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Everything posted by Justin™

  1. Make sure you are using something like this: Group Formatting Prefix <span style='color:red;'> Group Formatting Suffix</span> If you need to, you can add &nbsp; &nbsp; after </span>. I had to do it on mine.
  2. Group Name Indicator is what you're looking for. http://webflake.sx/topic/289-hook-group-name-indicator/
  3. Find this in your global template: <ul id='secondary_links' class='ipsList_inline right'> and below it add this; <if test="siteruleslink:|:$this->settings['gl_show'] and $this->settings['gl_title']"><li><a href='<if test="ruleslink:|:$this->settings['gl_link']">{$this->settings['gl_link']}<else />{parse url="app=forums&amp;module=extras&amp;section=boardrules" base="public"}</if>'><if test="siterulestitle:|:$this->settings['gl_title']">{$this->settings['gl_title']}<else />Community Rules</if></a></li></if> Save and you're done.
  4. If you installed it correctly, click the members tab and on the left side panel you should see Group Name Indicator. Click on that and change the colors for each user group. Note: If you are using Group Name Indicator 3.4, this is not an official release from the original mod author and may contain bugs.
  5. Welcome to WebFlake, Reagan. Please read our guidelines and familiarize yourself with our board.
  6. A freelance forum would only cause friction among members. People paying for services and not paying for them or others running off with payments and not completing the job is just is a little too much for a forum where 90% of the members are 16 and under.
  7. As they say in my country, go forth ....
  8. Not enough information. Need to post a step by step guide, lol.
  9. Yes, guest only be able to view categories, forums and subforums but, never read topics until they register. If they can read, and possibly download from, topics, why would they need to registered.
  10. They are bots but,maybe not "spam" bots.Block the IP range.
  11. Welcome to WebFlake. Please read our guidelines and familiarize yourself with our board.
  12. 50 downloads

    [b]Description:[/b] Adds the Vine media tag to your media bbcode list. See what Vine is [url="https://vine.co/"]here[/url].
  13. 1,410 downloads

    [color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]This application will allow admin to setup a badge for any groups in topic view with a large customization options.[/size][/font][/color] [b]Features[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]:[/size][/font][/color][list] [*]Admin can set up Application on/off. [*]Admin can set up which groups have a Badge in topic view. [*]Admin can set up which forums show the single badge [*]Support for secondary groups (thx to Adriano) [*]Badge "Link To" feature [*]Admin can choice the Badge from 5 beautiful type ([color=#008000]others badges coming soon[/color]) [*]PSD Included [*]Add, Edit and Delete Badge mask [*][b]Plugin System [img]http://bbcode.it/new_icon.gif[/img][/b] [*][b]Upload System (upload your badge) [img]http://bbcode.it/new_icon.gif[/img][/b] [*][b]Infinite badge support (you can upload all badges you want) [img]http://bbcode.it/new_icon.gif[/img][/b] [*][b]Custom Style (you can "move" your badge anywhere in the topic view) [img]http://bbcode.it/new_icon.gif[/img][/b] [/list][b]Compatibility[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica, arial, sans-serif][size=3]:[/size][/font][/color][list] [*]IP.Board 3.4.X [*]IP.Board 3.3.X [*]IP.Board 3.2.X [/list] What's New in Version 2.0.1 ([url="http://community.invisionpower.com/index.php?app=downloads&module=display&section=changelog&file=5309"]See full changelog[/url])[list] [*]Fixed: secondary group check [/list]
  14. 1,160 downloads

