Forget the partners. That's going to be nothing but a headache in most instances. If you get a partner, it is best if it is someone that you know and trust. Instead, concentrate on two things - 1. Original site content - Whether you're using advertising or donations as your source of income, neither will work at all unless you give people a reason to visit your site. The primary way of doing this is by adding original site content. You have to add content every day. Hell, it's best if you add content every hour. Still, it's not enough to just add the content . . you also have to - 2. Promote site content - When you add content, make sure you promote it. I have found that the best way of promoting is via Google+ and StumbleUpon. Depending what type of site/content you have, it may also help you to advertise on Tumblr, Instagram, Flickr, Facebook etc. The most important thing is to advertise your content, not your site.