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Everything posted by Triqqy

  1. In the application next to Pages click on that star.
  2. Image != exists Image doesn't exists I would try to clear cache in the ACP Support->Second Option->Clear Cache
  3. Can you take a screenshot of your Application page and the Pages.
  4. Depends on the web server end. If you don't have fast cgi installed then you may need to add at the end of the Endpoint with '?Key='. If you do and your web server doesn't complain about it then put it in the password field in the curl. Please take a look here in their documentation to see what they do with the api key https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api
  5. Since you already made that page defaulted. Go to ACP->Applications->Pages and star that. Then refresh your base domain url and it should pop up.
  6. It doesn't seem like you have access to Admin account. Which is the root account. Ask your holster to see if he can install that module.
  7. This is what I meant. https://images.gilly.pw/RglvU
  8. There is module in Plesk Catalog where you can install CloudFlare and use it from there without the need to install their NS. He was asking how do I use that and more than importantly he wasn't asking to use CF NS.
  9. This just mean that the table in your database doesn't . Also, what PHP version do you have?
  10. I can't give it to you for free but if you pay the full 15 dollars I can send you a download link.
  11. Nope, but I am more than happy to get to you if you want to send the money.
  12. I don't see why not. You can if you want.
  13. Triqqy

    IPB 4.3 SEO

    System->Search Engine Optimization->Meta Tags->Launch Live Meta Tag Editor
  14. I can purchase this for you once I receive your payment.
  15. Invision Community Suite
  16. There are no plug-ins or applications that does such things as far as I know.
  17. Two ways of accomplishing this task. 1) Download this Discord Widget install it as a plug in. Download: Discord Widget 2) Go to your Discord server. 1) Server Settings 2) Widgets 3) Enable Widget 4) Copy the "Pre Made Widget" should be an ifrane 5) Then paste it
  18. How do you know its not a plug in?
  19. He was a good man. With a lot of respect!
  20. I guess it's been solved since he isn't replying.
  21. Can you explain what your trying to do?
  22. He is legit seller. I got an instant 200 likes on one of my post instagram.
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