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Everything posted by Triqqy

  1. Its was a template, you need to know what port to give to them.
  2. @kFxDaKing perhaps then I would mess with the ip try localhost or full ip.
  3. @wanderer I would ask them if they could open these port XYZ and specify the reason.
  4. Could be firewall issue. Have you checked that?
  5. Do you mind DM'ing me the website and with an admin account that I can try to see whats going on?
  6. What is your PHP version?
  7. Then perhaps, what you can do is to make a new "Default Theme" so you will want to create a theme and let that be your default theme. Hopefully that should fix a lot of things.
  8. Can you try to go to the theme and find the theme and click on "</>" that button. Once, you have click on it go to HTML tab on the left. following this "core/front/global/favico" path. Click the restore button.
  9. You can use your old database as long as it is for that version. But there are other requirements unless you don't mind it not working. Such as specific plugins and applications or any uploads. But to fix this assuming this is the same domain, you could try to clear cache on the website end. ACP -> Support -> Second Bubble Option -> Clear Cache
  10. Can you try to clear cache on the website end. ACP -> Support -> Second Bubble Option -> Clear Cache
  11. Have you tried to clear cache? If not try this: ACP -> Support -> Second Bubble Option -> Clear Cache
  12. Have you tried to reinstall the plugin?
  13. You have to extract the zip and then upload the XML file. Do not upload the ZIP file it won't work.
  14. Are you behind CloudFlare? If so can you try to purge cache. If that still doesn't work then you may have to reinstall the plugin. I just installed the plugin using the link you have provided above. I have used United Kingdom as my flag and it shows up fine for me.
  15. Can you try to clear cache on your end? If the problem persist then try to clear cache on the website end. ACP => Support => Second Bubble Option => Clear Cache
  16. After it fails, the first screenshot you have posted if you did click on the second tab it should display the error.
  17. The internet speed at least where I am at hasn't really been effected. I still have my full 1 gigabits speed.
  18. Yes, but the error should have said something. Did you take a look at what it saying? It say to go to the tab which is "Upload Theme" there you should see what is going on.
  19. Your best bet if you want to hard code something is to look inside the theme HTML and find the chat box. Just before it shows the messages create another html and put your content on it.
  20. What php version and most importantly what IPS version?
  21. First important steps on upgrading 1) Make a backup of the database and the website folder. 2) Extract the new version 3) Upload the files in your website 4) Go to /admin/install/upgrade if not /admin/upgrade I don't remember which one but if I have to guess it should be the first one. So for an example domain.com/admin/install/upgrade 5) Proceed to upgrade 6)..... 7) Profit?
  22. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  23. Can you try to clear cache on the website end? ACP->Support->Second Bubble Option->Clear Cache.
  24. Backup sql and in your website directory and make a local we server with all the essentials.
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