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Everything posted by lnsane

  1. i have ipboard 3.3.4 version, in anycase i can add it from admincp? or enable it ? thank you for info.
  2. It links exactly to the post . Can you name the hook and post it somewhere.
  3. How can i change this black strip color to dark green ? Skin:Mirage 3.3.x
  4. False The person below me is a dog
  5. IPB economy is awesome just too complex

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Pax


      You don't "use" DNA, it is embedded inside you. It's the code that makes up your body.

    3. Pax


      This conversation just got real..... and... bumped

    4. Exterminator



  6. Skin: Mirage 3.3.xError while i open the moderating team page on the bottom. Catchable fatal error: Object of class ipsRegistry could not be converted to string in /home/crackolo/public_html/cache/skin_cache/cacheid_41/skin_stats.php on line 93Note: The error dont show up in Skin glare: 3.3.x
  7. Hello everybody i tried to find announcement system on my ip board 3.3.4 but i couldn't anybody can guide me where is it found ? thanks
  8. I wish Subway skin for my 3.3.x :( it looks amazing

    1. Weed


      I want it so badly :(

    2. Evarni


      Subway wasn't made until 3.4.x, so there's no version for 3.4.x

  9. Yes i have experienced the News error but not the ACP one. other things work fine to me i was about to make a support thread regarding this once my previous support is complete :)I used social groups one we have in donator areamy ipb v:3.3.4
  10. Hello, My forum has IPB 3.3.4 and one of my friend has smf software installed is there any way 1. that i can shift all smf data into my ipb or 2. smf to new installed ipb. Let me know thanks you all for support
  11. lnsane

    Question Donation Question

    Great, thanks for the info! ill soon donate
  12. lnsane

    Question Donation Question

    Hello, Not sure if this is the place to ask this question so please put it in specific section it is not So i wanted to ask that if i donated you people is there any perks or VIP area that will be open only and privately for donators ? or is the donation just and only for paying the hosting and buying new hooks and applications in the forum. Thanks, Regards.
  13. By the first look i see is a neon type of icon image of the home so i can call it as "Neohome" Rating:4/5
  14. Well its been a while i have used 3.3.4 Ipboard nulled version which doesn't have Recent status updates on side bar. In any case i can put it without installing the whole new ipboard nulled version? Thanks Much appreciated.
  15. A Video or image tutorial would be more helpful to me but thanks for this i will give a try.
  16. ok i replaced things from templates still it shows me nothing.
  17. The skin has default icons but there is an option to disable that. I tried disabeling and looking on it too but no luck.
  18. Hello Guyz, I just installed DP32 Forum Icons Modifications and added some forum icons it seems to show in admin panel but when i look on the site it doesnt show up. My Current Skin:Glare (by tom christian)
  19. Guests reporting on posts! putting ad links how to stop that!

    1. Yuu


      Permissions. Make sure you've set them up correctly.

    2. lnsane


      Yup, Says it all. Fixed it :) Thanks.

  20. Thanks Close the topic special thanks to Flinty for pm support
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