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Everything posted by OpFor

  1. I'd really like to keep the nav bar where it is, I've always loved having it that way. I just really can't decide what color I should do for it so that it would look good. Black would look really bad, so I'm not sure what to do.
  2. o.o Read the post completely I'm trying to determine what I should do for the navigation bar, that's why they're like that. I need a color that fits the look..
  3. Hey guys, I recently started working on a theme for a site a friend and I are planning to launch. This is the theme so far, it's not done by any means. However, I need advice for the primary nav. I'm having a really difficult time figuring out what color I should do for it. I definitely do not want to keep the grey. Suggestions for the primary navigation bar as well as the theme in general are appreciated. I do plan to release this theme publicly.
  4. That's a theme I'm guessing? Also, I was working on this today. Let me know what you think: It's not even close to finished, but that's what the topic view template looks like.
  5. Hey guys, Recently we started development on another site that aims to cater to multiple OS platforms (Android, Linux, Windows, iOS, and other software). If you've heard of XDADevelopers before, we're sorta going for that concept, but catering to multiple OS platforms. Because of the fact that we want to cater to multiple OS platforms, does anyone have an idea for a site theme? I'm quite capable of making almost anything now since I recently learned CSS and I'm learning PHP right now. But since it caters to multiple OS systems, I'm sorta stumped as to what the theme should be like. Any ideas?
  6. Are you referring to the forum icons? They're gray when there are no new posts and they turn to the color of a normal Minecraft chest when there are new posts in the forum. I was thinking about using some different icons for it.
  7. Some of these icons are actually from the MinecraftForum.net skin rip by Justin. I wanted to go for something more unique.... but I can't really think of any ideas. I might make a tut for it. Making a skin isn't all that hard if you know HTML and CSS. Noted. I'll make these changes.
  8. I recently made this theme for my Minecraft site. It was all made by me based off the default IPS Community skin. The posts in the forums are moved into an archive section right now so don't mind the no posts stuff lol. I appreciate any and all feedback.
  9. Sort of a hard question to explain, but hopefully I can explain it well enough. I've heard that long topic titles have a bad effect on SEO. Therefore, I'd like to fix it. By default IPB adds the forum navigation in the topic title. For example, when you're viewing a web page in a tab, it will say "Help Me - Help & Support - WebFlake.net". Is there a way I can make it just say the topic title in the tab? "Help Me." and that would be it. Similar to how vBulletin does it. Anyone know how?
  10. OK, I'm gonna start using that. Do you know why our search engine rank killed itself after the switch though? We used to be one of the first results when you searched "cydia size mismatch" on Google. Now we don't even show up on there.
  11. Thanks for the input. I sorta agree with your point on the iOS linen, but like you said, what could we use to replace it...
  12. I'm gonna mess with the meta live editor since that seems worthwhile. I'm also generating a sitemap to see if that helps at all. Regarding the meta editor, what kind of stuff should I put in there? I plan to do it for every single forum and some hot pages to increase traffic. Like could you provide an explanation of what it means by "Title" and "Content"? I want to make sure I'm filling this out correctly. And it's an iPhone jailbreaking forum just so you know.
  13. Hey guys, After switching from vBulletin 4.2.0 to IPB, I have to say, the conversion went really well and I'm extremely satisfied with it. The only problem now is that we need to get our SEO fixed. We used to run vBSEO before we converted and it did a pretty good job. Now that we've switched, we average 30-40 users online, which is nothing compared to the traffic we used to get. I've converted all the links and have followed all the IPS SEO advice, but I still really haven't had much luck. So I'm starting to question, am I doing something wrong, do I need to do something different? I'm not really sure where I'm messing up at. I'm not really good at SEO either, maybe someone would be able to provide some insight or help me a little bit? Because we need to get our traffic back to normal.
  14. So me and Luke decided to collaborate together for this skin. Here's what we have so far: Yes, we took the Curve White skin by Para and made some changes to it. This is just what we've done so far. Do you guys have any suggestions as far as how it should look? I was considering dropping the header down to about where the logo is and making it similar to this layout: And then theme it with the iOS-style linen. Other opinions or suggestions?
  15. OpFor

    Feedback Download Limit? Really?

    Leechy leechy leechy...
  16. OpFor

    PhotoShop CS6?

