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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. It's been a while, I thought you could ban users from not be able to use the chat box. You could use some workarounds like, move them to a secondary group that does not have permission to view or chat.
  2. Upgrade to should fix midt issues
  3. This means a permission error. Make sure all files and folders (and subfiles, folders) here /forum/applications/core/interface/js are set to 755 in CHMOD with your FTP client.
  4. Again same error as before, My advice try a different theme. Does the block manager work then? IF YES = Use a different theme, your theme is broken or not compatible or coded correctly IF NO = Test on a different host or check if others have had the similar errors. I have no errors on mine when tested it. Great thing to suggest here is to use search for the errors on the forums and see if others have had the same issue.
  5. Also to note you can continue {{else if}} for as many groups as you want with different code. Just remember to end it with {{else}} {{endif}}
  6. I'm not the best theme(r) but I would think you can use if else statements. And default usergroup as a fallback. So if usergroup is X then this colour. Else this
  7. I'll check it out tomorrow I know in admincp > system > email settings you can change the buttons and add a logo etc but not the background. So would presume it's applying from somewhere else. Currently on my phone so will check and answer tomorrow
  8. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  9. Alright cool will mark this as resolved.
  10. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  11. Any sort of errors in the console. Screenshot the development tools. More info about this, or Firefox "Web Console" is here https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Tools/Web_Console/Opening_the_Web_Console Chrome as better tools for development imo, so easier to debug things.
  12. Well pull up the development console in either chrome or Firefox and see if it gives any errors. I'm thinking it gives a js error
  13. I would presume you can edit the PHP file. Currently on my phone so can't give you a path but would presume it's under application or system then find email
  14. I agree on this sounds like the host is running out of resources and throws an error. It's it a free host?
  15. Any errors in chrome? Also have you given them a category?
  16. If you open the emoticons and press F12 in chrome do you get any RED errors ? @R1cho Also are they located in AdminCP > Customization > Emotions
  17. True story If you installed any plugins or apps recently you will need to remove them. What changes have you done before this happend ?
  18. Sounds to me like a javascript issue if you are unable to interact with things. I'd u understood it correctly you tried to reinstall the app or plugin and it's still the same Could you press f12 if you are using Chrome please? When your trying to move it and see if you get any red warnings
  19. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  20. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  21. There you go then. If its working i will close this topic
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