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Everything posted by Phun

  1. I dunno use float:left and float:right in the css.
  2. ^ This is the correct fix.
  3. Some hosting companies have restrictions in place which prohibit you from changing anything. Again, we can't help you with this and you need to contact your hosting company. Only they can help you with PHP settings.
  4. Hey Jaz, welcome to the forums! Thanks for the feedback you gave already, we're quite pleased to hear that. And thanks for the donation too, it really helps us keep the site online. Your English is already really good, but if you find you can improve it here then why not Enjoy your stay.
  5. That is weird since your error is really saying it tries to utilize 32MB, but it's 1.4MB short. Your host's memory limit is definitely not 128MB. Contact them and ask them what's going on.
  6. Well in Members > Ban Filters you can add banned email addresses but i assume you'd have to ban them one by one. Here's a list of how you should input them in the acp: *@0815.ru0clickemail.com*@0wnd.net*@0wnd.org*@10minutemail.com*@20minutemail.com*@2prong.com*@3d-painting.com*@4warding.com*@4warding.net*@4warding.org*@9ox.net*@a-bc.net*@amilegit.com*@anonbox.net*@anonymbox.com*@antichef.com*@antichef.net*@antispam.de*@baxomale.ht.cx*@beefmilk.com*@binkmail.com*@bio-muesli.net*@bobmail.info*@bodhi.lawlita.com*@bofthew.com*@brefmail.com*@bsnow.net*@bugmenot.com*@bumpymail.com*@casualdx.com*@chogmail.com*@cool.fr.nf*@correo.blogos.net*@cosmorph.com*@courriel.fr.nf*@courrieltemporaire.com*@curryworld.de*@cust.in*@dacoolest.com*@dandikmail.com*@deadaddress.com*@despam.it*@devnullmail.com*@dfgh.net*@digitalsanctuary.com*@discardmail.com*@discardmail.de*@disposableaddress.com*@disposemail.com*@dispostable.com*@dm.w3internet.co.uk example.com*@dodgeit.com*@dodgit.com*@dodgit.org*@dontreg.com*@dontsendmespam.de*@dump-email.info*@dumpyemail.com*@e4ward.com*@email60.com*@emailias.com*@emailinfive.com*@emailmiser.com*@emailtemporario.com.br*@emailwarden.com*@ephemail.net*@explodemail.com*@fakeinbox.com*@fakeinformation.com*@fastacura.com*@filzmail.com*@fizmail.com*@frapmail.com*@garliclife.com*@get1mail.com*@getonemail.com*@getonemail.net*@girlsundertheinfluence.com*@gishpuppy.com*@great-host.in*@gsrv.co.uk*@guerillamail.biz*@guerillamail.com*@guerillamail.net*@guerillamail.org*@guerrillamail.com*@guerrillamailblock.com*@haltospam.com*@hotpop.com*@ieatspam.eu*@ieatspam.info*@ihateyoualot.info*@imails.info*@inboxclean.com*@inboxclean.org*@incognitomail.com*@incognitomail.net*@ipoo.org*@irish2me.com*@jetable.com*@jetable.fr.nf*@jetable.net*@jetable.org*@junk1e.com*@kaspop.com*@kulturbetrieb.info*@kurzepost.de*@lifebyfood.com*@link2mail.net*@litedrop.com*@lookugly.com*@lopl.co.cc*@lr78.com*@maboard.com*@mail.by*@mail.mezimages.net*@mail4trash.com*@mailbidon.com*@mailcatch.com*@maileater.com*@mailexpire.com*@mailin8r.com*@mailinator.com*@mailinator.net*@mailinator2.com*@mailincubator.com*@mailme.lv*@mailnator.com*@mailnull.com*@mailzilla.org*@mbx.cc*@mega.zik.dj*@meltmail.com*@mierdamail.com*@mintemail.com*@moncourrier.fr.nf*@monemail.fr.nf*@monmail.fr.nf*@mt2009.com*@mx0.wwwnew.eu*@mycleaninbox.net*@mytrashmail.com*@neverbox.com*@nobulk.com*@noclickemail.com*@nogmailspam.info*@nomail.xl.cx*@nomail2me.com*@no-spam.ws*@nospam.ze.tc*@nospam4.us*@nospamfor.us*@nowmymail.com*@objectmail.com*@obobbo.com*@onewaymail.com*@ordinaryamerican.net*@owlpic.com*@pookmail.com*@proxymail.eu*@punkass.com*@putthisinyourspamdatabase.com*@quickinbox.com*@rcpt.at*@recode.me*@recursor.net