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Everything posted by Hoboe

  1. Welcome to WebFlake, make sure to read the "Community Guidelines" located in my signature.
  2. Version 1.0.0


    Skin created by: Kazbah Other file uploaded by: [font='Open Sans'][size=5][background=rgb(250,250,250)]ATIRadeon[/background][/size][/font][color=rgb(50,50,50)][font='Open Sans'][size=5][background=rgb(250,250,250)] [/background][/size][/font][/color] Reason for "Re-Upload" : Other file was unable to download. Have fun guy's :)
  3. Hoboe


    Welcome to WebFlake.
  4. Hoboe


    Best resources out there. Make sure to read the "Community Guidelines".
  5. Hoboe


    Welcome to WebFlake, make sure to read the "Community Guidelines".
  6. Learning more about programming.

  7. That isn't a hook. All you have to do is go to your "Moderator CP" and make an announcement. I'm pretty sure It already comes with IPB. Just Go to Mod Cp then there should be a tab saying "Announcements" and then go ahead and just add one and put the announcement on the forums you want it to show on. Then when you're done you can go to that forum and it will show that. If this answers / resolves your question within this topic, please click the button.
  8. Hey There WebFlake Users! www.PrankDial.com Today I'm bringing you a fun way to prank your peers through "Mobile Phone". What is the prank? The prank is simply a "Robot" that will be pranking who ever you want. How do I do it? Simply go to the website above, and browse through all the pranks there. Once you have chosen the prank you want it will take you to a web page where you enter the number you want to prank and a false number that will show up when calling it. Then click "Send" and there it will send the prank. How do I listen to the prank? The website automatically "Records" the call, so you may listen to it right after the call is done. Note: You only get 2 free calls a day. What the website looks like:
  9. Welcome to WebFlake, make sure to read the "Community Guidelines".
  10. Hey darkfrez, first you're going to want to go into the "Admin Control Panel". Once you're in there click on the "Members" tab, and click "Manage Members". Then there will be a list of all the members on your website, from there you're able to edit any member you would like.
  11. Welcome to WebFlake, be sure to read the community guidelines before anything.
  12. Hoboe

    Question Display Name

    Members cannot change there display name. If you wish to change your display name, donate a small fee of $10 to get the "+Donator" rank and many other advantages such as changing your display name.
  13. Welcome to WebFlake, make sure to read the "Community Guidelines" before anything.
  14. Hey guy's I'm just wondering what happen to the "Co Founder" of this website Paradiizee.
  15. I remember ForumCore a bit, It had tons of activity it was pretty cool. Anyways nice to have more tweaks to the website.
  16. Are you wanting the theme for wordpress or?
  17. Go into the Admin CP -> Look & Feel tap -> Manage MediaBBcode And you possibly can try to figure it out in there.
  18. Hoboe

    Past tense

    Yea, did he have another website called "IpbCore"?
  19. Welcome to WebFlake, make sure to read the "Community Guidelines" before anything.
  20. Hoboe

    Past tense

    Yea, I remember It got hacked or something.
  21. Welcome to WebFlake, make sure to read the "Community Guidelines" before anything.
  22. Hoboe

    Past tense

    Wow ForumCore was Phun's old website right?
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