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Cookie Monster

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Everything posted by Cookie Monster

  1. Welcome to webflake @Stormie Glad to see that others take the path I didn't do. Question, you say you specilize in developing web programs ? What type of languages is this for ? Or care to give me an example. Well or the security part ? Also a tiny tip, make sure you check out our Community Guidelines
  2. Normally we do not provide support for having the same as we do here, but this can be considered a general IPS question so I will give my answer. AdminCP > Community > Forum > Settings > New Questions > Questions which have not received any answers. Let me know if that solved it @BritishBorders
  3. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  4. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  5. Did that fix it for you ? If it did please select best answer to the LEFT side of the avatars, so others can get help as well, and feel free to give + for others that are helpful.
  6. You can replace the default photo with a different one like this AdminCP > Customization > Your Theme > Manage Resources > Search > "default_photo.png" Click on edit. For best result name it the same if the name that is uploaded is "84c1e40ea0e759e3f1505eb1788ddf3c_default_photo.png" Then rename it and replace it. if this does not work then upload it as default_photo.png
  7. Welcome back to Webflake! Glad to see people come back Oh and just have a quick read on our Community Guidelines. Again welcome back to Webflake!
  8. I don't belive its caching. Try set it to PHP 5.6 and refresh. Though i belive its your database that is not converted or not correct. PS try delete cookies and cache on your computer or share a link to the website so i can inspect it a bit
  9. What caching service are you using ? You could also try AdminCP > System > Support > Something isn't working to clear bad cache.
  10. Wow MoTM. Thanks guys and girls <3 

  11. So when you move you need to do a few things Backup, backup, backup ? Did i say backup yeah i mean it. Have a backup with a hidden backup of a backup thats stored! You can not ever have to much backup. Restore back to the original domain. Copy the files and copy the database to new domain. Change global_conf.php and only change the following a) BoardURL b) DB info (So user etc) Try, if this fails, please try the next step. Download the database to your computer. Open in Notepad++, Atom.io, Visual Coder. Anything except word or notepad (It might be a big file) Do a search and replace for the following yoursub.domain.com replace with yourdomain.com Replace INSERT INTO with REPLACE, or delete the database that is the new one (You have a backup so keep the old and delete the new, then upload your modified version) Check conf_global in step 4. Try the board Let me know if this works. So when you move you need to do a few things Backup, backup, backup ? Did i say backup yeah i mean it. Have a backup with a hidden backup of a backup thats stored! You can not ever have to much backup. Restore back to the original domain. Copy the files and copy the database to new domain. Change global_conf.php and only change the following a) BoardURL b) DB info (So user etc) Try, if this fails, please try the next step. Download the database to your computer. Open in Notepad++, Atom.io, Visual Coder. Anything except word or notepad (It might be a big file) Do a search and replace for the following yoursub.domain.com replace with yourdomain.com Replace INSERT INTO with REPLACE, or delete the database that is the new one (You have a backup so keep the old and delete the new, then upload your modified version) Check conf_global in step 4. Try the board Let me know if this works.
  12. So to do this there is a few important STEPS. Its case sensetive, meaning if lets say Norway is written as Norway (Notice big N) in the Country list then the image name needs to be the exact same. So Norway (Norway.png) not norway.png etc Make sure that there are no spaces etc, if there is spaces in the names etc United Kingdom then the image name is United Kingdom.png (Notice the space between the words) ------------------------------------ So how to do this. With FTP you need to locate your forum folder and upload folder. Create a new folder call it custom or whatever you want Navigate to AdminCP > Members > Profiles | Select to edit the Country Fields you had installed. Find Display Format and paste this code. <img src="httpX://YOURURL/uploads/custom/{content}.png" alt="{title}"></img> Notice the X, YOURURL and CUSTOM these needs to be replaced with the following. X = S if you are using https (So with SSL on this would be https, if no ssl its http) YOURURL your forum url custom = the foldername you created in uploads folder. .png (Change this to whatever the file extention is .jpg .png .gif etc) Make sure ALL IMAGES have the same extention. To explain what the code does, it will take the title of the country in the field, and put that in front of the .png This should give you like this
  13. Care to explain a bit more what you are tying to achieve? Is this ment to be on the forum you execute the script or?
  14. Normally if it is grayed out like that, it could be that you have sub forums in there. If that is the case i would suggest selecting both the sub forums to make it work. Also i do not belive you can setup RSS on a empty forum but don't quote me on it, i just think that there is a function that will check if there is any content there.
  15. I would presume you can google to find them. But you still need to match them all up etc.
  16. Version 1.0.0


