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Everything posted by Justin™

  1. Great list of resources. Been using some of them for a while.
  2. The fact is no country including the U.S. is going to spend the money required to take your site down, after all you're not a big site like megaupload was, but they can easily block access to your site.
  3. After reading all the post let me mention this: You said your board has a keygen license which in all reality is a fake license so, you are in violation of the IPS terms of service. Secondly, Cloudflare is a U.S. based company so, it responds to DMCA notices and can remove it's protection from your site anytime it choices. Finally, your server location is meaningless if you are an U.S. citizen. The government can seize your domain whether it's in the Neitherlands or any other part of the world and it doesn't matter what TLD you use. The fact of the matter is if you are a U.S. citizen, you must abide by the the U.S. laws.
  4. Go to your ACP > Look & Feel > Your Skin > Templates > Subscription Manager > copyright and delete everything between the division tags.
  5. Most download accelerators/managers break downloads into multiple sections in order to simulate an actual speed increase in your download speed. This is what causes the "You have exceeded the maximum amount of downloads allotted to you by the administrator for the day" error.
  6. Adsense does care. Sooner or later everyone gets caught if they run an illegal site.
  7. The skin has no call backs and does not need to be cracked or nulled. If you want to remove the Audentio Design copyright, just find and remove this from the skin's global template. <span class="copyright_row">Skin Crafted by <a href="http://www.audentio.com" title="High quality IPB skins" data-tooltip="High quality IPB skins">Audentio Design.</a></span>
  8. Much easier just to adjust the refresh rate through your ACP > Shoutbox > Settings > Ajax Refresh then editing the database and a lot safer too.Yeah, David, you're correct. This belongs in IPB tutorials, lol.
  9. Go to your ACP > Other Apps > Shoutbox > Settings > Global Configuration and edit the Announcement section.
  10. Actually, it seems to be Content Spy.
  11. The Forum Stats are special coding that adds them in a sidebar block. You can find the tutorial here:
  12. Here's some more codes.tm1SxfDMOjeCb0ATPfr3o87GPTN9Ybel0Cf79Xv7
  13. Good work bro. I did a rip of the theme when they first switched to it, what a pain in the butt. Too may edits to give away free.
  14. Yes and I do. Everything is written in both English and Chinese.
  15. You need to disable the hook/mod or remove it altogether. Then search "reputation" for any newer versions.
  16. The hooks/mods you are using are for 3.0 and may not be compatible with your board version. Also in order to use any Reputation mod you may need to change the default settings. Go to your ACP > System Settings > Members > Reputation System > Reputation type and switch it to something other then the like system.
  17. You do realize that IPB already has tooltips and they can be added just about anywhere. For example, if you want your descriptions to be in a tooltip change this: <h4><a href="{parse url="showforum={$forum_data['id']}" seotitle="{$forum_data['name_seo']}" template="showforum" base="public"}" title='{parse expression="IPSText::striptags( IPSText::htmlspecialchars( $forum_data['name'] ) )"}' >{$forum_data['name']}</a></h4> <p class='desc'>{$forum_data['description']}</p>to this: <h4><a href="{parse url="showforum={$forum_data['id']}" seotitle="{$forum_data['name_seo']}" template="showforum" base="public"}" title='{parse expression="IPSText::striptags( IPSText::htmlspecialchars( $forum_data['name'] ) )"}' data-tooltip="{$forum_data['description']}">{$forum_data['name']}</a></h4> <p class='desc hide'>{$forum_data['description']}</p>
  18. 365 downloads

    Category tabs is a simple hook that will convert your forum categories into a tabular style layout. Clicking a tab will hide the current category and then instantly load the new one. This hook utilises Javascript to power the switching but also degrades nicely if Javascript is disabled. [b]Demo:[/b] [url="http://ipbdev.tomchristian.co.uk/"]http://ipbdev.tomchristian.co.uk/[/url]
  19. The lack of continuity on other forums, including the IPS forum, shouldn't effect how WF is run or allowing foreign language posting.
  20. Things like this should never happen. This is an English speaking forum and anything that's posted or uploaded to it has always required an English translation or description. This being said, the guidelines no longer even mention it.
  21. Go to your ACP > Other Apps > Shoutbox > Settings and choose Theme 2.
  22. Messages usually go in the global template but, you could insert them into the boadIndex template also.
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