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Everything posted by mr-pimpen

  1. you have to do this in the admin to move the start topic look for this in the index <a class="ipsButton ipsButton_medium ipsButton_important" href="{url="app=forums&module=forums&controller=forums&do=add" seoTemplate="topic_non_forum_add_button"}" data-ipsDialog data-ipsDialog-size='narrow' data-ipsDialog-title='{lang="select_forum"}'>{lang="start_new_topic"}</a>
  2. i like using both xenforo is a little better if you get use to it i been using xenforo 214 and looks good sitmap much better
  3. there was a question asked about this be for i think it a server side im not sure but have you checked all of your setting
  4. mr-pimpen

    CSS Broke

    its at the bottom in your admin sorry if i did not under stand what you was saying or the way you have posted the topic
  5. mr-pimpen

    CSS Broke

    ?you are in the support section! but you are asking about something that many members has not had the issue your are having just count 2 10 and some one will have the answer for u soon?
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Style FLine 2.5.1 - 4.3 / 4.4+ Dark FLine game style for the IPB 4.4.x forum A huge number of customization settings: slider, articles, etc. Name: FLine Version: 2.5.1 Compatibility: IPS 4.2.x - 4.4.x Demo: veilon.net Info: https://invisioncommunity.com/files/file/8680-%F0%9F%94%A5-fline/
  7. Version 1.0.0


    This is the first and only integrated WordPress chatbot that can improve user experience, provide support, answer questions and increase conversion! Demo: https://codecanyon.net/item/chatbot-for-wordpress/23512075 WPBot is the next-generation ChatBot plugin for WordPress with some very useful, ready-to-use tools. Conversational user experience is the future of technology. Log in to WPBot, a new way of user interaction that allows your WordPress website to communicate with your users on a personal level, creating a more natural interaction that
  8. Display a "NEW" blocked icon at the end of any unread post text. Add the following code to the extra.less template without changing it. .structItem.is-unread .structItem-title a:not(.labelLink):after { content: "NEW"; display: inline-block; background: @xf-uix_primaryColor; padding: 1px 4px; font-size: 11px; color: #FFF; border-radius: 3px; margin-left: 5px; position: relative; top: -2px; }
  9. ?no that would not be an option to do so one you have updated you can not go back! if you dont have any members or topic than i would say yes?
  10. there is an issue with Groups when make a new Group and when setting everything up i dont see where you can add the profile edit so i can add member to that group! what im saying is i want to take it out the members and add to a supper member but there is no settings any i dear
  11. mr-pimpen

    Glowing Group

    have you looked in the tutorials
  12. you have to do this in your server where you installed ips find where your theme is look for the set_resources_witch number look for this file 6d538d11ecfced46f459ee300b5e80ec_ta-library-1.0.6.js edit search for taman var ta_c=document.createElement("a");ta_c.innerHTML="Theme by Taman.",ta_c.setAttribute("href","https://invisionpower.com/profile/537452-taman/"),ta_c.setAttribute("title","Theme by Taman."),ta_c.setAttribute("id","taCopyright"),ta_c.setAttribute("style","display:inline!important;visibility:visible!important;opacity:1!important;font-size:12px!important;"),null!==document.querySelector("#elCopyright")?document.getElementById("elCopyright").appendChild(ta_c):document.getElementById("ip just add what you want
  13. mr-pimpen


    sure just give it a try-and if you dont like that than you can custom your members profile in the admin under profiles
  14. mr-pimpen


    it should for now intill they updated for 4 i been using not having any issues yet still waiting for the update
  15. mr-pimpen


    i be leave that is custom but we do have a plug in enhanced-user-info-panel here
  16. i be leave it has to do with the update of ipb im not shore but when i updated to the new version on my test site thats been happening
  17. yea i get the same thing gets trigger
  18. We are still working on the site and it will be finished soon!
  19. Version 1.0.0


    Shoutbox by Siropu is a simple mini-plugin for the XenForo 2 forum, which can be placed anywhere on the forum (widget). Info: https://xenforo.com/community/resources/shoutbox-by-siropu.5668/ Settings: [*] Chat update interval - allows you to set the interval for updating chat messages. The parameter can be disabled. [*] Maximum message length. [*] Limit of displayed messages. [*] Deleting messages older than X days [*] Turning on / off the sound of new chat messages [*] Turning on / off the display of avatars next to messages [*] Turning on / off BB codes [*] Basement - adding an additional block (advertising, announcement, other)
  20. Version 1.0.0


    Features : Developing your own commands for the bot Sending notifications to Telegram - Disabled in the settings
  21. This is Nick We have now moved the site far into xenforo I have redone the entire site and is hoping the site will take off!
  22. you have to manually put the codes in css ips wont have by default dont for get to add this to your navabaritem for the menue look for <li {{if $active}}class='ipsNavBar_active' data-active{{endif}} id='elNavSecondary_{$item->id}' data-role="navBarItem" data-navApp="{expression="mb_substr( \get_class( $item ), 4, mb_strpos( \get_class( $item ), '\\', 4 ) - 4 )"}" data-navExt="{expression="mb_substr( \get_class( $item ), mb_strrpos( \get_class( $item ), '\\' ) + 1 )"}"> replace with this <li {{if $item->active()}}class='ipsNavBar_active' data-active{{endif}} id='elNavSecondary_{$item->id}' data-role="navBarItem" data-navApp="{expression="mb_substr( get_class( $item ), 4, mb_strpos( get_class( $item ), '\\', 4 ) - 4 )"}" data-navExt="{expression="mb_substr( get_class( $item ), mb_strrpos( get_class( $item ), '\\' ) + 1 )"}" data-FontAwesome="{$item->title()}">
  23. ? when members register do it Prevent them do they still show up on your community
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