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Cookie Monster

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  1. Sure you can PM me your link i can have a look see what i can find out.
  2. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  3. So it was localhost that was the trouble? Did you get it resolved @Salazar
  4. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  5. Thank you i have replied. So what i found out. You have defined the following width: 150px height: 300px this will cause all images to stretch, you can fix this by replacing height: 300px with 100% that way if a image is lets say 250px high it will be that if a picture is 50px high then it will be that. So it will atleast look better.
  6. It depends if you have FURL (Friendly URL) enabled or not. See below to enable it If enabled it is by default /staff if its not enabled i belive its yourdomain.com/index.php?app=core&module=staffdirectory&controller=directory I belive he hasnt enabled FURL AdminCP > System > Site Promotion > Search Engine Optimization Enable Rewrite URL's, download the htaccess file, upload it to the root of your forum and rename it to .htaccess note the dot infront of the file What is FURL Read about it here
  7. I would presume you need to sort the CSS correctly, do you have a link to the forum and i be more then happy to take a look.
  8. Great guide for when people want to add that! Thanks for helping out @Salazar Personally I will not be using it, as the staff directory kind of says each group. But could possible be cool to add their group image etc.
  9. I would try set English as default langauge then remove the other language you have then install the new language.
  10. Well if you want you can PM me with an temp admin and i can try sort your problem. What language are you trying to add (Is it a webflake release etc? )
  11. What i ment with it is that i can't help you make it as an exact match to it. Though i belive this is the donation postbit Well it uses it and there is a settings option to enable it (If that was the question) Is there anything special of postbits you want to display ? Most custom fields can be displayed, by go to AdminCP > Members > Profiles > Select any of the bits or create one, and there is a setting to customize each individual postbit. Display format - This can be used with span and div to be controlled with CSS Hope this answers your post.
  12. One thing i always tell people is to read this But to answer you, i belive the donor part is part of a plugin by my guess.
  13. Well first i would suggest define some fields ? So we can work with anything. I mean the question is like saying. I want a fast car, anything will do. Well, blue, yellow, 100 million, 10 million ? 5 bucks. There is so many choices. The Arrows in the photo is pointing i would say no where. So you want text there, images, urls? You are also stating you want them for mobile, can it be showed on desktop as well or only on mobile ?
  14. Just to add to @Davlin reply here as well, there was a known issue with 4.1.18 that had issues importing xml files etc. So i would suggest to upgrade just as Davlin just said then try it again.
  15. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  16. Well in your example code, you even included my Skype in plain text . @SOilRa Have a read at this topic I made a more detailed guide how to style them. The Simple answer i would say here is the following. Create 2 custom CSS classes in custom.css (see the topic i linked for more info) (1 left, 1 right) Apply it to each individual element, so a span left for each image should then keep them in line even though they are a list, Don't apply it to the code in templates, but apply it to display format on each element. Have a read on this helpful ressource about inline-blocks As i tried to explain in the topic linked above, using only left, will make them a row. Use left and right to make them like the Software, Version etc. The line item code does not matter, we have the power of CSS, so you can do however you feel with 99% of most tags. Here was an example of making ul, li tags so lists like you talked about in 1 line https://www.w3schools.com/cssref/tryit.asp?filename=trycss_float5 Have a spin and test it. Nothing is impossible.
  17. I always tell people that want the same list as with webflake to read this. The simple term to explain it (Except that @Stormie keeps just taking code out from chrome developer console) Create a span item on each image with span and float left. If each display item has float left then they will be in line as well. Use custom.css to add a custom span class and add that to each item.
  18. That looks to me like margin-left or margin that is a bit to wide. and should be found in the CSS but as @Hidden Ninja and @Stormie pointed out without any link we can't just guess it.
  19. Sounds cool, though from a programmers view of things, PHP is dead. (Well dead and dead good language but not very used anymore) jQuery is not a language and neither is Bootstrap, jQuery is a simplified JavaScript library while Bootstrap is a Framework. Though for white hackers. I do love the part of security myself only tinker around with some aspects of Kali etc. But then again its all about keeping an open mind.
  20. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  21. The question(s) in this support topic have been answered and the topic author has resolved their issue. This topic is now closed. If you have other questions, please open a new topic.
  22. I would presume you can use Jquery to achive this with a code like this var index = $('#elQuestionsTabs a[href="#elNewQuestions"]').parent().index(); $('#elQuestionsTabs').tabs('select', index); Not sure what Jquery version IPS 4.1 is running but if its jQuery =>1.9 var index = $('#elQuestionsTabs a[href="#elNewQuestions"]').parent().index(); $("#elQuestionsTabs").tabs("option", "active", index); This is a theory and needs to be run inside a <script> </script> tag. I havnt tested it but its more of an Idea how to select it etc.
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