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Everything posted by Triqqy

  1. I can buy this for you assuming you give me the money first. If you do have a license then disregard this.
  2. The request(s) in this topic have been filled and the file has been provided. This topic is now closed. If you have other requests, please open a new topic.
  3. Are you trying to hire someone to make the modification?
  4. I can get you that application, if your willing to pay for that application.
  5. I don't think so as long as you put down the required step to make it harder for people to see the ip
  6. It's fairly fast for me, it caches everything to the latest tea. I hadn't had any issue with them regarding chatbox or anything that needed up-to-date things.
  7. It's a good idea to use CloudFlare so it's harder for people to find who is your host. It shouldn't interfere with anything, it should work flawlessly.
  8. Triqqy

    Question Problem Download..

    Maybe you already exceeded your downloads per day. You have only 3 downloads per day. Then you have to wait 24 hours.
  9. Triqqy

    Hi I'm Triqqy

    Hi I'm Triqqy, the best Triqqy alive.
  10. I can buy this application, once you sent me 20 dollars.
  11. Then upgrade to snow or blizzard. I'd recommend blizzard. It's only 35 dollar than 50 dollars
  12. https://webflake.sx/files/file/4957-login-logs/
  13. You should wait until the file gets approved. @avitron Do you have Discord? If so whats your tag?
  14. It's still undergoing verification before the file gets approved.
  15. Have you tried to clear cache on the website end?
  16. What does your C# code look like? Maybe I can point you to the right dirrction
  17. Depends on the web server end. If you don't have fast cgi installed then you may need to add at the end of the Endpoint with '?Key='. If you do and your web server doesn't complain about it then put it in the password field in the curl.  Please take a look here in their documentation to see what they do with the api key https://invisioncommunity.com/developers/rest-api
  18. Put <a href="/forums"> AMODS Downloads</a> If you don't have the pretty url then put /index.php?/forums
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