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Everything posted by James

  1. Hello there, welcome to Webflake. I hope you enjoy yourself, feel free to message me if you need any help around the site.
  2. Hi there, welcome to the community! I hope you enjoy yourself dearly.
  3. James

    Spark 3

    This is a wonderful looking skin but that header being that big doesn't look so good, I'd recommend doing something about that perhaps? I mean if others like it, it's not a big deal but there's a lot of space that isn't needed.
  4. Hi there, welcome to the forum. I hope you enjoy yourself, feel free to contact me if you need some help.
  5. I'm sure you'll find plenty of useful things on the forum, if not more. Welcome to Webflake.
  6. Yes, the normal security questions for registration. You could also look into different CAPTCHAs people around the Web people have made.
  7. Lol'd. I think I might have heard of something like this, I may have to give it a try.
  8. Welcome Tux, I hope you enjoy yourself while being apart of the community and hope to see some nice things come from you.
  9. James


    Hi there, welcome to the site. I hope you enjoy yourself, Jex.
  10. Username: Saviour First Name: James Age: 18 Rate your English out of 10: 8 Additional languages spoken: N/A Software specialization: IPB Detail your Moderator experience: I've had years of experience with various RSPS communities mostly with running some of the top communities (not sure if wanting names or not), while handling some of small communities. I've been an owner, developer (forum wise), global moderator, forum moderator out of my eight years of being apart of RSPS communities. My top highlights include handling donations, support relations, staff team, and ensuring the community runs completely stable in terms of rule breakers. I'm also a senior supervisor for one of the world's largest question and answer site (WikiAnswers or Answers). Other qualifications (such as programming languages, CMS, etc): Honestly, I might not have enough experience in terms of PHP, HTML, CSS (though these programming languages might be simple, I don't learn from simply looking at a couple of tutorials, or pictures - I'm a hands on learner) but personally, I have many experiences such as listening skills, paying attention to things around me, handling things with ease under stressful events and so on. I have always wanted someone to take me under their wing to mentor me in programming languages because I know for a fact it would benefit me in the future. I've had general experience with vBulletin and IPB as far as making sure that it looks professional, sleek, and welcoming however but in terms of programming the software itself, I would most definitely love to learn. What can you bring to the team? I believe I would be able to bring enthusiasm to reach new heights, achieve new goals, and do my absolute best to make sure that the website is free from rule breakers, spam, viruses and so on. I always try my best in every thing I'm apart of, especially a staff team. It brings a ton of experience because of the way we might come across an obstacle and having to test our limits. I can always learn my mistakes should I ever make one, and I know I will do my best. Why do you want to become a Junior Moderator? I might not be the most active on this forum, but I can ensure that I can bump that up to the standards that many people want to find in a moderator and of course without making it seem I'm power hungry for the position but most of all, I like to expand my horizons, with this said, I've never been apart of this type of community nor have I moderated for this type of community so it would definitely be a challenge that I would put my full 100 percent best in and hope that I will be guided through the way. I want to put more-and-more experience behind my name for future stuff such as jobs, and I always love taking on new challenges that I know I will do my best. The worst thing someone can tell me is no, even then, I will do my best to ensure that I will do what I can for the team.
  11. James


    Hello Claus, welcome to Webflake - I hope you enjoy yourself mate.
  12. Hi there, welcome to Webflake.
  13. Alrighty, thanks for the insight and you as well Lock Down.
  14. So technically there is no way of handling this than to disable the IMG bbcode (which we both know that won't play out so well)? I can't imagine administration at Webflake not being worried about this themselves, right?
  15. Hi, I attempted to fix this myself before coming on here for support but wasn't able to. People are able to use a website that provides them like an invisible IP logger where they can set it for their avatar (unless you don't know how to do that) and post it in their signatures (currently have it disabled until a solution is found) and post it in PMs (disabled it in PMs. From what I've found, it uses the IMG BBC which like I said, I've disabled in PMs and in signatures, however, I can leave it off for PMs but I can't for signatures. What could I do about this if anyone has suggestions, that would be awesome? And thanks in advanced for the help.
  16. Oh wow... I didn't think that was the right option, I tried it and it was - thanks for the help you two, I apologize lol.
  17. I'm not wanting it to show on each page, I'm wanting it to extend more to the right so the sections and boards and the sideblocks are below the shoutbox like shown in the second picture. From what I see, the source of the second picture - it doesn't show on all pages at the top.
  18. Hi, I'm wanting to extend the shoutbox towards the right of the theme, I found a setting but I do not believe it's the right one as it's extending where the shoutbox lay themselves, not the boards or however you want to call it. More or so [so] that it looks like this: As you can see, it extends to the right... sorry if that doesn't make much sense..
  19. Oh wow... I can't believe I missed that Kingy, I don't know who or when that was marked as 'Yes'... even though I passed the setting like four times when I checked the usergroup... -.- Thanks.. I feel dumb now.
  20. Hi, I'm having with one of the usergroups. For some reason the GFX Designer I have implemented into the forum is not appearing in the Overall Top Posters list for whatever reason and I'm not sure what's causing it. It's this for those who don't know who I'm talking about... http://webflake.sx/index.php?app=members&module=list&max_results=20&sort_key=posts&sort_order=desc&filter=ALL Suggestions on this?
  21. Version 3.0


    Staff Edit - This file has been shifted from uploader because the original uploader's account no longer exists. The current author had no part in the creation of this file, and no support is given at all from the author. Front-End Demo username: [email protected] password: demo Back-End: http://pintastic.co/admin/ Time for Pintastic v.3! Up to 10 times faster and even better looking than v.1 and v.2, it also features more ways for you to earn money. Paid memberships, VIP status and featured pins can now all be purchased using PayPal. Pintastic v.3 is also multilingual and supports subcategories and animated GIFs. There’s even more to the new version: a color filter for pins, a smart search, and a landing page you can customize and turn on or off. The system has been entirely rebuilt using an updated version of our custom framework. All this has been fittingly dressed in an attractive contemporary design with fresh new interface. Since we are offering a Pinterest clone script, we’ve also followed up on their latest layout update. In addition to our standard integration with Facebook, Twitter and Instagram there is now a Share button connecting to almost 300 social sites. We’ve also kept all the great features from v.2: - unlimited users, - complete banner ads system, - pinning from websites and your own PC, - gallery pin, - repins, comments, likes and following, - unlimited regular, shared and secret boards, - previous and next pin, - filters for gifts, videos, latest and popular pins, - a built-in CMS, - ability to change the texts throughout the site from the admin panel, - complete site management.
  22. Version V1


    Theme modified by Ecila team Romania. Version - 3.4.x Staff edit: This file is in no way associated with Soulcist. We've assigned the file to Soulcist because the original uploader is no longer active. Do not expect any support for this theme.
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