*@regbypass.comsafe-mail.net*@safetymail.info*@sandelf.de*@saynotospams.com*@selfdestructingmail.com*@sendspamhere.com*@shiftmail.com*@****mail.me*@skeefmail.com*@slopsbox.com*@smellfear.com*@snakemail.com*@sneakemail.com*@sofort-mail.de*@sogetthis.com*@soodonims.com*@spam.la*@spamavert.com*@spambob.net*@spambob.org*@spambog.com*@spambog.de*@spambog.ru*@spambox.info*@spambox.us*@spamcannon.com*@spamcannon.net*@spamcero.com*@spamcorptastic.com*@spamcowboy.com*@spamcowboy.net*@spamcowboy.org*@spamday.com*@spamex.com*@spamfree24.com*@spamfree24.de*@spamfree24.eu*@spamfree24.info*@spamfree24.net*@spamfree24.org*@spamgourmet.com*@spamgourmet.net*@spamgourmet.org*@spamherelots.com*@spamhereplease.com*@spamhole.com*@spamify.com*@spaminator.de*@spamkill.info*@spaml.com*@spaml.de*@spammotel.com*@spamobox.com*@spamspot.com*@spamthis.co.uk*@spamthisplease.com*@speed.1s.fr*@suremail.info*@tempalias.com*@tempemail.biz*@tempemail.com*@tempe-mail.com*@tempemail.net*@tempinbox.co.uk*@tempinbox.com*@tempomail.fr*@temporaryemail.net*@temporaryinbox.com*@thankyou2010.com*@thisisnotmyrealemail.com*@throwawayemailaddress.com*@tilien.com*@tmailinator.com*@tradermail.info*@trash2009.com*@trash-amil.com*@trashmail.at*@trash-mail.at*@trashmail.com*@trash-mail.com*@trash-mail.de*@trashmail.me*@trashmail.net*@trashymail.com*@trashymail.net*@tyldd.com*@uggsrock.com*@wegwerfmail.de*@wegwerfmail.net*@wegwerfmail.org*@wh4f.org*@whyspam.me*@willselfdestruct.com*@winemaven.info*@wronghead.com*@wuzupmail.net*@xoxy.net*@yogamaven.com*@yopmail.com*@yopmail.fr*@yopmail.net*@yuurok.com*@zippymail.info*@jnxjn.com*@trashmailer.com*@klzlk.com
  7. I hope you dont kiss on the first date.
  8. I beleive the latest version is not available yet on webflake. I guess you'll have to wait! The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  9. It's called (H34) When a user tries to create a new topic and types a few words there is a drop down menu that indicates possible topics that might help the user instead of posting new threads v2.3 (SOS34) Similar Topics on Post Screen
  10. Just wanted to hop in and say that i really appreciate this post, davlin. Also thanks for the feedback Justin.
  11. Sick.. :|

    1. Justin™


      and tired too. Get well soon, bro.

  12. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  13. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  14. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  15. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  16. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  17. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  18. They have a support chat thing on the site, ask them!
  19. With developing the framework, you also mean that you're going to put all the CSS in place? Make sure that it's clean, structured and logical. So logical, in fact, that even newbies can see what css part belongs to what html part without too much hassle. All the best with this project!
  20. For hosting nulled things you mostly need to search for offshore hosting.
  21. That looks great, keep up the good stuff.
  22. Phun

    Hey Guys

    Heya! Welcome to WebFlake! How long have you been into forums and such?
  23. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  24. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  25. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the owner has been able to solve the problem. Because of this, the support topic has been closed and moved.If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
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