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Everything posted by lnsane

  1. Just tried right now, Doesnt work at all the code thing doesnt worked.
  2. Well i messed up my [code ] tag by adding alot into replacement.. is there any way i can have the default one?
  3. But how do i put html elements to it that is my Q?
  4. i want to know what does this hook do and after installing where do i find it because i have installed the hook but i cannot find it any where in hook system.
  5. Thanks alot for suggestions I found a cheap offshore vps site by use of lowendbox Topic close:)
  6. I am not trying to buy dedicated server just normal windows 2008 vps for personal use in budget of max10$ possibly ram 1gb
  7. I am from india but i would like english based vps
  8. The thing is i dont need for hosting a site and i do know a france site which allows vps in 8/m 1gb but the panel is in french and hard to understand and always need to use google translator kind of messy so i was posibbly thinking any english language site
  9. Cannot really choose between Ipb and vb Because has their cons But atm i am riding Ipboard thanks for the nulled modifications u help with!
  10. Helo flakers,dont know if its the right section to ask, I wanted to buy a vps possibly 1gb ram and unmetered bandwidth.Reason of buying : Just for downloading and uploading warez and stuff.Please let me know some suggestions possibly budget 7-10$
  11. Seriously, Looks amazing hope it come up good just like FC
  12. Site Created Nov6 - 2012 Members till Today: 692
  13. Hello all,First off i really feel glad to see you guys back on board. Really felt handicapped without your support for my site. Thanks for being there for me always.Peace m/
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