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Everything posted by SAxCoco

  1. Yup, I know I am a guy and all but I hate porn it's just ugh.. And you might have 12 year olds are your site xD.
  2. Killing Floor.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. SAxCoco


      Purple got it right, I love me some zombies!

    3. Purple


      my boyfriend plays that game.. lol.

    4. SAxCoco


      He has a good taste in games then.

  3. I wouldn't use them, I use them once and all they show is pornographic ads.
  4. Making people mad on FB = the best thing ever.

  5. I can make your bed rock.

  6. I never seem to have this issue since I've been using nulled scripts, maybe it is you guys seeing this problem but I have not seen it once.
  7. SAxCoco


    I love this post and he's mad at Sketch. OT: Welcome to WebFlake
  8. Yeah we have to wait and see I guess the expense is getting to me.
  9. Am I gay if I have JB's "Somebody To Love" stuck in my head?

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. SAxCoco


      No I don't man, but yeah I like the song. :P

    3. Purple


      Okay well.. I am leaving this comment and not returning. Bye boys

    4. SAxCoco
  10. I wouldn't of went to Woodbury if I was them I would want to survive on my own or with group and try to take out every walker.
  11. I like the 3rd one it's pretty much simple and basic with a little pizzazz.
  12. Yes , you see a lot of talented people in New York this is probably my most favorite I've seen on YT or IRL. (Of street performers.)
  13. 2ed part http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fsxzaHddkiQ
  14. Doesn't hurt to make them mad if we don't like them what so ever ?
  15. Finale is meh, but yes when Merle died I was like WTF? He was my favorite character.
  16. If anyone watches and has seen to current finale how do you feel about how it's going?
  17. Bieber is comming to my town on August 7th... Time to buy tickets just to throw crap at him...

    1. Show previous comments  8 more
    2. Chris


      lol - Just so you know, you wont go to jail you will be praised.

    3. SAxCoco



    4. SAxCoco


      Sure will man.

  18. Considering rising tensions with China, and our verge-of-war stance with North Korea.. I'm not surprised. Kinda figured >.< ah well what can we do? Nothing... OT: Found another guy thats hawt Frank Sinatra http://i.telegraph.co.uk/multimedia/archive/01402/frankSinatra_1402870c.jpg
  19. Happy Easter man, 17 and still hunting for eggs that's what I call gangster.
  20. I always wonder why many movies have revolutions in them lately and music. I wonder if they're trying to tell us something.
  21. Not to make you jealous but I got a water bed.

  22. Or just type something random in the key spot... Works for me all the time.
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