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Everything posted by Jrock

  1. Clearly it's an awards system.. did you bother to do any type of searching before just throwing down a link to a warez site? Try a simple search for "awards" on our download database and you will see several results: https://webflake.sx/search/?&q=awards&type=downloads_file&search_and_or=and&sortby=relevancy Oh look, the first two results are exactly the plugin you're looking for.
  2. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  3. Jrock


    Topic moved to IPS Support.
  4. Post will remain.. OP was at least in quasi-English. @jhoancito please do take note as the other member said, this is in fact an English-speaking only forum. Titled Renamed.
  5. I use Apple Music because Verizon includes it for free as a part of my cell phone bill. I always have my music on shuffle and their code is shit because it keeps playing certain songs a lot more frequently than others. That's the only thing that I prefer Spotify for more, but the free aspect is hard to beat because I'm cheap.. not poor, just cheap.
  6. After conducting a Google search, I found someone posting on another board referencing MyBB but that was for a custom plugin. As a matter of fact, the only result that I turned up regarding IPB and any type of "leecher level" plugin is regarding a dead post made here on WF a while back. Sorry to not be of much help! The board you saw it on may very well have created it themselves.
  7. I get a 500 error when visiting the site. @volvo22, You posted in IPB Support, so I want to confirm that's what your using. Your profile says MyBB. Can you post some of your http error logs? Are you on shared hosting or your own cloud/dedicated server? The more information we get the better we can help you. You're dealing with a very broad spectrum of possibilities that can result in a 500 error.
  8. I've always had a soft spot for MyBB for whatever reason.. it's a nice break from IPB once in a while. However, at the end of the day IPB is the powerful workhorse that gets the job done. Only longterm benefit of MyBB is having a clean conscious about your software.
  9. Regarding your first question/issue, I'm not signed on your site in so I don't see it, and I'm not going to make an account. Overall, your theme just looks a little.. odd. I think there's similar ones that would also be suitable for a gaming community that are a bit more organized. If you insist on keeping your current one, just continue doing some digging with inspecting the element or css/template changes.
  10. Jrock


    Welcome to WebFlake!
  11. What are you trying to do? Share the login system? Integrate something on a page? If you saw something on a website that you want to replicate, give us a screenshot. The more information, the better. And welcome to WebFlake!
  12. I second this. They're the only ones that control the entire system- hardware and software. Can't beat them unless someone else does the same.
  13. ^ That is why. And we're glad to hear the issue is resolved! ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  14. Topic moved from IP.Board Support to Wordpress Support. _____________________________________ You need to access your error log. Are you on shared hosting (like cPanel), or do you have full access to your webserver (vps or dedicated)? What webserver are you on?
  15. Anyone having this issue will need to review your webserver logs and post the results from there. Driver errors can stem from various sources- often mismatched software versions or missing software.
  16. Jrock

    NBA or NFL

    I think they're both shit- overpaid figures that could be contributing much more to society.
  17. PUBG- Much more realistic. Doubt they're meant to be compared to each other as far as realism goes, just the style I prefer more.
  18. Back in the day when my computer actually got a virus, this removed it swiftly and thoroughly. Good software.
  19. Avast Free.. can't go wrong with it. Kept me safe for the last 8 years.
  20. Avast free is what I've been using for seven years and I haven't had any issues to-date!
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