    Does anyone have a virus-free link to a nulled version of Adobe PhotoShop CS6, or an infinite trial one? I just need it to edit a logo I'm working on, so no reason to purchase it lol. I'm sorta doubtful about most of the download I find, so does anyone have a good link?
  17. This tutorial has been updated with information on how to convert your old forum links. Enjoy!
  18. Yah I finally said screw it with the IPBMafia idea lol. That skin is really customized and would take hours to make it the way I want it. Since I'm already here, I might as well ask you this: we converted everything successfully on the site (yay ) however, it keeps creating a folder called "vbseo" in the /public_html directory. Is this a bad thing? I noticed that our traffic has decreased (we have an average of 50-80 users online almost constantly). Right now, we're averaging like 10-20 at once, which is not goo. I've followed all the SEO advice, redirected my links (pretty sure I did it right), and it still isn't increasing. Is there a logical reason? But back on topic: I'm going to be using the Baisik skin by IPBFS. It's very easy to customize and I think it would do good for an iPhone forum with some modding.
  19. Wow, I never really realized how nice the Apple footer looked. I'm definetly going to take this into consideration. I actually do have a linen background set, but it's sorta buggy in some areas, so it'll need some work. If you'd like to help, I'll give you access to the ACP to fix it if you'd like.
  20. Hey guys, Today I started working on an iOS theme for my iPhone forum. I've taken the IPBMafia.ru skin rip and I'm using that for my basis since I think with enough modding, it would be perfect for an iPhone-themed forum. Does anyone have any ideas or suggestions for the theme itself though? I'm trying to find some really good inspiration, but I can't
  21. If you are converting from other forum software such as vBulletin 4.x.x, phpBB 3, XenForo, etc., this guide is for you. The conversion guide on Invision Power Service's website is not very detailed and doesn't explain a whole lot, so I've decided to create this guide. What you need: [*]Invision Power Board (You will need to choose which version you want) Link: http://webflake.sx/files/category/2-releases/ [*]IPS Converters 3.4 (Build 1.2.6) Webflake Link: [*]A brain. Converting to IP.Board v3.4.4: First off, you'll need a fresh copy of Invision Power Board, which is availiable in the Releases section. You'll also need the IPS Converters application, which is also availiable on WebFlake. Links are posted above. For this tutorial, I'm going to be converting from vBulletin v4.2.0. The conversion process does not vary a lot for different forum software though, so you should be fine. 1. Make a backup of your current forum software (not IPB). This is critical. If you mess something up, you may need these files. You may even need some of these files for the conversion process as well, so save them. Trust me, you'll regret it if you don't. 2. Turn your community offline. vBulletin offers this, not sure about other software. You do not absolutely have to do this step, but it's a good idea to so that nobody adds new content while the board is being converted. 3. Delete all of the current forum software files from your web server, however, you MUST keep all your MySQL data! 4. Once all of the old forum software has been removed from your web server, install IPB as you normally would. If you are not sure how to install IP.Board, Phun has made a nice guide 5. Go to your site URL and follow the IPS Community setup instructions. VERY IMPORTANT: Do NOT use the same username or email address that you are already using. Use a different username and email address, otherwise, IPB will automatically remove your old account since it thinks it's a duplicate member. 6. Install the IPS Converters application. In order to install it, you must navigate (in FTP) to /public_html/admin/applications_addon/ips and upload the "converter" folder. Upload all the other folders and their contents to the appropriate directories as well. 7. Login to your AdminCP (on your site) and go to System > Applications and Modules. On the right side, you should see a bar called "Applications Not Installed". Click on the install button for IPS Converters and let it do its thing. 8. Once the IPS Converters application has completed installation, navigate to Other Apps > IPS Converters > Converters > Start New Conversion in your AdminCP. 9. Select the forum software that you are converting from. 10. Fill out the database details that it asks you for. Note that the MySQL database details have to be the same as the database details for your old forum software. 11. Hit the "Convert" buttons for each individual setting/statistic in the converters panel. Some of them will say that you cannot convert them yet. This is because you need to convert the ones before it before you can convert them. The best way to convert the data is to just go in order down the list. It's a lot more efficient than skipping around. 12. Once you've converted everything you've wanted to be converted, hit the "Finalize Conversion" button. From there, post counts, users, etc. will be rebuilt and recached. 13. You're done! If you are able to see all the board members, post total, etc. but you cannot see the forum categories or posts, navigate to Members > Member Groups > Manage Member Permissions in your ACP and edit the permissions for each set. This should fix the issue. You can NOT go into each individual forum or category and change the permissions there though. It will NOT work. If you have any questions or feedback for this tutorial, feel free to make a post below. I'll be updating this guide with every new IP.Board release, so please don't beg me to update it or anything, chances are that I'm already working on updating it Note: If enough people want it, I will post a screenshot tutorial for this too. Converting Old Links to New Links: After converting your community, you may notice that a lot of your old links no longer work. This will decrease your search engine rank greatly and can have some really bad effects. In order to fix these links so that they point to your new IPB forum, follow these steps: 1. In the converters application that you downloaded to your computer, open it up and find the "Tools" directory. 2. Once inside this directory, choose the appropriate folder for the software you converted from. For example, if I were converting from vBulletin 4.2.0, I would choose the Links - vBulletin 4.0 file. 3. You will see one or more files in this directory. Choose the config.php file and open it with your text editing tool (I highly reccomend Notepad++) 4. Edit the lines that it tells you to. If you are unsure what to put in these lines, an explanation is below. Self explanatory, but this is where your website URL goes. If you website name was somewebsitehere.com, you would replace the localhost value with that. DO NOT ADD A TRAILING SLASH OR INDEX.PHP! The path to where IP.Board is located on your web server. If my site was located in public_html, I would define the path as /public_html. DO NOT ADD TRAILING SLASHES! The conversion ID. If you do not know where to find this, go to your ACP > Other Apps > IPS Converters > Converters > Manage Converters. On this page, you will most likely see 2 conversion IDs. One that says convert_forumsoftwarehere and convert_vbulletin_201305225034 (No, yours will not say that exact name. That's just what mine was) The string of numbers is the date that you performed the conversion on. Take this conversion ID and use it for the CONV_ID value in the PHP file. Self explanatory. Don't touch this. ----- Enjoy your new IP.Board community If you have questions, feel free to ask This tutorial was made by OpFor. You may copy this and use it on other websites, but please, give me credit for it.
  22. That fixed it. Thanks! I've done some more modifications though, would you mind taking a look since you have the link? I'd like some feedback on how the skin looks.
  23. Perfect! Works like a charm ermaghurd, one more issue: When I make an image my forum background, it works, but it repeats itself. So it will show the beginning of the picture on the sides, but it like repeats on the opposite side. I'll send you the link to my forum via PM so you can see for yourself.
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