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Everything posted by Triqqy

  1. If both of you want to split the payment I can buy it for you once the payment equals to 15 dollars
  2. That's pretty easy Just put a plus sign in Group a formatting.
  3. I can get it for you if PayPal me.
  4. I doubt it because IPS 4.2.9 released on the same day as 4.3. You only had about 8 hour windows to update to 4.2.9.
  5. So if you donate 10 dollars first month. You will receive "Frost" 5 dollars next month 0 next month 10 dollars next month. You will receive "Snow" So total by now you would've donated 25 dollars. And so on so fourth until you reach 50 dollars of donation then you will receive "+Blizzard". Please check this table out when considering to donate to see what perks you get. https://webflake.sx/donate/
  6. Sorry no I can't split this in half because I have no use for this particular plug in. As for renewal I do not see any renewal so free updates. But with that said if you do give me the full 15 dollars YOU MUST remember to PM and ask me to upload the updated files as I will NOT be checking it on a daily bases.
  7. This transaction has been successfully received.
  8. I can buy it for you if you give me 13 dollars because PayPal takes fees
  9. Dark theme for me but it depend the situation really
  10. I've broken my wrist from a swing set cause I was trying to get higher but then gravity took over me.
    The "Pallete" option is still broken and it seem as though you went to https://cmsmafia.ru/ and just re uploaded a broken theme. This seems like you just went to here
  11. Hi WF community, I'm just curious what are yall excited about the new IPS 4.3? The thing that I am excited for the new version is the Oauth feature. Commerce is a huge thing. The new search featured called Elastic Search. But do let us know what are your favorite new feature that is coming to 4.3.
    For some reason when I change the "Pallette" setting in there is messes with the forum css.
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