    [size=4][color=#282828][font=helvetica]With this application you can setup a MotM (member of the month)[/font][/color][/size] [size=4][color=#282828][font=helvetica]on your board.[/font][/color][/size] [b]ACP Features[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica][size=3]:[/size][/font][/color][list] [*]Admin can set up Application on/off. [*]Admin can set up which groups can view MotM. [*]Admin can enable/disable Motm block in home page [*]Admin can enable/disable Icon in the maintitle of the block [*]Admin can choice avatar size to show in home page [i](mini, medium, large)[/i] [*]Admin can enable/disable Motm Archive Page [i](with historical data)[/i] [*]Admin can setup how many records to show in the archive page [*]Admin can setup block postion [i](sidebar, top, bottom) [/i] [*]Feature: (Pin) Awards support [*]Feature: (Pin) Awards - show icons on block or Awards Total [*]Feature: (Pin) Awards - Limit icons display number [*][b]Feature: [url="http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/5966-hq-awards/"][HQ] Awards[/url] support [/b] [*][b]Feature: [url="http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/5966-hq-awards/"][HQ] Awards[/url]- show icons on block or Awards Total [/b] [*][b]Feature: [url="http://community.invisionpower.com/files/file/5966-hq-awards/"][HQ] Awards[/url] - Limit icons display number [/b] [*][i]Block Preview in admin ACP[/i] [*]Popup modal window for Staff Note [*]Settings to configure a signature and title for motm note [*]Auto-Select Motm by reputation received in the last month[i] [/i] [*]Motm suggestions in ACP[i] [/i] [*]ACP overview restyled [/list][b]Block Features[/b][list] [*]12 stats displayed for member of the month [/list][b]Compatibility[/b][color=#282828][font=helvetica][size=3]:[/size][/font][/color][list] [*]IP.Board 3.4.X [size=2]([i]tested on beta[/i])[/size] [*]IP.Board 3.3.X [*]IP.Board 3.2.X [/list] What's New in Version 1.5.0 [list] [*]Feature: added notification for motm [*]Feature: added furl support [/list]
  15. 45 downloads

    ipbLatex enables the use of LaTeX mathematical typesetting on your forum, providing professional-looking equations with comparatively simple syntax. You can see some examples of the results at my forum -- click on the equations to see how they were created. ipbLatex is fast, efficient, and easy to install. Features: Normal display math — the $$ math $$ environment in LaTeX. Inline math, as in the $math$ environment. Typeset chemical equations, using mhchem. PNG and GIF output, with customizable background colors and transparency. A popup showing the raw LaTeX code upon clicking on an image, allowing users to find out how a LaTeX equation was made so they can type their own Caching of every equation As many LaTeX packages as you want to use There is experimental support for PGF, but it is not enabled and incomplete, so you’d have to finish it yourself. Note there are some requirements: A working distribution of LaTeX. This kind of goes without saying – if you’re using Linux, look into the TeXlive distribution. You absolutely must have a copy of dvipng installed. This plugin will not work without it. If you want GIF output, then dvipng must have GIF support compiled into it. Things may otherwise break. Versions supplied as a part of many distributions will have this support. The mhchem package needs to be accessible by LaTeX; either put the mhchem.sty file in the tmp directory or install the package properly. It is not bundled with ipbLatex by default (although this may change in the future). mogrify is recommended for prettier images. If you do not have mogrify, be sure to set ‘resample’ to FALSE as instructed in the configuration. You’ll want to change ‘density’ and ‘gamma’ to the recommended values in the comment above if you cannot use mogrify. For installation instructions and more detailed information on support, features, and use, see my blog. Important note on support: I am a student. The blog post gives contact info, but I cannot guarantee a speedy reply, so please be careful. Install on a test board first, for safety -- LaTeX can be fickle. Demo: [url="http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/3751-quick-latex-tutorial/"]http://www.scienceforums.net/topic/3751-quick-latex-tutorial/[/url] What's New in Version 1.1 Version 1.1: support for IPB 3.4. (Download ipbLatex-3.4.zip.) Some bugs may persist due to changes in BBCode handling in 3.4; let me know if you spot any.
  16. 58 downloads

