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Everything posted by Shnepsey

  1. Thank you again but that didn't change anything as well. I tried exactly what you suggested, nothing changed. What Niresh12495, suggested above seem to work in general but I don't know.. perhaps he gave me the code there but not exactly as it should be. The way it works is very simple, it basically requires a picture to be a background picture (with the message asking my site visitors to turn off their adblocker) and the ad is placed on it. The issue is, once I turn on my adblocker the entire block disappears and not just the ad. Same thing goes to if I try to put it at Advertisements at CP. And if I keep my Adblock off it shows me the ad and its background but it doesn't hide actual text in the background, it kinda cuts it at the side the 'ad' starts to the side the ad ends.
  2. Put it in globalTemplate or you can make a script in global template and load it yourself. The JS you can save lets say in /uploads and call it adblock_custom.js setTimeout(function(){ if($("#advertisment").css('display')=="none") { $('body').html("We noticed you have an active Ad Blocker. Example.com is ad funded, we promise our ads are of high quality and are unobtrusive. The best help you could provide to keep us running, is to whitelist us in your ad blocker. Thanks!"); } },3000);In AdminCP > Customization > Your Theme > Edit > Global Template (HTML) Between <head> and </head> you can put something like this. <script type="text/javascript" src="/uploads/adblock_custom.js"></script> Thank you for the explanation but it doesn't work, tried both ways. Putting a script in globalTemplate and also just inserting this js straight into globalTemplate..
  3. where am I supposed to put this JS ? putting it in a block didn't do much..
  4. Thank you but it doesn't work properly.. A) when I turn on my ads blocker it wont show the picture in the background.. B) when I turn off my ads blocker, it shows the ad & the background but not entirely, it's like it's cutting the picture exactly where the ad is placed and continues with the picture at the end of the ad. Picture: *Yes the size of the background picture is 728x90 *you can see, it starts the sentence right there where the arrow is pointing to ("Please disable your ad blocker")
  5. well, i created the block and added the adsense code but once i turn on my adblocker it won't write what it does here in webflake, it just disappears.
  6. What do you mean? and what I am really wondering about is how can I make such a message pop up if the users turn on their ad blocker?
  7. Hi, I have noticed that webflake has advertisements, i was wondering what would happen if i turned on an adblocker and noticed that it's asking me to turn it off. how can I do the same thing my site? here's a picture
  8. Well, I ended up contacting my host, they agreed on restoring my entire host, it's working again. Thanks anyway, everyone!
  9. Still, same error, I even tried to add another theme and make that theme default but same result.. Thank you for your help again.
  10. I did, but that didn't solve the problem. When I use "Get Support" feature, it still redirects me to that error page...
  11. 1. I have the option to enable it only if I start designers mode again, should I turn it on and hit next? 2. I didn't change anything in my database, like I said, all I did really was reinstall the "forums" app.
  12. 1. I have another skin installed as well. Apparently I was in designer mode, no idea why. I turned it off and now when I try to do what you suggested, it redirect me to a page that says "Server errror 500" Screenshot: http://oi67.tinypic.com/ekrwgh.jpg 2. Yes I installed plugins as well, I disabled them and tried again, same error as mentioned in the screenshot above. 3. Have you in the database deleted what? I am not sure what you meant by that :S Thank you for helping, again.
  13. Thank you for your help but the portal part was an example I read online, as mentioned above. In my case, the issue was with the "Forums" app, so I reinstalled it and before hitting "ok" it didn't say anything about losing all the posts/topics , that is why I ended up reinstalling it and once I finished installing, all the topics / threads / forums weren't there anymore. As for your suggestion, once I hit "The problem is not resolved" it start loading for about 15-20seconds and then redirect me to this page:
  14. hi all, I have an issue with my site that should be addressed fast! earlier today, I have noticed that someone logged into my Admin account, how? my forum's homepage changed to an error "Error code: EX0 ", then I went and looked on the administrator's logs and noticed someone installed through my account an application, then I immediately changed my password and uninstalled the application he installed, the error didn't go away, I started reading online and noticed some people said they had it with different applications. For example, someone installed the portal application and then this error came up, after reinstalling it, it fixed it for him. So I realized it has something to do with my forums app, i uninstalled it and installed again, I read carefully, I was afraid it'll delete some data so I figured, if it suppose to delete the stored data information I have it would simply tell me right? so i uninstalled it, installed again and noticed my entire forum is gone! no posts, no topics! only a single post saying welcome (automated one). How can I fix it? what am I supposed to do...? my mind is literally blown away right now. My forums has over 5k users in it and many old posts, would be unfortunate to lose it all because someone tried to hack my site. *THE ERROR is gone after reinstalling but like I said above, all posts, topics just disappeared,.... Any help will be appreciated. Thank you.
  15. Alright then, if I just added it, other users should see it in 2hours +- ?
  16. Hello, I have a question related to google's Adsense. I wanted to start using Adsense on my forum and I was unable to, once I pasted the code it told me "Javascript disabled for security". What am I supposed to do? Thank you.
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