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Everything posted by Djlatino

  1. Phun is also bae.

    1. TJ.


      The admin equality is real

    2. Djlatino
  2. People who smoke Alcohol consumption in excess. Some people just don't know when to stop. Yes, I'm fun at parties.
  3. This looks great, I added the bbcode + script after footer so I could use it in my member group.
  4. This is fairly simple, and it's actually hilarious how this works, but this was a find that I found that may help a couple of ya'll. My forum's niche is bruteforcing, and recaptcha actually stops 70% of skids out there, so it doesn't hurt to add this to your forum at all. What you need installed before hand: Login Captcha 1.1.0 Be sure to look at the instructions for both this and Login Captcha! Now, if you go to System > System Settings > Members > Spam Prevention and enable recaptcha, it will show the login captcha and registration page captcha, but if you select recaptcha 2, it'll only show for the registration page. That's where this nifty tutorial comes in. Go to your FTP, and go to the your /ips_kernel/classCaptchaPlugin/ folder. You'll have a couple .php files: recaptcha.php and recaptcha2.php. Rename recaptcha.php -> recaptcha.php.bk and recaptcha2.php -> recaptcha.php Then go back to System > System Settings > Members > Spam Prevention and enable recaptcha (not recaptcha 2!). Boom. Done. Check your login page Now, there comes the predicament that if you're using the mobile skin, people can just change the user-agent in their bots and they bypass your captcha. Well, as much as I love to get the recaptcha to show in the mobile login as well, the only work around I found was this: I noticed that if I just added some URL Remapping, that I can get the login to only show the full skin login page as that's the only one that has the recaptcha attached. But that's easier said than done. Because of some really weird way the array was ordered in the PHP of publicOutput, you need to change the order of as stated here and to do so you need to: Go to your /admin/sources/classes/output/ folder Open up publicOutput.php Find fetchskinbyurl Order the line as foreach( array( '_fetchSkinByURLMap', '_fetchByMobileApp', '_fetchSkinByUserAgent', '_fetchSkinByApp', '_fetchSkinByMemberPrefs', '_fetchSkinByDefault' ) as $function )and save Go to your main skin's URL Remapping settings Click "Add New URL" Make the info as such app=core&module=global&section=loginand save changes Done. Check out the login on your phone and you should be redirected to your full skin login page instead of your recaptcha-less mobile skin! This is actually something that I highly advise all IPB forums use as bruteforcing is incredibly easy on us
  5. This is so rad, why doesn't this have more appraisal?
  6. Just a heads up to anyone trying to install the new shoutbox: I did so last month, and it's NOT the same as the one you'd pay for. Do not upgrade from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 unless the author is "Pete Tong". If it isn't, you need to remove your shoutbox, and install the fresh 1.4.2

    1. dongly007


      whats wrong with 1.4.2

    2. Galaxy


      "... and it's NOT the same as the one you'd pay for. Do not upgrade from 1.4.1 to 1.4.2 unless the author is "Pete Tong"..."

  7. I'm pretty sure that's a directory error, I'm curious to see your settings for IP.Downloads>Settings in your ACP. Mind giving us a screenshot of the entire thing?
  8. MyBB is such a great products for those starting out, hopefully you and Phun can sort it out!
  9. Ya, one time UPS delivered my TI-84, and the fool dropped the box, tearing it in two. So, yes, my box has been cracked. Welcome to WebFlake. Be sure to read the rules, you don't want to get smacked around here~
  10. One thing that is extremely underrated in the design community is the ability to create themes that orient some kind of niche, specifically some kind of game palette. If you can get this going with an actual made up theme, you'll get made props from me, because I know from experience how this can be a bitch sometimes.
  11. Please, Virus. That part of our forum is custom coded. No hook, or anything. Learn a bit of PHP and you should be good
  12. Definitely battery life. The only reason why I rooted my S4 was so that I could get rid of NlpShitCollector wake locks. This baby now lasts me over a day and a half
  13. Djlatino

    MyBB or IPB?

