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Everything posted by OpFor

  1. You may want to consider enabling search engine-friendly URLs (removes the trailing index.php in every board URL). I saw a very noticeable jump in visitors after enabling the friendly URLs.
  2. Compatibility IP.Board 3.4.X Possibly IP.Board 3.2 and 3.3, but not sure. This skin edit WILL BREAK with IPS Suite 4.0. This tutorial will show you how to set custom forum icons without the need for a modification like Forum Icons. This is a very simple skin edit and can be done by anyone. Getting Started: In your AdminCP, navigate to Look & Feel > Manage Skin Sets & Templates > Your Skin. In the templates section, under Board Index, you'll see a file called boardIndexTemplate. Click this. Select all the code in the file and completely remove it. Replace all the code with this: The settings needed to setup the forum icons have already been done for you. There are some additional options at the top of the file. If you would like to use those too, feel free to do so. Setting it Up: Now, in your FTP client, navigate to /public/style_images/Your_Skin Create a new directory called "forum_images". On your forum, open up the forum you want to apply the icon to. Look at the URL. There will be a number, for example: forum.com/forum/2-announcements-and-updates/ You will be looking for "2" or whatever number is there (it changes per forum since every forum has a unique ID). Get the image you want to set as a forum icon (NOTE: The image must be 32x32, no larger). In your FTP client, navigate to /public/style_images/Your_Skin/forum_images. Upload the image you want to set as a forum icon to this directory. In this case, we would need to name the file "2.png" because the forum ID is 2. The picture must be in PNG format and the name must be whatever number the forum ID is (number). You're done. Refresh the page to see the icon. If the icon does not show up immediately, do a hard refresh or clear your cache. The instructions for this vary by what browser you're using. If you have any questions, concerns, or need some help, please make a post in this topic. Please note that this code has NOT been adapted for the IPB mobile skin, and never will be adapted for the mobile skin. Please see my post for more info.
  3. OpFor


    Version v1.0.1


    This skin removes gradients, text shadow, and rounded borders in the default IP.Board skin. Useful if you like the default skin, but want it to match up to modern web design standards, or if you would like to save some time building a skin and not have to remove all the borders and gradients. This skin also allows you to set custom forum icons, if you choose.
  4. What's wrong with IP.Downloads? Quite honestly, just about any imperfection can be fixed with an already existing hook or mod.
  5. OpFor

    Iphone 4s vs 5

    Get a 5 and jailbreak it.
  6. OpFor

    What PC should I get?

    You can get a better PC for the same cost as an Alienware PC. Alienware is extremely overrated.
  7. Give the moderator group access the the ACP, but put restrictions on what they can do. Once you give them administrator permissions, IP.Board will prompt you to setup admin restrictions. From there, it's pretty self-explanatory.
  8. OpFor


    kl! It's about time you came back
  9. It really is useless to have the SFS hook if you have a registration question. For my Minecraft website, my question is "Who created Minecraft?". I haven't had a spammer since. The question just needs to be geared toward members of your community. Questions like "what is 1+1?" can sometimes be answered by bots, so don't use those.
  10. OpFor

    Feedback userInfoPane Changes

    The new theme is OK... although I still like the old one more. However, I have a small suggestion for the user information bar to the left. I think it would look a lot better if we took the username, moved it down, and centered it right above the user title. Phun helped me accomplish this on my site a while back (a tutorial can be found here: ) IMO, it would compliment the theme nicely.
  11. You can also use a license key gen... Google it. IMO it's 10x better to just deal with the raw CSS, which allows you to have excellent control over every element of the site, but if you're pretty new to PHP and CSS, the visual skin editor will work, although you should be aware that you can't make themes like WebFlake has with it. It's a very basic editor to say at the least.
  12. The guy at the beginning is definitely Eminem.
  13. That works. That was the code I was initially looking at, but I thought I would have to do something else in order to hide it. Either way, that works. Thanks for your help
  14. Hi guys, just a quick question. I have an element called control_panel_menu. I want it to be hidden from groups that are not moderators. I took at look at the globalTemplate and I sorta understand how I could do it, except I'm not sure how I would hide the element really. Basically, I want the element to be invisible to users who are not moderators, sorta like how the ACP and ModCP links work. Does anyone know how I could do this? I understand some of the basics of it, although I'm just not 100% sure.
  15. IMO you should really come up with your own design. This looks exactly like the Curve White theme with a few changes.
  16. Open up phpMyAdmin, select all tables, and hit "Repair". This should fix the issue. The Someone Mentions You hook is not compatible with IPB 3.4.x, so don't use it.
  17. Oh, I got it. Turns out that it was a problem with positioning. I originally moved it too low, so it was actually going behind the post. So actually, I did have it originally, lol. Thanks for your help Lock Down.
  18. OK, so I tried that, it doesn't work. I'm using this code: That's all I need since I'm controlling everything else via CSS. EDIT: I actually tried span class instead and it works, but it only shows on the first post.
  19. Hi guys, quick question. Is it possible to make a certain element print in every post? For example, let's say I have a box that is black. I want that box to show in every post made by everyone in a specific position. Is it possible? I'm assuming so, but I don't really know how. I want this example box to appear in every post. Thanks in advance for any answers.
  20. So, title says it all. Would anyone be interested in a Flexile theme for IPB if I were to hand-make it? I think IPB could use a skin similar to Flexile, but I want to know if anyone is interested in it before I waste my time doing it myself.
  21. My avatar is a fact.

  22. Awesome, thanks! I'll update you guys on my progress.
  23. Where did you come across the first one? I think that shade of grey would fit perfectly for the nav bar. I also like how it's styled.
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