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Everything posted by Dvader

  1. Thank you... "revert" solution solved the problem!!
  2. I installed the Diablo skin on my forum and everything looked great until I went to use the editor to post a message.... the editor was gone!!... nothing where the editor should be and it's the same anywhere on the forum where an editor is needed!!! Does anybody have an idea what happened here!! Editor works fine on all my other skins. Thanks in advance for any help on the subject...
  3. That did the trick my friend.... Thank you very much.
  4. I really like the Diablo skin but wish it were just a bit wider ie: maybe fill 95% of the total window... Can anyone tell me which file to edit to make this happen?
  5. Thank you - That did the trick - Problem solved!!
  6. All of a sudden everybody logged into my forum has an IP address of ""... how can I fix this?
  7. It worked for me after I cleared my browser cache.
  8. Place your favicon.ico file in your website root directory.
  9. Dvader

    Feedback No Suggestions

    No Suggestions... just wanted to say thanks for having such a great site and thanks for sharing it's content...
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