    If you're just starting out in making forums, I'd definitely try MyBB first. It gets you accustomed to handling a backend, and if it wasn't for MyBB, I wouldn't know have the shit I know now. That being said, if you want to keep a good activity flow in terms of social intergration, IPB is the way to go.
  14. Thanks for the clarification, I think that's what members were worried about, is if it was something definitive.
  15. That's why I say that it might be a good suggestion to say that the virustotal scan is there for people to see, rather than it being something a rule to have 0/54.
  16. Version 1.0.3


    [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']Notifies members when someone rated their posts[/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']By default, notifications are working with the "Like System (Positive rep only, visible names)" type of reputation[/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']This hook extends reputation notifications[/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue'] [/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']Work with:[/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']- Positive Reputation Points[/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']- Negative Reputation Points[/font][/color] [color=rgb(82,82,82)][font='Helvetica Neue']- Both Positive and Negative Reputation Points[/font][/color]
  17. I need a new TV show to watch.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Djlatino


      Definitely going to try Gotham. Thanks!

    3. modoprueba


      House of Cards or Dexter (Netflix Complete)

    4. NichoTheMan
  18. Actually, false positives shouldn't occur at all, especially with anything pertaining to languages such as PHP. As mentioned, better safe than sorry. I wouldn't go near a script that had false positives. Keygens and pirate shit like that, that's a different story. They use packagers that get blacklisted because of the high rate of use, just for piracy. With PHP scripts, this isn't the case. EDIT: I just uploaded my first share to you guys, and I indeed got a false positive, just for an HTML template: https://www.virustotal.com/en/file/e3fb3606b6ebde28a473ab611184da5379da0744ad50b6686132852e6a6d4f0c/analysis/1420698175/ That being said, I think it's best if we keep it to 0, but to keep in mind that this was a false positive simply because of how the designer of the template made his theme. Whatever the final verdict is of this new requirement, you, the Staff of WebFlake, should point out that the person has to take caution into account, and that the virustotal requirement is there to help them, no more, no less. Also,
  19. He probably can't download it because he isn't letting the cool down finish. It happened to me too when I tried bypassing it way back.
  20. Version 1.2.1


    [quote] Welcome to [b]Angle Theme[/b], flat design from another angle. A [b]multi-purpose[/b], [b]ultra-flexible[/b], [b]fully responsive[/b] html5 template. Angle is the [b]Ultimate Boostrap Flat template[/b] and you can use it to make any kind of web site.[/quote] For more information,[code=auto:0]http://themeforest.net/item/angle-flat-responsive-bootstrap-template/8241353[/code] Honestly, it's a great HTML template, and if you like it, I strongly suggest you spend the money on it to have it updated as the dev. does such a good job with support on it. But hey, enough dick-riding and go ahead and enjoy this thing, I know I did!
  21. This method can be used for any kind of forum board, or any kind of site for that matter. However, you would need to use IP ranges instead of just 1 IP if your ISP provides dynamic IPs, which can be done with adding /#, i.e. <Files admin.php> Order Deny,Allow Deny from all Allow from 777.77.77.0/777 </Files>
  22. You need to be more decisive with your question on "url Linked Downloads" - I honestly tried to interpret what you were asking, but couldn't understand, which is probably why no one has helped you.
  23. Forums are made because there is a lack of communication upon a specific niche. The bonus, is making money from it, but that's beside the point. To make a forum is to fill that void, and nothing more. However, if that void doesn't exist, there isn't any point in making a forum.
  24. Honestly, it's a matter of choice. vB takes this full on static design approach, where as IPB has been up with times, where by default little things like ajax notifications are implemented without any sort of mod. I used to be a big vB fan, and I still am due to the fact that that's what I grew up on, but if I had to choose which was better for the end-user, it'd have to be IPB.
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