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Rinto Kagamine

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Everything posted by Rinto Kagamine

  1. Hi, a few days ago I made this topic for the issue in y 3.x community Now I am having the exact same issue in my 4.x community. Can anyone help?
  2. thank you very much for the help, Phun. I found the setting under System Settings > Security and Privacy and I enabled it.
  3. Hello, Recently I started a nulled 3.4.9 community, I also have Cloudflare on the site. However, today I went to look at all the registered people so far and some have the same IP so I went to check each IP on Infosniper.net and it they all said Cloudflare. Meaning I can't see the real IP's of my users as I should be. how can I fix this issue? thanks in advance.
  4. So a demo of XenForo 2.x is out. What do you all think about it? Here is a link to the demo: https://xf2demo.xenforo.com/
  5. If your adsense account is new it could take a while until they activate your service.
  6. Have you pasted your Adsense code in System > Site Promotion > Advertisements?
  7. Update: Solved this myself. I had to make an account as a member then in PHPMyadmin I changed my usergroup to the Admin and I was able to get in.
  8. Hello, I installed IPB 3.4.9 and when the installation was finished this happens: There's no username meaning I can't sign in at all. Then I went into PHPMyadmin to change the name from there and it says done succesfully but when I come back, still no change. I also deleted everything then tried with IPB 3.4.8 and 3.4.6 and still same results.
  9. ACP > Menu Manager > Create Dropdown Menu. you can be really creative with it.
  10. I solved it. the issue was that I had no access to the award permissions and had forgotten to configure them.
  11. Hello, So I have IPB 4.1.15 and iAwards I added my awards, set the perms right and here they are but when I go to award a user this happens I have no idea why. all the perms are set right
  12. Yes, as long as you are in an offshore server you will be fine. You can use nulled in offshore.
  13. Welcome to the forum. Technically speaking Nulled forums are illegal. These need to be in an offshore host because they do not care about these copy right laws in the countries where the hosts are. If you were to upload a nulled board in an Onshore host then you could get in trouble, or they'll just take it down. However nulled boards are installed on servers the same way a retail version would. When you find an offshore host (theres many in google) you can then upload your board there and it should be fine and you'll be able to start your community.
  14. Hello, I'm trying to install IPB for my sister in law's site. It's a new cpanel and ftp account, I'm not upgrading or anything and I get an http error 500 when I go to my url to begin the installation. I'm using this software: I opened a ticket to the host and this is what they said which I dont know what they mean.
  15. Welcome to the Dark Side
  16. is the application on it's latest version? could also be a compatibility issue. Also uninstalling and reinstalling may be a good idea too.
  17. I'm pretty sure I have the answer and that it's right but I'd like to make sure before I do anything I have nulled board in an offshore host. If I were to legally buy an IPB license I just reupload the files from the retail version and overwrite the nulled ones and change my license key, correct? Then I can take a full backup of my community and switch to an onshore host?
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