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Everything posted by Dvader

  1. Dvader

    Quiz System

    Great mod! Installed on my system (IPB V3.4.8) smooth install and looks and works great. I would recommend this mod to anyone who wants to have a unique addition to their Forum.
  2. Looking for: (M34) Global Messages 2.1.3 - Will create an unlimited amount of global messages, choose the style of each message as well as which member groups, skins, and forums each message appears on. Manage all messages securely through the Admin CP.
  3. Thank you for the fast reply and this solved my problem...
  4. Where can I edit the color codes for this BBCode menu ( IPB 3.4.8) so I can see all the choices in the menu... I only have this problem on a couple of skins (See attached screenshot of the problem on the Diablo skin) for example...
  5. Don't care for it... I'll be sticking w/ 3.4.x
  6. Why not just do a google image search for "ipb minecraft skins"?
  7. This looks really slick!! Thank you for sharing!!
  8. I used to be concerned and/or disappointed about how many members or how many visitors I had to my web site every day but since my site is a 'hobby' (HAM Radio/Shortwave/CB and a Ford Mustang) site and I don't rely on it to make a living I don't care any more. I just do it for my own enjoyment and just concentrate on having a 'quality' web site and/or forum. I've been doing this off and on since 1982 when I started with a 'Dial-Up' BBS service and still enjoy it today... I don't charge for access to any of my web forums... never have... never will, I just write off my server fees etc as one of the expenses for my 'hobby'. I believe anybody trying to run a forum today to make money is going to have it rough... FACEBOOK killed any chance of that! I have a couple of facebook group pages myself and memberships in the thousands but my web forums only have memberships around 100 or so on the average but I still enjoy them more! I really like this site and I have been coming here for a long time on and off and I wish I could contribute more but I just don't have the connections Thank you for your efforts on providing this site and and sharing it's content with me and all the other members here.
  9. Thank you... I'd like to give it a try if I may...
  10. A year or so ago I found a mod that would/could display a different message on the head of any page of your choice, edited from the ACP... you could pick the page where it would be seen and who would see it. Anybody remember what the name of this mod was? Update; The MOD was Global Messages... I have (M32) Global Messages v2.1.1 but that version will not work w/ IPB v3.4.6... crashes in the admin panel... I believe the version that will work is v2.1.3
  11. Dvader

    Feedback Thanks

    Just wanted to take a minute and say thanks for providing this really great web site to the public..
  12. Dvader


    What is this? a "Shoutbox" for Staff members only?
  13. I've been getting "Your account has been marked as Inactive, to become active again you must at least make 1 post." but i've posted some replies and still get this message when I log-In. Does this mean I need to start a topic?
  14. Oh, it will "work" to some extent but has a problem w the database creating new fields.
  15. Any new info on whether or not this mod is ever going to be updated? 
  16. This is a great mod... been using it since it first came out! 
  17. Just a note from my own personal experience... version 1.2.1 is not compatible with IPB v3.4.6...
  18. Just wanted to say thanks for one of the best sites of this kind on the web... You are appreciated!
  19. I would use an image editor such as the free PAINT.net and under layers use the "add layer from image file" feature... easy as 1-2-3 Whoops... never mind I just noticed you want to do it w/ code... I guess "On the fly" w/ different banners...
  20. DUH!! Right under my nose all the time... I guess sometimes you just can't see the forest for the trees!! - Many thanks!! I tried it and it did what I was looking for
  21. OK... what exactly I want to do is when a user is using the default skin on my board and goes to an app, say arcade for example, I want the skin to change to another skin that I have selected for the arcade only! then after leaving the arcade revert back to the default skin for the forum. I know it's got to be possible because you can do it with the blog app! How do I do this? Is there a mod or hook for this?
  22. These days, a 2014 Mustang.. Sorry, no provision for uploading a picture
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