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Everything posted by mr-pimpen

  1. i be leave cookie monster would be better 4 that just Waite hill be on soon
  2. i dont know what this would be if it would be the same but we have how to make a traker in the tutorial section you can just mess around with it and see if that would be what ya need
  3. if you are having this issue than you can by pass this with this link i am giving you download this and than go to your theme chekedit and add new botton and upload it than place it in your editor this is what it should look like youtube downloader you than can embed videos
  4. i checked all the links when i install it everything get deleted be for its install i download the copy from webflake
  5. i be leave you really did not have to do that all you had to do was upload to ya server and only extract it will make it on folder than you will go to that folder and just transfer to the public_html and over wright theme with out the config file and than hit install at the url admin/install
  6. Version 1.0.0


    Compatible XF Versions 2.x 2.1 Additional Requirements Please do not modify and redistribute this language pack without authorization from the author. Latest version of the dutch translation for XenForo 2.1 This version is based on previous translations, mainly the 1.5 translation (with permission of the author). Since then, I have added, reviewed and streamlined hundreds of phrases based on feedback from my own forum. My goal is to make a solid translation and keep it up to date. You can expect regular updates of this translation! Managing languages (recommended) If you want to use this language, but also want to keep your own customized phrases, I highly recommend to use the follow steps. It is basically the same approach as the template system: This way you can frequently update the language pack 'Nederlands - origineel' while keeping your own customizations in your own language pack called 'Nederlands'. To prevent your users from selecting 'Nederlands - origineel' you will need to install a small add-on. Instructions: Install this add-on to hide certain language packs from your users: [XenDACH] LimitLanguageUsage Import the dutch language pack as a new language called 'Nederlands - origineel' Create a new language pack called 'Nederlands' and make sure to use the exact same settings as 'Nederlands - origineel' Make 'Nederlands' child of 'Nederlands - origineel' Now, you can disable 'Nederlands - origineel' (that's why you installed the add-on). This prevents users from selecting this language. They will only see your customized version called 'Nederlands'
  7. Version 1.0.0


    Designed with the perfect approach for your forum to increase engagement with the community, offer a high-quality user experience and increase your earning potential. UI.X Pro is a combination of our knowledge gained over more than a decade helping clients create prosperous communities and methods used by giants in the social networking industry. UI.X Pro has the necessary tools and support to install, configure and configure us; main additional functions that your users expect; and a partner who promotes ideas and helps with your forum. info  
  8. Version 1.0.0


    Geolocate your members and plot them on an interactive Google map! Uses Show your users' locations can be shown on an interactive Google map after being geolocated from their IP addresses. Also supports the ability to show all users or only those that are currently logged in. Locations are calculated in batches to ensure smooth performance, or updated by each person using drag & drop. Markers feature a popup with a mini profile including avatar. Google Api Key Complete Feature List Choose whether to show all users or only those logged in, and the default map type Choose the number of users to process per scheduled task run Usergroup setting to set if they can access or should be excluded
  9. nee to know if any one no how can i fix this im string to space this better where i circled and it not spacing wright what this will do is when a topic is lucked it will let a member no that you cant make any more comments or answers so that why im trying to space the the close here is part of the css i have /**Tags in topic list **/ .TAGALL { font-size: 11px; padding: 0 4px; font-weight: 500; text-align: center; white-space: nowrap; vertical-align: middle; border-radius: .25em; border: 1px solid; } fa-gitlab <a href='{$row->url( 'getNewComment' )}' title='{lang="first_unread_post"}' data-ipsTooltip> <span class=''><i class="fa {{if \in_array( $row->$idField, $table->contentPostedIn )}}fa-star{{else}}fa-eye{{endif}}"></i></span> </a> {{else}} {{if \in_array( $row->$idField, $table->contentPostedIn )}} <span class=' ipsItemStatus_read ipsItemStatus_posted' data-ipsTooltip title='You wrote in this thread'><i class="fa fa-commenting-o"></i></span> {{else}} <i class="fa fa-comments-o" data-ipsTooltip title='You did not write in this thread'></i>&nbsp; {{endif}} {{endif}} </div> {{endif}} <div class='ipsDataItem_main'> <h4 class='ipsDataItem_title ipsContained_container'> {{if $row->locked()}} <span><span class="TAGALL CLOSE_title" data-ipsTooltip title='The discussion is closed, the answers are no longer accepted.' tabindex="0"><i class='ipsType_medium fa fa-gitlab'></i>Closed</span></span> {{if $row->topic_open_time && $row->topic_open_time > time()}} <span><strong class='TAGALL TIME_title' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="topic_unlocks_at" sprintf="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $row->topic_open_time )->relative(), \IPS\DateTime::ts( $row->topic_open_time )->localeTime( FALSE )"}'>{lang="topic_unlocks_at_short" sprintf="\IPS\DateTime::ts($row->topic_open_time)->relative(1)"}</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> {{endif}} {{elseif !$row->locked() && $row->topic_close_time && $row->topic_close_time > time()}} <span><strong class='TAGALL TIME_title' data-ipsTooltip title='{lang="topic_locks_at" sprintf="\IPS\DateTime::ts( $row->topic_close_time )->relative(), \IPS\DateTime::ts( $row->topic_close_time )->localeTime( FALSE )"}'><i class='fa fa-clock-o'></i> {lang="topic_locks_at_short" sprintf="\IPS\DateTime::ts($row->topic_close_time)->relative(1)"}</strong>&nbsp;&nbsp;</span> {{endif}}
  10. Version 1.0.0


