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Everything posted by James

  1. Hi DJ, welcome to Webflake! I hope you enjoy your time while being here and hope to see some work from you!
  2. Welcome to Webflake! I hope you enjoy yourself, and love your avatar lol.
  3. Lol... I do wonder if we'll be able to do it, I guess we have to be more ninja huh? 2
  4. Hi Export, welcome back to Webflake.
  5. Listening to some Breaking Benjamin right now hehe... have a concert coming up that I'm going to!
  6. Hi Patrick, it's nice to see a new face on the forum. Welcome to Webflake, I hope you enjoy yourself here as I'm sure you will. I also can tell you that you will find many useful resources towards your favor as others have (even me) and will come to find this site being a big resource! Welcome again!
  7. You can do this by removing everything in the registerCoppaStart template under registration screen branch.
  8. I think he's talking about actually coloring the topic title which is...
  9. The shoutbox application is actually something called an application while those settings you see (and all the extra ones) are called hooks. All applications when installed make a new page for themselves (technically), to find the applications you've installed... Other Apps -> Shoutbox (or whatever it's called) -> Settings: Hook: Global Shoutbox
  10. What is the version of this hook?
  11. Interesting.... here. http://uppit.com/w4uppej0e84z/CJ_PROFILE_MOD.xml
  12. I took a quick look and you saying there being a maximum of 10 on a page, I looked for it and found this, can see if it works and reupload the XML file. I looked and found the code... 'limit' => 10 ) ); under /* Fetch */ I do hope that answers your question and helps as I'm pretty sure that's what you're looking for. So, edit the XML file and then reupload.
  13. Good thing I'm the winner then lol.
  14. If I'm correct, and REMEMBER this correctly. This is due to using the outdated HTML markup modification someone has had, you can try to use a different one. I noticed you have it because your username(s) are red in view new content. You can first try (to see if it at least works) to update your templates (XML and what not) in template tools. Edit: This also has a fix for this if you're using the same modification,
  15. Yeah haha, I noticed finally where the image cuts off. So if you want it like that, it's apart of profile customization. You simply go to your profile and about in the upper right, there should be a button to directly edit your profile background. If not, it's in your user control panel. This is what you're asking, yes? The more I think about it, you weren't very clear or I'm confusing myself ridiculously.
  16. I can't tell if that's the entire background or only the little part of the header kind of thing for profiles page? Either or, I'm assuming you're running 3.4.7 because that version is 3.4.6 and .6 allows the header to only do part of the background for profiles while 3.4.7 will cover the entire background of profile pages now (at least in the section that the profile information is showing of course). I'm pretty sure that is the case as I noticed the feature whenever I upgraded to 3.4.7.
  17. From the look of it through permissions and from what I saw, I don't recall allowing an administrator being able to do this. I would imagine some kind of hook would have to do the trick for this kind of thing (and I wasn't able to find one that could do this, at least from a 10 second search). You obviously can make it so the regular member can not see the board, or at least can see the board and view the threads but not be able to post in the board. You could perhaps make another uploading board for regular members where all content of it is moderated and people in an uploader usergroup will have another board where they can post as they wish without the moderation setting being on. I personally wasn't able to find anything past this though, sorry.
  18. The reason I asked you about the webhost is because I have gotten that error. When I was installing the forum, it said I had a memory limit or of the sort so I figured it was because of that. You could perhaps contact your webhost to either help you set a new limit of memory. I personally haven't had a chance to contact 000webhost (as I'm only using them for testing purposes) so that's my best guess.
  19. Have you checked your upload configuration in general configuration settings group? Perhaps the upload path was changed and you not realizing it. I also noticed that you are using 000webhost because of the familiar name they use with their administrator names and MYSQL's etc., so let me ask you this. When you first installed the forum, did you get ANY error message such as limited memory or anything of the sort?
  20. That's pretty big, so you can try to decrease it to like... 190? You are obviously free to mess with the number but if it's that large then I'm going to go ahead and guess that's the reason you have such big pictures.
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