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Everything posted by Evarni

  1. Evarni

    What is this?

    I knew the one Jrock posted. I had no clue about the one Kingy posted! Good stuff.
  2. Evarni

    What is this?

    Here's another one! This guy is an actor, but he is not nearly as famous as his sibling. Who is his famous sibling?
  3. Evarni

    What is this?

    That track cracks me up. Full cuteness overload! But I prefer tracks like Rondo of Nightmare
  4. Evarni

    What is this?

    Yeah, I threw that choice in there just to get you excited, Phun! lol I'll post another one later.
  5. Evarni

    What is this?

    This is a forum game that was popular on my old website. Basically, you post a picture of a person/object and then give multiple-choice answers. Finally you put the actual answer in "spoiler" tags.
  6. Now I will never know who loves me . . .
  7. I agree. Back on ForumCore there was a site listed in the Website Showcase section. The site had 110 members, and 38 staff members. It was one of the most ridiculous things I ever saw in my life. This was the poster child for what not to do on a site . . . which included: The layout of the site was actually superb. A lot of effort went into it. But I will say this . . . a site can look great without about a week's worth of effort. It takes continual effort to make a site great. There were way too many forums. Basically, they had a moderator for each individual forum. There is no need for this on a brand new site. Basically, the site died because there were too many chiefs and no indians. The moderators didn't do anything, and so no members joined. The site died a fairly quick death.
  8. Instead of writing WebFlake Cereal about topics that pop up in my
  9. It may seem like a little thing, but picking a good domain name is a vital step in producing a successful website
  10. Not only is it against the WebFlake rules to advertise your site on these particular forums . . . the link you posted above is dead. Fail.
  11. Pinned by Kingy I've not written a WebFlake Cereal in a while - and I thought I'd tackle the subject of building a gaming website.
  12. Nice site with lots of content. There are really only two things I don't like about your site: On the homepage you're using IP.Content. The articles posted include copy/paste jobs from other sites (with links). The problem with this is that, were I to visit your site, you're guiding me to click a link to navigate off your site. My suggestion would be to post original content on your main page. This will absolutely help you retain visitors. On the forums, you're using the "Recent Posts" hook. As I have stated numerous times, I absolutely hate that hook. When combined with your shoutbox, it requires visitors to scroll down quite a ways before they actually see any content. My suggestion would be to use the sidebar hook instead (as well as some other sidebar hooks) and get rid of that hook completely.
  13. The design is nice. But you're using articles from other sites and building your homepage with them. Not good. 2/10
  14. You'll get used to it. Basically, there are a lot of people who only care about one thing . . . that they get what they want. They will ignore all rules, because they feel their questions are more important than the rules. This is the main reason we removed the shoutbox at the old site.
  15. Evarni

    Feedback Archives

    This is something that has always annoyed me. So I thought I would post my thoughts here. What is the purpose of the archives section? In my opinion, the main purpose of the archive section was a place to put outdated topics. For example, staff might archive very old support or request topics that were never filled. Of course, staff could also put closed topics in archives - things like duplicate topics or topics which the author requested to be closed. The staff is doing this. But there are topics in Archives that don't belong there. They should be hidden or deleted. At the very least, they should be edited. I will give a couple of examples from the current first page of the Archives section: There are a handful of topics archived from the Website Showcase section. These sites were archived because they did not meet the guidelines for posting in the Website Showcase section. So, the staff member closed and archived the topic . . . yet the link is still visible. If the site doesn't meet the community guidelines, shouldn't the topic be hidden, or the site link removed? There is a topic from a brand new member requesting a skin. This member did not have enough posts to post in the Requests section, so he tried to bypass the system and posted his request in the Support forums. Staff archived the request. But it's still visible in Archives. What's the point of Archiving a violation if it's still visible?
  16. Evarni

    Question Question

    I admire you, TJKeeran, for attempting to answer this. Nice work!
  17. The best way to get users is by adding original content. Lots of it. This will not only get your site indexed with search engines, but will also give visitors a reason to join and/or participate on your site.
  18. A couple of other tips: Generally speaking, index spiders use the "guest" member group. So whenever possible, make sure your site allows at least some guest access. Don't copy/paste content. Generally speaking, bots won't recognize these items if they've been indexed elsewhere. Most importantly . . and I can not stress this enough . . . it doesn't matter if you submit your site to the search engines, it doesn't matter if you have great metatags etc . . . you absolutely need to add original content to your site every single day. This is the most important thing the owner of a new website can do. If there is nothing to index, you won't get indexed. It's just that simple.
  19. Forget the partners. That's going to be nothing but a headache in most instances. If you get a partner, it is best if it is someone that you know and trust. Instead, concentrate on two things - 1. Original site content - Whether you're using advertising or donations as your source of income, neither will work at all unless you give people a reason to visit your site. The primary way of doing this is by adding original site content. You have to add content every day. Hell, it's best if you add content every hour. Still, it's not enough to just add the content . . you also have to - 2. Promote site content - When you add content, make sure you promote it. I have found that the best way of promoting is via Google+ and StumbleUpon. Depending what type of site/content you have, it may also help you to advertise on Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, Facebook etc. The most important thing is to advertise your content, not your site.
  20. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  21. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  22. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  23. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
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