    This is the icons that can be used for this guide
  17. For information I have created a guide with the buttons, Credits to original idea goes to @Luca Munich I just simplified it a bit and added some buttons.
  18. Info boxes with buttons (Warning, Alert, Success, Danger, Info) The orginal topic is located here Though i found out i wanted to make it a simpler way with buttons to sort this then cut and paste code. Let's get started. You need to download this, it only contains some icons to use, but you can use any icons you want. But for this tutorial i made some predefined icons from link below. Navigate to AdmnCP > Customization > Themes > Your Theme > Edit HTML & CSS > CSS > custom.css Please note that if you have multiple themes you need to add it to all themes that you want this working to. Paste in the code below in custom.css /* Simple Alert boxes from Cookie Monster */ .alert { padding: 20px; background-color: #f44336; color: white; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 0.6s; margin-bottom: 15px; width: 75%; text-align: center } .alert.success {background-color: #4CAF50;} .alert.info {background-color: #2196F3;} .alert.warning {background-color: #ff9800;} /* End of Simple Alert boxes by Cookie Monster */ Save Navigate to AdminCP > Customization > Editor > Toolbars Click Add Button > Custom - Now fill it out like this (After each button is filled out click save) Click to reveal each step from Alert, Success, Info, Warning. (Don't skip) Alert That is all the buttons, so now lets make it look a bit better You should have a button called "Add Toolbar", click on this then drag all icons into the new line. You can also change permissions per button by clicking on the button and select Permissions (So only mods and admins can set it) I Hope this guides help people and if it did please use the and give it a GREEN Plus to feed me a cookie.
  19. All i said was that you where missing -moz and -webkit for crossbrowser. Notthing about the icons.
  20. Welcome to Webflake @mr-pimpen Please remember to read our Community Guidelines and enjoy your stay!
  21. So i fiddled a bit with a script that you can do, but you need to create variables to capture the data from the user. <?php $request = new HttpRequest(); $request->setUrl('https://YOURURLTOFORUM/api/core/members'); $request->setMethod(HTTP_METH_POST); $request->setHeaders(array( 'authorization' => 'Basic INSERTAPIKEY', 'content-type' => 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' )); $request->setContentType('application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); $request->setPostFields(array( 'name' => '$_POST['username']', 'email' => '$_POST['email']', 'password' => '$_POST['password']', 'group' => '3' // This is the usergroup by default set to member remember to check so you don't create loads of admin accounts. )); try { $response = $request->send(); echo $response->getBody(); } catch (HttpException $ex) { echo $ex; } To get your API key. -> AdminCP > System > Rest API > Download the .htaccess file upload to /api folder. Click Continue Generate a key, give access to GET and POST for system and members. (So you can get a responds etc) You can give more security by specifying IP but for this i would not recommend it at least until you know it works. What you need to edit Need to change the URL to your forum. Insert your new APIkey in the autorization but leave BASIC there, so it should say Basic SPACE YOURAPIKEY In the array you need to add the fields you grabbed from your previous post. I tested this on my forum and this was the result
  22. Well sure can pay me for it if you want i won't promise anything but i'm having a test on my own forum board at the moment.
  23. Well what you show me there i belive is XenForo registration. But it seems you can use the same information atleast some of it name,password,email Then you create ajax request to /core/members but remember you need to be authenticated before you do this. Else it will fail, so i would belive it should be in this order. Create auth to api to endpoint /core/hello Grab the registration details that you already showed Create another AJAX responds and post to /core/members with the information in the array. If you post $register_data array to /core/members i belive it will fail as some of the information is not what the API is looking for. Also you are not handling errors or what happends when you get a certain responds, so you need to create an error handler for resp, and reject.
  24. Just to say in your last code, your missing a few things for cross-browser comparability -moz-border-radius: 2px; -webkit-border-radius: 2px; border-radius: 2px; color: #fff; margin-bottom: 10px; padding: 15px 15px 15px 45px; position: relative; Note the -moz-border-radius and -webkit-border-radius More info about this can be found here
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