    Yellow Pencil is a visual CSS editor for WordPress that allows you to edit website design in real time. The plugin allows you to customize any theme. Click on an item and begin visual customization. Adjust colors, fonts, sizes, positions and more. Take control of your website with over 50 style properties. Demo Yellow Pencil provides everything you need to customize your website design. The plugin comes with advanced features such as visual resizing, drag and drop,
  11. Version 1.0.0


    The WP Meta SEO plugin gives you complete control over the SEO of your WordPress site using accurate and advanced tools. WP Meta SEO comes with time-saving tools, including: a meta-information editor, SEO image optimization, powerful XML sitemap creation and a redirect manager. The latest version of Pro comes with a unique Integration with Google Search Console which offers the best keywords to add to your content using Google data! Demo
  12. Version 1.0.0


    WordPress Download Manager Pro is the best WordPress plugin for managing files and selling digital products. WordPress Download Manager Pro is not just another WordPress plugin. WordPress Download Manager is the best file / document management plugin that allows you to manage, track, control file uploads and a comprehensive e-commerce solution for selling digital products from your WordPress site. WordPress Download Manager Pro is equipped with all the features you will ever need to sell and monitor file uploads, such as price changes, licensing, password protection, download visibility depending on the roles and capabilities of participants, hit counter and many other functions. Demo /////////// Addons: WPDM - Advanced Custom Fields 1.9.2 WPDM - Amazon s3 2.7.6 WPDM - Archive Page 3.0.1 WPDM - Block Hotlink 2.1.1 WPDM - Category Manager 1.2.1 WPDM - Advanced Access Control 2.9.1 WPDM - Download Limits 2.4. 1 WPDM - Default Values 1.7.1 WPDM - File Manager 1.3.1 WPDM - Form Lock 1.7.0 WPDM - Remote FTP browser 2.2.8 WPDM - Live Forms 3.2.2 WPDM - PDF Viewer 1.2.6 WPDM - The Movie Database 1.0 .0 ps there is a another version but i have the latest one if you go to the demo that version would be free to download
  13. did you turn the setting of and adjust them like i marked here
  14. it should be in the polldown where user are setting
  15. i want to say happy 2020 new years to every one at webflake have a safe new years and drive safe if ya going to drink
  16. i hope tha fix it and if so reply to this topic so we know it was fix so the moderators can close there are to many unanswered topics
  17. what php are you running i think it might PHP 7.1. see what it set 2
  18. i have custom 404 in my xenforo i get the 409 conflict so i add the 404 custom redirect to the url would that make any different when it come to the conflict i add the Custom 404 Page by Siropu to the download section so if any one could look at it and let me know if that good to have
  19. Version 1.0.0


    This add-on allows you to customize your 404 error page, keep track of missing URLs and redirect them to new pages. It comes with a basic error message but you can customize the page the way you want it using HTML and XF template syntax, having the option to remove the header and the footer. Log can be found in ACP > Tools > 404 not found
  20. what the hell is 25,00RON in us money
  21. any one know why these are being Delete after i installed ips it every time i do this can this be on the server side i did everything
  22. A sign in the profile indicating that the user has not confirmed his registration The tablet will appear if the user after registration has not confirmed his Email address open the list of styles HTML and CSS editing CSS tab> custom.css add to the very bottom /** Warning Email in Profile **/ .warning_Email { color: #ffffff; font-size: 26px; padding-top: 7px; padding-left: 1px; width: 40px; height: 40px; border-radius: 38px; position: relative; display: inline-block; text-align: center; background-color: #9e1419; } .WEmail_bottom { padding-top: 5px; } .WEmail_Text0 { padding: 10px; margin-bottom: 5px; background-color: rgb(204, 83, 83); color: #202225; } .WEmail_Text { font-size: 12px; } /** Warning Email in Profile the end **/ open templates we find; core> front> profile> profile find the line; <div class = 'ipsPad'> about 8-8 line add below; {{if $member->members_bitoptions['validating']}} <div class='WEmail_Text0 WEmail_bottom'> <div class="ipsGrid"> <div class="ipsGrid_span2 ipsType_center"> <span class='warning_Email'> <i class="fa fa-envelope-o"></i> </span> </div> <div class="ipsGrid_span10"> <p class='ipsType_reset WEmail_Text'> <strong> {$member->validatingDescription()} </strong> </p> <p class='ipsType_reset ipsType_small'>Будьте бдительны возможно это спамер!</p> </div> </div> </div> {{endif}} That's all, if you want to edit for yourself.
  23. what i want to do is see where those are i want it to have links to the topics <ul class="ADS_list"> <li>Leaderboard</li> <li>Online Users</li> <li>Gallery</li> <li>DownLoads</li> <li>Site Rules</li> <li> Admin</li>
    nice theme have not came across any issues
  24. this do not look like it legit it look like you are on a salers hosting service that just my opinion i never seen a hosting set up like that as forums
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