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Lock Down

Rising Star
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Everything posted by Lock Down

  1. The answer is no if you use the standard rss import for IPB. It reads exactly what the .xml or .rss file has int it. You can however, if you can write php code, add a routine to go to the article link and extract the full article. I have not seen a hook yet created to do this.
  2. All fixed. There was a malformed < a href line
  3. Ok I see what you mean. You need to edit template Board Index > boardIndexTemplate find <td class='col_c_forum'> <h4> Change to this <td class='col_c_forum' style="background:#28323b url(http://yoursite.com/forums/uploads/forum{$forum_data['id']}.jpg) no-repeat right;"> <h4> You will have to create the images you want using the word forum and the forum id number.. Like forum10.jpg in the uploads folder (or you can change the location and naming procedure ).
  4. I have looked at it and I think it is due to cloudfare. Do you have cloudfare handling 404? Maybe amrt errors. OK the removing of the smart errors for cloudfare fixed that screen. Now just add read topic to guest permissions for the forums you want them to read.
  5. You have to be clear about what you want. Make some picture of what you have with that hook and some pictures of waht you want..
  6. Answered but that is totally a different subject. If you don't get my answer start a new topic. find this <if test="postSignature:|:$post['post']['signature']"> {$post['post']['signature']} </if> change to something like this <div class="signature" data-memberid="{$post['post']['member_id']}"> <if test="groupSignature:|:in_array($post['post']['member_group_id'],array(4,6))"> <h1> I am an administrator </h1> </if> <if test="groupSignature:|:in_array($post['post']['member_group_id'],array(7))"> <h1> I am a moderator </h1> </if> </div> For the avatar question <!-- **************** below is the old code. remove it. ************** --> <if test="avatar:|:$author['member_id']"> <li class='avatar'> <if test="canSeeProfiles:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )"> <a itemprop="url" href="{parse url="showuser={$author['member_id']}" template="showuser" seotitle="{$author['members_seo_name']}" base="public"}" title="{$this->lang->words['view_profile']}: {$author['members_display_name']}" class='ipsUserPhotoLink'> </if> <if test="hasVariable:|:$this->settings['member_topic_avatar_max']"> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_main_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_variable' /> <else /> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_thumb_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> </if> <if test="canSeeProfiles2:|:$this->memberData['g_is_supmod'] OR ( $this->memberData['g_mem_info'] && ! IPSMember::isInactive( $author ) )"> </a> </if> </li> <else /> <li class='avatar'> <img itemprop="image" src='{$author['pp_thumb_photo']}' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> </li> </if> <!-- **************** below is the new code ************** --> <li class='avatar'> <img itemprop="image" src='{$this->settings['upload_url']}/group{$author['member_group_id']}.jpg' class='ipsUserPhoto ipsUserPhoto_large' /> </li>
  7. What does that mean? Are you talking about something different than the signatures now? If yes I answered the group avatars here
  8. Unless you have the same problem with the topics table not be correct like klique that should work. If you pm me an admin login and url I will check it.
  9. What avatar? There is no avatar in signature. Just what each member adds. A picture of what you want would be nice.
  10. Your backup was incomplete. Rebuilt the topics and everything is showing. The topic titles and forum id was not available from posts so you will need to edit those manually.
  11. Try it without furl. Use ftp/file manager and edit file conf_global.php and make this line $INFO['use_friendly_urls'] = '1'; Then in System Settings > System > Search Engine Optimization change this Friendly URL Features Redirect to new friendly URL format No Then run this again without the furl and see if it is ok. If it is try putting the furl back and see if it works. Tools & Settings > Cache Management at top click the minus sign on right of cached posts and click remove all. Then above it click rebuild global cache.
  12. There are no hooks that I know about. The change would have to be made in the registration template. @greek_parea if you want to only show the group signatures in the post screen you can do that by changing the Topic View > post template like this find <if test="postSignature:|:$post['post']['signature']"> {$post['post']['signature']} </if> change to something like this <div class="signature" data-memberid="{$post['post']['member_id']}"> <if test="groupSignature:|:in_array($post['post']['member_group_id'],array(4,6))"> <h1> I am an administrator </h1> </if> <if test="groupSignature:|:in_array($post['post']['member_group_id'],array(7))"> <h1> I am a moderator </h1> </if> </div>
  13. That is because you have an htl error in one of your templates. looks like the < a href .........Bans'> is incorrect in it. Find the template that is showing that image and you will find the error.
  14. The only way to make that work for everything would be to do it at time of registration. There are many templates that would be needed to change otherwise. The only other thing you could do would be to run a mysql update commands to alter the members signatures by group.
  15. That would not stop the posts fro being seen. Use cache management and remove all posts at the top of screen. and rebuild the global cache. Also in Look & Feel > Template Tools Recache all skin sets. If this doesn't help pm me a admin login and I will take a look at it.
  16. Do you mean you change the members signatures based on their group?
  17. It almost seems your host made some changes. here is the answer to the messages. Happens a lot. So you can use ftp and edit the initdata.php file changing this //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ADVANCED CONFIGURATION: ERROR REPORTING //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- error_reporting( E_STRICT | E_ERROR | E_WARNING | E_PARSE | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING ); to this //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ADVANCED CONFIGURATION: ERROR REPORTING //-------------------------------------------------------------------------- error_reporting( E_STRICT | E_ERROR | E_PARSE | E_RECOVERABLE_ERROR | E_COMPILE_ERROR | E_USER_ERROR | E_USER_WARNING );
  18. A picture of what you want would be helpful.
  19. Ok try this. Sometimes it will fix it. Go to admin panel Tools & Settings > Cache Management at top click the minus sign on right of cached posts and click remove all. Then above it click rebuild furl and rebuild global cache.
  20. First you need to shutdown the forum. Next upload the backup .sql file to the appropriate folder on the server ... Use mysqldumper or bigdump if you do not have your own vps. The both will do the job. http://www.mysqldumper.net/ http://www.ozerov.de/bigdump/ if you have vps use ssh and this command mysql -u DATABASE_userbame -p DATABASE_password DATABASE_name < DATABASE_backup.sql If you need help pm me the ftp or ssh login and database information with the location of the backup .sql file.
  21. in admin panel Member Groups > Manage Member Groups > members > forum Allow user to remove 'Edited by' legend? No
  22. Here is the problem. The comma can not be the last thing. It has to be a number. Did you add any new apps or hooks? If not it must have been the way you did the groups the second time. It may be only a restore of the admin_permission_rows, members and groups tables will fix it. PS don't just listen to your friends. Be sure to check the actual errors in the logs sql errors in the admin panel before doing anything. Also a backup before making any changes to you forum is a good thing to have available.
  23. edit template Downloads) Download Manager > downloadsPortal find <if test="showSubCatsLit:|:$link['new']"><li class='newposts'><else /><li></if> add this after it <span style="font-size: 9px;padding: 1px 3px;margin-right: 9px; font-weight: bold;color: #797979; background: #e7e7e7;float:right;-moz-border-radius: 3px;-webkit-border-radius: 3px;border-radius: 3px;">{parse format_number="$link['cfileinfo']['total_files']"}</span>
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