In all seriousness, this forum software and skin was built from scratch by the staff of WebFlake. It is not compatible with any of the applications by IPS, so all of the applications were required to be built from scratch. Here are some highlights of this new, cutting edge software:
[*]Since Paradizee spent long hours working on it, we have named it Insomniac Paradizee Board (IP.Board for short)
[*]Purple designed a new cookie-storage system which involves the use of actual cookies. Smugfly gained 25 pounds while beta testing this system.
[*]Justin developed an all-new control panel named Access Controlled for Phun (ACP for short). Basically, it provides a fake control panel for Phun to mess around in, while giving the staff piece of mind that he can't destroy anything.
[*]Cody developed the Report System, which has a great new feature which automatically places all members who have filed reports about other members in the "drama queen" secondary group.
[*]Evarni designed the all-new Donation system - which not only gives donating members special privileges here at WebFlake - portions of all donations are automatically used toward the monthly renewals of Evarni's membership at Geek Girls Gone Wild.
[*]Hidden Ninja worked behind the scenes, and we're actually not sure what in the hell he did. He is, after all, Ninja.
[*]Jrock designed the Favicon. We made him think he was the only staff member who knew how to spell "W". Disclaimer: No actual ponies were hurt in the development of this website. If you suffer from an erection lasting more than 6 hours - whoo hoo! This site may cause women to become barren and heighten the sensitivity of nipples in men. If you see elephants, please call animal control. Not to be used while skydiving. WebFlake has been associated with steady weight gain. Children who are prone to stupidity should avoid using WebFlake. We are not responsible if your anus becomes red or irritated.