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Everything posted by Shnepsey

  1. Well, thank you but I didn't do it. I don't know what happened, I visited my site now and this error just disappeared. I didn't touch anything.. and it was fixed.. no other admins tho.
  2. The question now is where can I get a newer nulled version from
  3. Yeah.. that's the problem.. I keep getting the error I mentioned above Edit// I thought of upgrading to a newer nulled version, what do you think? would it solve the problem? and if yes, any recommendations? which one should I download..?
  4. I uninstalled it but the error is still there, or did you mean something else by "remove" ?
  5. Hello everyone. I just installed the following application: And once I finished installing it an error came up "Your license key is missing. Please provide your license key" I am using a nulled version ( the text "provide your license key" is a URL basically and once I click on it it gives me an error, here's a screenshot: If anyone has any idea to solve it, it will be appreciated. Keep in mind that this error came up only ONCE I installed the application I mentioned above. Thank you.
  6. Did anyone here try it ? does it really work as a DDOS protection ? Thank you for sharing tho.
  7. Worked ! Thank you! Could you please tell me where can I get more gif pictures that would fit from ? in the code where it says fire_green.gifall you need to do is change the "green" to any other color most of them will work Other then that you can replace http://resources.guild-hosting.net/1024/themes/core/images/tag_fx/fire_green.gifwith http://forum.ragezone.com/images/backround6.gifwhere it says "backround6.gif" you can change the "6" and cycle through the many gif backgrounds from 1-30 i believe Hope it helps Thank you. :)
  8. Worked ! Thank you! Could you please tell me where can I get more gif pictures that would fit from ?
  9. That's the idea, yeah. Do you know how to do that? if yes, could you post it here?
  10. I already did, wouldn't create a topic if I found the topic you're talking about. Can you share the URL to the topic you're referring to?
  11. Sent through PM, I am not sure if I am allowed to share it here.
  12. Hi all. I have two questions, 1. I have seen in few different IPB forums usergroups with a certain symbol before/after the usergroup name (e.g. Donators with a dollar sign: Donators with a gold bag after the text) 2. Also, seen usergroups with an animated background, for instance.. a user group named Administrators and whoever was in that user group had his nickname colored + some sort of animated background for example, Administrators in red and animated stars around the text. IF anyone could answer to me on this it will be very helpful. Thank you.
  13. Will send you a pm in a few min. On topic, if someone has anything to add please do.
  14. Hi, all. I have a PSD template for a website design and I would like to convert it to WordPress, anyone has an idea about how it's done? You may also recommend to me, whether to convert it to WordPress or HTML? WordPress seem more user-friendly and easier to work with. However, I have an IPB forum and I wish to link the accounts there to the wordpress/html website I'll create. Interested to have latest forum threads/posts on a side bar as well. Help will be appreciated. Thank you.
  15. It seems to work, you got rep for that :D. Thanks a lot! Just last question, may I install the other apps that my nulled version comes with? such as downloads, gallery etc.? or would it cause problems?
  16. PM sent.. *UPDATE* I sent you a PM but I am unable to see it in my inbox, did you receive it ?
  17. Ignore the link, it has nothing to do with it, it's just because I clicked on one of the options you see in the picture. It would still happen if I went to my main page or changed to default theme.. ******* UPDATE ********* It happens with every application I install, I got no idea why or what's causing it exactly but I tried installing another application and ended up with the same result...
  18. I am using mountains theme, if it works here in webflake it should work in my site as well, no? **UPDATE** I tried it with the default theme, nothing changed.. ended up with the same result. I also found out that it's enough to restore "datastore" folder in my forum's directory in order to fix the issue, but that wouldn't fix for me the chatbox's problem, it would appear like I never installed it pretty much and once I try to install it again, same problem, of course.
  19. 4.0.11, I tried using different version of chatbox, I don't think it has anything to do with my IPS version because anything else that I installed so far, worked completely fine.
  20. Hello, everyone. I have an issue with applications after I install them in my site, every time I install an application my entire forum gets messed up and admin cp. Since I have a backup, I can always go back and I found out that the folder that fixes the issue for me is "datastore", however... if I restore it once the issue happens, it appears like I never installed the application I tried to install, simple as that... how do I fix it? FYI, my site was previously 3.4.6 version and I upgraded it, I also moved to a different host before doing that Picture of the problem here: Thank you..
  21. Thank you for your help but the issue is already solved, I installed a clean new version, it seems like it was missin some files hence I couldn't see my site properly. Once I was done with that, linked it to my old database and so far it's working okay. There are few more things to modify here but that's pretty much it. Thank you for trying tho. :)
  22. Hello, everyone. I am currently having issues with my forums, I am upgrading from 3.4.6 to 4.x.x. Previously I had an issue with the database (read the previous topic here: http://webflake.sx/topic/15801-error-500/) While upgrading, in some point it just redirects me to a blank page with a weird path. Picture here: http://i.hizliresim.com/poP5yJ.jpg I am not sure what's causing this issue, any ideas..? tried googling a bit around, couldn't find anything useful really Any help will be appreciated. Thank you in advance. ****UPDATE**** I just tried something else, I deleted all I had saved in my ftp for 3.4.6, uploaded a 4.x.x version and updated (with 3.4.6's database)It worked, kinda... it wouldn't redirect me to this blank page, it finished upgrading and everything BUT!Now my site looks all messed up and I got no clue why.. :SScreenshot: http://i.hizliresim.com/gAob1R.jpgHelp please...
  23. It worked for me with my previous host, but it wouldn't let me complete the upgrade because I didn't have 128m php memory, therefore, I switched to a different host. My previous host had an issue with that, they kinda refused helping me there. Either way, I have a suspicion that it has something to do with my database. Will post results later on. ***UPDATED*** It was about the database but eventually a new error popped up. Will create a new thread, this thread can be closed.
  24. Hello everyone. I have recently moved my domain to another host and now I am having issues with entering my site, I used to have ipb 3.4.x but now I want to update to 4.x.x and it wont let me even enter my site. I am getting error 500 Screenshot here: I am not sure what's causing it but if I delete conf_global.php, it will redirect me to installation page and not to upgrade page. (I gotta complete the upgrade from 3.4.6 to 4.x.x) Even if I type manually DOMAIN.COM/admin/upgrade it won't let me do that, it just give me the same error, yes.. even if I delete conf_global.php.. What's causing it..? :/ Thanks..
  25. I thought the time I waited till now is enough this is why I came up with this thread but apparently it wasn't enough. But well, I just need few apps to continue working (the apps I mentioned above). Thank you all for answering my questions, I will keep an eye on what's happening with those apps.
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