    With this members are able to post in forums anonymously. All posts posted with the anonymous function will be tied to one account that you define in the Admin CP. You will be able to check the true identity behind posts in the Mod CP. Posts posted will have a generated hash in them, to be able to tell members in discussions apart. (Please read further details on this in the attached readme). This is developed and used with the thought of letting members be able to share or ask about sensitive / personal topics in specific forums. The users will not need to be logged out to ask as a guest and you will not have to enable guest posting. That's how we use it, you may use it differently [img]http://community.invisionpower.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/img] [b]Main Author:[/b] Preben at [url="http://mediehusettek.no/"]Mediehuset Tek[/url] (Modern version, Mads developed the initial version) [b]Features[/b][list] [*] [*]Members of the user groups you allow will be able to post anonymously in the forums you choose [*]An md5-hash will be added to these posts to be able to tell members apart. Read the attached readme for details [*]Support is in place to have this work with quick reply, but it will require one file change and a template change [/list] [b]Installation[/b] This hook requires one hook xml-file to be uploaded from the AdminCP. It also includes one file to upload. [b]How can I get this to work with quick reply?[/b] You need to do a file change in the file public/js/ips.topic.js . To do this you need file access on the server where your board is installed. Spoiler In the file ips.topic.js, find: [list=1] [*] [list=1] [*]/* Fetch post contents */ [*] var Post = ipb.textEditor.getEditor( ipb.topic.fastReplyId ).getText(); [*] var isRte = ipb.textEditor.getEditor( ipb.topic.fastReplyId ).isRte(); [/list] [/list] Add this below: [list=1] [*] [list=1] [*]var _postAsAnon = false; [*] [*] if(document.getElementById('_postAsAnon')) { [*] var _postAsAnon = document.getElementById('_postAsAnon').checked; [*] } [/list] [/list] A little bit further down, in the same file, find: [list=1] [*] [list=1] [*]parameters: { [*]md5check: ipb.vars['secure_hash'], [*]Post: Post.encodeParam(), [*]isRte: isRte [*]}, [/list] [/list]Change it to this: [list=1] [*] [list=1] [*]parameters: { [*] md5check: ipb.vars['secure_hash'], [*] Post: Post.encodeParam(), [*] isRte: isRte, [*] _postAsAnon: _postAsAnon [*] }, [/list] [/list] Save the file. Now you need to change a template bit in your templates. In your skins, find the template group Topic View, then open the template bit TopicViewTemplate. Look for this, near the end of the template: [list=1] [*] [list=1] [*]{parse editor="Post" options="array( 'type' => 'full', 'minimize' => 1, 'isTypingCallBack' => 'ipb.topic.isTypingCallBack', 'height' => 180, 'autoSaveKey' => 'reply-' . $topic[tid], 'warnInfo' => 'fastReply', 'modAll' => $topic['_fastReplyModAll'] )"} [*] <br /> [/list] [/list] Below it, add this: [list=1] [*] [list=1] [*]<if test="custom_hw_anonhook:|:1 == 1"></if><!-- HW_CUSTOM custom anon hook point --> [/list] [/list] Save the template. If you've done everything correctly you should now be able to reply anonymously with quick reply aswell. [b]Background:[/b] This is a popular feature we currently have installed on three different large Invision Power Boards we host, two of them 3.3 and one of them 3.2. First version was developed in March 2010 and it have been used and improved on two of the forums since then. [i](NOTE: This public version will not work on 3.2)[/i]. We hope that by sharing some of what we develop it will help us gain new ideas and more insight into developing for the Invision Power Systems. If any other developers have any hints or tips on changes that should be done to the code etc., then please let us know! [img]http://community.invisionpower.com/public/style_emoticons/default/smile.png[/img] What's New in Version 1.0.2[list] [*]Both the XML and PHP-file are updated [*]Added columns to store information about the hash to the custom_anonymous_users table [*]Added link next to the display name of the anonymous user that will take you to the "Check Anonymous" page for that post-id [*]Added group setting which controls who can check for the real author (Please read the setting description) [*]Added "Member Joined Time" to the list of variables that can be used to generate the hash in posts (Good unique alternative to email) [*]The anonymous ajax posting class will now call the parent _reply()-method when anonymous posting is not available [*]Changed the default value of the setting "Require members to be hidden?" to "No" [*]Updated description for the above setting to recommend the Toggle Visibility hook if set to yes [*]Updated the readme.txt [*]Minor code changes / reorganization [/list]
  17. Welcome to WebFlake, STR8H8TEx. Please read our guidelines and familiarize yourself with our board.
  18. I use IP.Gallery 5.0.3 on my test site with the security update installed and it's find.
  19. Welcome to WebFlake, Andy. Please read our guidelines and familiarize yourself with our board.
  20. I'm about to go postal.Just look at my avatar, lol.

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. yzkz900


      i have seen that avatar on ngh ?

    3. Guest


      Justin.. Still not received that stuff -_-'

    4. Justin™


      It's in the mail, lol.

  21. Welcome to WebFlake. Please read our guidelines and familiarize yourself with our board.
  22. If you fear being shut down then you should use mybb, or another free script, if you can't afford good offshore hosting. And if you don't go offshore then you would be smart to a daily backup just in case you do get shutdown. Basically, if you don't have common sense, don't start a forum.
  23. Welcome to WebFlake Tunes. Please read our guidelines and familiarize yourself with our board.
  24. Welcome to WebFlake Thomas. Please read our guidelines and familiarize yourself with our board.
  25. Welcome to WebFlake. Please read our guidelines and familiarize yourself with our board.
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