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Everything posted by Shnepsey

  1. Hey guys, so I'm using Code Game's skin and I made a logo for my forum but the logo is too big and once I put it there it doesn't show the whole logo, part of the logo goes under this "Members/Forums/Homepage/whatever" tab.. I would like to know how can I lower this tab so I have more space for the logo.? I'm talking about this Thanks in advance, -Shnepsey.
  2. Check your PM. I already showed it to few people and I checked it myself, it has nothing to do with the credits mate.
  3. what the hell ...it says I'm banned for 24hours from shoutbox... why's that :@?
  4. yeah... I see. Any suggestions? where should I look for it?
  5. I did and found nothing, unless you mean something else. could you explain what replacements u mean exactly?
  6. done, check pm Sanctuary said he got no idea how to delete the credits in bottom of the page.. Its not in globalTemplate and boardIndexTemplate anyone got any idea?
  7. oh, miss understood then. Well, you got any good HTML templates to offer maybe mate? Free ones ofcurse.
  8. I checked globalTemplate aswell, its not there. and I'm using this one http://codegame.net/files/file/29-cold-space/
  9. Can anyone explain me how do I remove it? I installed a skin in my IPB forum (3.4.5) and on bottom of the page there's credits, the skin is CGN's skin I tried to look in some CSS and couldn't find this line.. any ideas? Thanks
  10. Well, I believe someone could of get the PSDs atleast or something? what about you, you got any ideas for good templates? for gaming organization
  11. Mate, I'm looking for nulled version or something like that so I don't have to pay for it ... I'm not looking for a site to buy one. kinda broke atm so I can not afford buying a template =@
  12. anything guys ? what I want don't have to be exactly like this. just something that looks like this, unique and professional that fits a gaming organization perfectly.
  13. I edited my first post, added it into 'code' tags, but I'll make it easier for you and post it here too http://fc02.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2011/303/2/4/ultimate_gaming___sold_by_andasoloarts-d4eg0wu.jpgIt doesn't have to be this theme but I'm looking for something like this. something unique, something that looks nice for a gaming organization. The General said he could get the PSDs, but he didn't logg since 22.10 so =/
  14. thanks mate but this is not what I'm looking for. And to be honest, I even tried this skin.. it doesn't work so well. and I'm looking for something unique, like what I posted above
  15. Thanks mate but I couldn't find anything that fits what I need here. What I need is good looking HTML template with nice features for gaming organization.. something like what I posted above (on my first post @this topic)
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