Display newer messages in top or bottom. Permissions for viewing, chatting & management. Edit/Delete messages. What's New in Version 3.1.3 Released December 26, 2018 Fixed security issues. (We would like to thank @newbie LAC for his assistance)
    The last official version is 2.0.7, how can this be version 2.0.8?
  15. Thanks for the upload, but this is an old version that has already been uploaded in August, look here So the question remains, who has the last version to share?
  16. Version 1.0.3


    Keeps track of the number of registered members that have visited your site in a custom duration and also records which day you set the record for the most members online in the same day all options done via the front settings and Admin CP. Features Show online users for how many hours ago. Who Can See. Show Stat. Limit Maximum Number of The List. Groups To Exclude From the Link. Order Users Link By. Sort Type. Show user photo. NEW User photo size. NEW What's New in Version 1.0.3 Released November 24, 2018 New option in Admin CP show user photo on/off. New option in Admin CP user photo size.
  17. Version 2.1.6


    EasyPopup is a simple application to create the modal popups for your site. Some features: Width/Height for your popup. Transition open/close: FadeIn/FadeOut, SlideIn, SlideUp, SlideDown, SlideBack. Transition speed. Positions: Top Left, Top Center, Top Right, Middle Left, Middle Center, Middle Right, Bottom Left, Bottom Center, Bottom Right Background color. HTML content or upload image. Supports advertisement tag in the HTML code: {advertisement="key"} Auto close and show timer on popup. Showing popups every page loads or every X minutes. Waiting for X miliseconds to show. Easy to determine URL where to show popups. Uses IPS Member Filter System to show popups. (filter by groups, content count, joined date, last posted, last visited, reputation, member of the day....) Demo: http://demo.ipsviet.com/easypopup.html/ Support Topic: https://community.invisionpower.com/topic/417292-bim40-easy-popup/ What's New in Version 2.1.6 Released December 1, 2018 New option to open link in new tab
  18. Version 1.0.2


    Keeps track of the number of registered members that have visited your site in a custom duration and also records which day you set the record for the most members online in the same day all options done via the front settings and Admin CP. Features Show online users for how many mins ago. NEW Who Can See. Show Stat. Limit Maximum Number of The List. Groups To Exclude From the Link. Order Users Link By. Sort Type. Show user photo. NEW
  19. What's New in Version 3.1.2 Released December 17 Fixed recently emoticons. https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7465-bim43-chatbox/
  20. Does anyone have this last version to share it? https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/7622-villain-4x-ipsfocuscom/
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