Well in your example code, you even included my Skype in plain text .
Have a read at this topic
I made a more detailed guide how to style them.
The Simple answer i would say here is the following.
Create 2 custom CSS classes in custom.css (see the topic i linked for more info) (1 left, 1 right)
Apply it to each individual element, so a span left for each image should then keep them in line even though they are a list,
Don't apply it to the code in templates, but apply it to display format on each element.
Have a read on this helpful ressource about inline-blocks
As i tried to explain in the topic linked above, using only left, will make them a row. Use left and right to make them like the Software, Version etc.
The line item code does not matter, we have the power of CSS, so you can do however you feel with 99% of most tags.
Here was an example of making ul, li tags so lists like you talked about in 1 line
Have a spin and test it. Nothing is impossible.