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Everything posted by Hoboe

  1. Hello Tricky, Welcome back to the WebFlake community.
  2. Work sucks. :confused:

  3. Thanks @Davlin, I'm excited to see WebFlake's future updates!
  4. You should be able to edit this in the group settings. You do this by going to Members -> Groups -> choose the group you want, then paste said code in the "Group Formatting" feild.
  5. Hello, Welcome to WebFlake! Enjoy your stay.
  6. Congratulations @Lady C, Glad to see the staff team progressing in a positive way!
  7. Welcome to the WebFlake community.
  8. Congratulations to both of you, well deserved.
  9. Hoboe

    Xenforo or IPB?

    IPB is very easy to use and has a great look to it, while XenForo on the other hand is more complicated for those beginner XenForo users. Now don't get me wrong XenForo does have its values. But overall I would give IPB my vote.
  10. Version 1.0.0


    This application will allow to setup many "makeups" for your forum. Index Page Features: Selective Grid Feature ( for category ) Custom container for every forums, background color and border Custom Tag for every forums, text, color and size Global Features Remove the word "forums" from index for a more compact index view Add a special icon if a forum has special rules Other customization coming soon... iMakeup are tested and developed on default IPB4 skin Last compatibility check: If you have a problem with a custom skin I provide a full support for free!
  11. Hoboe


    Welcome to WebFlake, if you have any questions or concerns feel free to shoot me a PM.
  12. Warning: Contains peanuts. :chicken:

    1. Phun


      I don't like nuts :) 

    2. Yuu


      deez nuts

  13. Version 1.0.0


  14. Yes, that would be "legal" once everything was re-uploaded and the license key was changed.
  15. Welcome to WebFlake! If you need any assistance feel free to send me a PM.
  16. Great work man! Lot better then mine.
  17. Whipped up a quick logo for ya. Hope you like it.
  18. Welcome back to WebFlake. ;)
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