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Everything posted by killshandra

  1. are you sure are you looking on the right section of forum cause i see on your profile you re using xenforo, while this section is IPS
  2. are you on a free hosting ?
  3. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  4. update: tested and for me its all in english
  5. english should be the default language i will do a quick check, since its something i dont use myself
  6. dark theme at least for me its more easy on the eye so thx a lot
  7. yay for the dark theme thx

  8. you can merge the 2 account and hope the bugged one , doesn't messup the new one
  9. remove the bg image from the body tab this should remove the image from the slider, and play around with the settings in body
  10. there should be a background option in the slider setting (either general or for any slider)
  11. or try with this but dont know if it works with your version
  12. do the forum in which you want the thread created already exist ?
  13. i guess forum already exist and the permission for it are set, just in case check it again
  14. for prefix you can use this and for form dont know if they work for your version, for prefix im sure they do exactly what you need for form you need to check
  15. not sure but there could be something in the php.ini
  16. try to remove and reinstall something did go worng in the install cause you should have the chatbo settings in your admin panel
  17. there was this https://github.com/Makaze/Userscripts/wiki/IP.Board:-Plaintext-BBCode, but dont know if it is supported other than that the only option is the one i gave you
  18. there is a button on the editor used to remove format
  19. something similar ACP> customization>toolbar>add button you can either add to cke editot or custom one
  20. im with TMDhosting from years top 30 min downtime in al this time
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