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Everything posted by SAxCoco

  1. It's all about Battlefield tell him that haha.
  2. You people have some bad choices haha, I would choose a guy but I know I am hot so I choose myself .
  3. A man has to be true to his words or he's not a man at all.

  4. Umm isn't this site for Nulled and free themes? So who cares what he has to say? The owner of leak or whoever sent you that.
  5. Oh, you didn't need to explain that, I had a jtag myself. Sold it now I'm a PC person . Can't wait for BF4.
  6. What project if I may ask? And I didn't mean to buy from you but buy from other sites that sell them if we don't have them. It's not like I need the money atm I have everything I need provided by my parents accept extra cash to buy stuff on webz.
  7. What's up Sketch, Welcome to WF. Slapping noobs use to be my side job . Also thanks for going to upload skins etc... Will make us grow and become bigger and badder haha. Oh and I'm just strolling around and waiting to find out when I start work so I can buy skins and upload them here. How about you?
  8. Not all men, some disrespect them and do other stuff not going to say it but I think you know what I mean haha. I always had a soft spot for women even if I don't even really like them or are annoying to me they always get the best of me.
  9. How can you say "No" to a face like that eh? I remember back in 7th grade I use to bring gum to school every day and girls did the cutesy face and I could never say no to not giving them some. .
  10. I always wonder what BBCode was, this explained a lot to me.
  11. This is like disrespecting women, still made me laugh haha. Then again women like guys who disrespect them... Hmm now I know why I don't get any women... Well time to start disrespecting them . Or do this....
  12. SAxCoco

    Any Singers?

    ^ Lulz, I can rap just no sing high pitch notes etc... But I'm not really of a performer person.
  13. Yup, but welcome to WebFlake one of the best sites if not it will surely become it .
  14. Thanks, a man has to be true to his words or he's not a man at all.
  15. Heyo I'm not really new to this site but i'm not going to lie I use to be a leacher here . At least i'm being honest and I wanted to join and give back for what a burden I have been . My name is Cody or Coco ( My nickname). I'm currently 17 and in college. I'm mostly into learning new things I haven't learned before. I love surfing since Florida have some beautiful beaches. My future plans are to own a succesful company that does many things gaming,paintballing,surfing and a lot of other stuff what I usaully say is just everything that is possible will be done. So if you made it this far in reading this thanks for taking a interest in my life .
  16. Nothing but feeding the greed of men.

    1. SAxCoco


      You're welcome, and that's awesome haha.

  17. Well "I'm a old ass honkey" "Rucka Rucka Ali I'm Obama"
  18. Not much many people can come up with new names .
  19. SAxCoco

    Anyone from LA?

    I'm from Florida .
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