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Everything posted by lnsane

  1. lnsane

    Rust Players

    I am just asking if someone knows a server to play :-/
  2. lnsane

    Rust Players

    Hello Guys i have recently started playing rust(cracked). Kinda Fun yeah. Does Anybody have their own servers in here? I'd like to join or I can make my own server too i got a vps with 16gig ram + 10gbps network
  3. Recache the app & Skin too and see if all the files are in server @proper place.
  4. Yes it i might use that but will that auto demote members from their vip ranks? Thanks darius i don't use nexus anyway and yes i moved servers and later on i also re installed the hook it just worked for 2 days and countdown stopped.
  5. Well ive installed vip members application to promote and demote automatically but its not working the days are not counting down. What could be the issue? I have also tried re installing but it worked for 2 days and then no more countdowns too any help? Regards, lnsane
  6. Thanks for the pro tips i've been trying to learn smudge ill post some more of it soon infact more of pokemon's lol
  7. Learnin smudging Give ur reviews.
  8. Welcome karan i am an indian too if any questions for ipb always here to help.
  9. Thanks fixed and yes not hard for u but me well it takes time to understand
  10. A proper guide might help, this is a support topic.
  11. Hello i just uploaded a skin if someone could tell me how to fix stats bar in it. Skin: http://webflake.sx/files/file/1706-techheadsgaming-rip/ How i want it to look: http://prntscr.com/2nv069 How it looks messy: http://prntscr.com/2nv0br
  12. hello i know it has something to do with apache because before on old host my website was working on ngnix and now later i changed it to apache. So, i would like to know if i am missing something to edit as a change from ngnix to apache. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Hello, i would like to tell everybody the FURL cache problem and rewrite profile problem has been fixed . FURL : I went to WHM changed the server time and then did FURL recache and it got fixed The profile rewrite: i just had to set the correct path
  13. I recently changed my hosting i have this issues if u could fix it for me guys FURL Cache Out Of Date. ( i did recache FURL 100 times but error still remains same) Your profile photo directory is not writable ( I chmod to 777 yet its same) Please help thanks
  14. 101 posts! got a medal!

  15. I must say i like here more with the new theme

  16. lnsane


    Welcome to webflake I am from India too, nice place to be here
  17. Thanks for it i liked it req filled.
  18. Like it but if you could change from shield to something else or just a font but thanks for trying.
  19. width=750 height=150 to 200 is ok thx for picking up the project.
  20. Very sleek design Love it but as tweaks you can add a nice border of leaves around and make width a bit broad too ..
  21. [*]Color Scheme:http://www.colorcombos.com/color-schemes/65/ColorCombo65.html [*]Font type (DaFont.com):http://www.dafont.com/american-captain.font [*]Images: nah [*]Community type (gaming/design/fansite):related to cracking [*]Logo size:150x750 [*]Text desired:"lnsane" [*]Example logo:n/a [*]Slogan (if applicable):n/a [*]Animation (if applicable):n/a
  22. Just requesting a wide signature for me (not broad). should have my name "lnsane" somewhere on left or right (bottom or top dosnt matter) Color combos: http://www.colorcombos.com/color-schemes/65/ColorCombo65.html this type of color scheme would do. Feel free to try ur best.
  23. I need a custom work too be done on ipb 3.4.5. Pm me ur skype if any interested.

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