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Everything posted by RoSiCkY

  1. No probs. there is many hosts what don't allow nulled software most of them are cheap/free ones. Ps if u are getting that message ge just go to lang.xml and find <word key="license_error_none" js="0"><![CDATA[There is a problem with your license key. Please <a href='{internal.admin.app=core&module=settings&controller=licensekey}'>check your license key</a>]]></word> replace with <word key="license_error_none" js="0"></word> now the words are gone. It dont effect your forum nor with it stop you doing anything u would normally do. I cant understand how if you do get the message on admin panel why you don't see it at the top of your forum when logged in as admin
  2. not fully nulled? its the only one what is do u lot know what a null means? It means all back links removed no referral links to IPB. you think sweedens is nulled? do u think sandeeps is nulled? cos i tell u they are 100% not nulled not one backlink is removed. I test all my work fully and wont release it if it didn't work so maybe do ur checks before u say my work is false over 200 downloads and one person says they have a problem and u put my work down looool
  3. they cant even fully protect their own site what chance they got of securing urs. Stick to cloudflare this bloke works for them and is prob on commission
  4. admin-->system-->support Click something aint working and it will clear all cache
  5. Nice 1 mate, U can always install more php addons via ssh but if its working now I'd just let it be lol
  6. cool, Good luck let us know hopefully it'll fix it
  7. try 4.1.8 has problems that's why a day later they made Give it a try maybe that will fix it. Or check where the files are going Admin/Ssytem/Files/Storage Settings maybe u got them going to a non existent folder or maybe the folder has 644 permissions etc
  8. wow 4.1.8 released now 4.1.9 in development looooooool Idiots need to check things before they release them

    1. Sandeep


      ha ha lol right

  9. admin-->themes-->edit-->header
    Good App Few Bugs On 2.2.1 It Wont Allow You To Select All Groups In The Tick Box You Have To Highlight Them All And A Few Words Are Missing From Language File If AnyOne Wants To Add The Missing Words Add This To The Lang.xml In The Data Folder <word key="motm_no_results" js="0">No Results Found</word> <word key="frontnavigation_motm" js="0">Member of the Month</word> <word key="block_motmw1_desc" js="0">Voting Block</word> Change The Words To Your Liking, If You Edit It In Your FTP You Will Need To Uninstall The App Then Just Re-install It via Admin Panel Just Noticed 2.2.2 Is Released Maybe Its All Fixed In That But For Now There's Your Fix
  10. if you have the block set it could be that, My videos works fine but if I have the block showing I get the error But none of them active is fine
  11. best thing to do is disable all apps and plugins then check if the error happens if it don't then enable them one at a time and check if the error happens if it happens after u enabled one of them u know its that whats breaking ur site, Also check the system logs in the admin panel it might be a block what causes it, I have seen it happen with the videos app block where thats placed it will give a error until refreshed
  12. go to filezilla ftp and click on server and check FORCE SHOWING HIDDEN FILES a . file is hidden so unless u check to show them they stay hidden
  13. Go to the admin iAwards-->Settings-->Display If it still happens search support in admin panel click something isn't working let it clear all ur cache and then check it again
  14. WOW uploaded 4 files ALL REQUESTS still waiting to be approved yet files uploaded after me have been approved. looks like I wont be uploading any more of my files here if they cant be bothered to approve them

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. RoSiCkY


      no worries, I have nulls to 4.1.7 (full null made by me) if u want to test it lest me know and I'll send u private link to download and test

    3. Phun


      You also gotta understand that upload processing < community safety. We have the queue there so we can inspect and verify the files (to the best of our abilities) before they're available for download.

      The order of which may or may not also depend on the size of the file(s) you submitted. Thanks for understanding and we hope you know that we only want what's best for the community!

    4. RoSiCkY


      yh thats cool I do the same thing with uploads, I just see loads more get accepted hours before mine but when I looked again they are trusted uploaders so they bypass the approval

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