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Everything posted by Dvader

  1. I guess it's a matter of personal choice... speaking for myself I've tried them both and keep going back to 3.4.x. I like the look better and the variety of MODS and Themes available. To me, all the 4.x sites all look the same...
  2. What I did was make my signature a .PNG image with a transparent background...
  3. Dvader

    Xenforo or IPB?

    IPB 3.4.x gets my vote. And yes, I've tried 4.x
  4. Chrome used to be my favorite but I'm using it less and less lately because it continuously hanks up or "stops responding"! Using Firefox more and more these days...
  5. Dvader


    Updated for Halloween... stop in and say hello
  6. Dvader


    Any and all constructive comments and/or suggestions about my web site are always welcome
  7. This problem solved in another post... please delete....
  8. WOW! Thank you... How did I miss that?! I feel really dumb now :) Thank you again...
  9. Is there a 3.x mod that will detect a user who is using a mobile device to access an IPB forum and automatically switch them to the forums mobile skin? Note: I do not want to use "adaptive" skins.
  10. Dvader


    Website Link : http://wwrhg.com Date of Creation : Started in 1982 as a "Dial Up" service (MPTBBS) current forum format was started/created several years ago. Site Description : The WWRHG web site is primarily about Hobbies, Muscle Cars, Radio, Electronics, Videos, Classic Movies, HAM Radio, CB Radio, Shortwave Radio, SWL, SDR, Computers and computer software etc. Recently added some IPB 3.x Tutorials Is the site's design complete? Yes the design is complete and final and has multiple "themes" to choose from. Is the site easily accessible? Yes, the site is hosted on a professional dedicated server Is the site active? Yes, New content is added on a daily basis. Does the site have content? Yes, Mostly Video Media.
  11. It's working better on my end now... I was able to delete an old signature I didn't want and upload another (a .jpg file)
  12. Can anyone tell me if there is a MOD that will detect when someone is logging into the forum (v3.4.x) and they are using an iPhone, Android or like device and automatically load the system's "Mobile" theme/skin? I do not want to use the "IPB Responsive by Tom Christian" as it is not compatible w/ most of my themes...
  13. Thought I found it but it turned out to be a bogus link... Still looking !
  14. Solved on this end Thanks for the help and suggestions where to look :)
  15. Found it in the \applications_addon\other\videos\xml\videos_root_templates.xml line# 1784 -1786 then I was able to determine whice "Members Videos" in the language section to edit to change it to what I wanted... (from "MEMBERS VIDEOS" to "MOST RECENT VIDEOS"
  16. Like I said... "yes, it's in there a number of times but not related to the videos header."
  17. I don't understand what you are referring to by "translate section" You mean "Manage Languages" yes, it's in there a number of times but not related to the videos header.
  18. I don't understand what you are referring to by "translate section"
  19. How or where do I change this header title for the recent movies box on IPB 3.4.8 from "MEMBERS VIDEOS" to something like "MOST RECENT MOVIES" This is the box that is displayed on the main menu page that shows the most recent "X" number of files (videos) uploaded to the videos section.
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