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Everything posted by Logan_Rocks

  1. We do not offer support for vbulletin. Please post your questions in the proper forum topics.
  2. It very well could be. Is your .htaccess file configured correctly? Download it from your ACP and see if that fixes your issue You have to be more patient this is a free service we offer. If you need quick support get the legit version.
  3. Hello @puntito, Does you site meet the requirements if you upload this file to your site? Make sure everything is green
  4. Hello, What IPB version are you using? cPanel support in 4.5 has been deprecated
  5. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  6. Just upload all the new files to your web space and it will prompt you to update.
  7. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  8. Make the default app pages (if that’s what your portal uses) and make the portal page the default page in pages
  9. Hello, you are limited to the amount of files that you can download per day as a non donator. You can donate to the next tier if you need more downloads per day. If not your download lock automatically resets every 24 hours
  10. It has to be a file permission issue probably when you uploaded the files your web server didn’t write the permissions correctly...
  11. You are probably using a outdated theme. Try and use a theme that’s compatible with your version
  12. @effyh should be enabled by default
  13. Ok what host are you using? Does your web space meet the requirements to run IPB?
  14. Please make sure that you read the whole sentence under the rewrite url section. Please ensure that you download the file it told you to do and upload it to your web server and changed it to “.htaccess”
  15. Is it just that block or have you tried any other widget?
  16. Have you changed anything on your web server? Different PHP version, did you remove any essential php extensions?
  17. Logan_Rocks


    4.5 is in beta still. Its a major release you will see a lot of incompatibility with applications. You will have to wait for the app developer to update it and if you are using the app from WF you will have to wait for whoever uploaded it to upload the new release and see if it is a 4.5 update.
  18. Ok I’m not helping you anymore... you are posting in IPS Support and bringing up a different forum software and getting pissy for no reason
  19. I don’t understand what the filesystem has to do with what you are attempting to do...
  20. That would most likely have to be a custom plugin you would have to make to get that to work
  21. Its not a plugin or anything special its just custom HTML...
  22. Themes shouldn’t come with a CSS file..., if it looks broken after applying the XML try adding the content from the css file to the custom.css in the ACP I guess...
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