The Custom Cookie Jar
So here is the story, ever found yourself twisting your hair out because things are not working? Maybe its one of the following things?
Unknown errors
More customization, but don't know how to get it done ?
Code just gives you a headache and you just want it to work!
You have this amazing idea, but not sure how to get it working? ?
Loads of other reasons... Really yeah I know the feeling! ?
If these are things you struggle with fair not @Cookie Monster to the Rescue!
With over 900 posts and loads of helpful posts for the Webflake Community I now opened my Cookie Jar for business.
So if you need anything custom or just a 1 & 1 support just from me (If its Skype, discord, hangouts, you name it) then sure my time and knowledge is at your disposal! Or wait you might think, what can this person help me with?
IPS Customization or Fixes
Custom plugins or Applications
Custom Built Website.
CMS setup / plugins
Moving Servers and other DevOps Work.
So who is @Cookie Monster, yes i know I'm a famous Blue person that you seen on TV, but behind the mask, I'm actually a Full Stack Developer who specialize in the following
Basic fundamentals (Html, css, js, jquery)
Javascript (d3.js, node.js ember.js)
SPA (Single Page Application) (AngularJS & Angular2+)
MVC / MVW (Model View Controller / Model View Whatever)
Python (Django, Flask)
MySQL / NoSQL (MariaDB, MySQL Server, MongoDB)
So you might be thinking what about PHP ?
Well don't be afraid when you know these languages the code will be the same just a different syntax.
Prices? Well sadly because i run this shop, and help the community out I never get time to bake my own 's so i have to buy them.
The prices are basic and simple but not fixed, so let me know what you need and I be happy to share, Though most things range from $5-15 starting out.
This does not mean I have stopped helping the community out for free as i have always done, this is if you really need something CUSTOM and its going above and beyond what this website would support and do.
If you feel to contact me then feel free to use the following method
Though if you feel you just want to help me for what i done, and want to donate a few cookies to my CookieJar just click the image at the top.